• ベストアンサー

"Muhammad also led Medina's governm

"Muhammad also led Medina's government in a war with Mecca." "in a war"をどう訳せばいいか教えてください

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

毎度です、お邪魔します、 Muhammad also led Medina's government in a war with Mecca." 直訳 「メッカとの戦いでムハマドはメディナ政庁を率いた。」 意訳 「ムハマドはメディナ政庁を率いてメッカと戦った。」 熟語成語ではありませんが、、、 in a war with ~~~ ~~~~との戦いで ~~~~と戦って これは一般にこんな風に良く使用されます、 The government, in a war with air pollution, is going to set up anti-air pollution act soon.

その他の回答 (2)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

二番です、「also」が欠落しておりました。 直訳 「メッカとの戦いで(また)(一方で)ムハマドはメディナ政庁を率いた。」 意訳 「(将又)ムハマドはメディナ政庁を率いてメッカと戦った。」


ムハンマドはメッカとの戦いでメディナを率いた。 ムハンマドはメディナを率いてメッカと戦った。


  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Medina, an Islamic holy city in Arabia, underwent a long siege during World War I. Medina was at the time part of the Ottoman Empire. In the war, the Ottoman Empire sided with the Central Powers. Sharif Hussain of Mecca betrayed and revolted against the caliph and the Ottoman Empire which, under the leadership of the secular and nationalistic Young Turks, had ignored the wishes of the Caliph and sided with the Central Powers. Hussain instead sided with the British Empire. T. E. Lawrence was instrumental in this revolt. Hussain occupied Mecca and besieged Medina. It was one of the longest sieges in history that lasted till even after the end of war. Fahreddin Pasha was the defender of Medina. He was called "the Lion of the Desert" by the British press for his patriotism in Medina. The siege lasted two years and seven months.

  • alsoの対象

    http://edition.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/02/16/cold.flu.myths/ こちらの記事の第三章、Resistance variesの中の Just as there are a lot of different viruses, every individual is different in ability to resist colds, Greenspan said. There is probably a genetic component, but it also has to do with exposure in the past. この段落についてなのですが、後半の文章を訳してみると 恐らく遺伝子レベルの構成要素があるが、これもまた過去に暴かれた事と関係している。 という風に訳せました。 しかしいまいちスッキリとしません、alsoが何に対してのalsoなのかもわかりません。 後半のThereから始まる文章の訳と、alsoの対象を教えてください。

  • I’m also monogamous

    I am a bisexual man in my 20s. I prefer women, but I have had casual sexual relationships with men. I’m also monogamous. I am comfortable with my sexuality and realize that it’s fine to be attracted to both genders but to still have a pretty strong preference. I’m also monogamousは「一夫一婦主義」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    In early June 1916, the Sharifian Army of Sherif Hussein, Amir of Mecca, launched attacks on the Ottoman garrisons in Mecca and Jeddah in the south western Arabian Peninsula. Jedda fell quickly allowing the Royal Navy to use the port. Fighting in Mecca lasted three weeks. A large Ottoman garrison held out at Taif until late September when they capitulated, while Sherif Hussein's third son Feisal attacked the Ottoman garrison at Medina. The British were keen to extend the Arab Revolt by destabilizing sections of the Ottoman Empire through which the Hejaz Railway ran north – south, from Istanbul to Damascus and on to Amman, Maan, Medina and to Mecca. The railway, built with German assistance to carry pilgrims, was not only important for Ottoman communications but contained solidly-built stone station buildings which could form defensive positions. With the balance of power in northern Sinai moving in favour of the British, the Sherif was encouraged to seek support for his revolt from as far north as Baalbek, north of Damascus. In London, the War Office, hoping to foment unrest throughout the Ottoman Arab territories, encouraged Murray's plan to advance to El Arish.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Austria-Hungary had been warned by Russia that the Russian government would not tolerate Austria-Hungary crushing Serbia. However, with Germany supporting Austria-Hungary's actions, the Austro-Hungarian government hoped that Russia would not intervene and that the conflict with Serbia would be a regional conflict. Austria-Hungary's invasion of Serbia resulted in Russia declaring war on the country and Germany in turn declared war on Russia, setting off the beginning of the clash of alliances that resulted in the World War.

  •  Just as ..., so also....は一般的な表現でしょうか?

     Just as ..., so....の表現はよく見かけますが、次のようにsoの後にさらにalsoのつく表現はどの程度一般的な表現なのでしょう? 確立した表現なのでしょうか?    COBUILDなどの学習英英辞典にはsoのあとにtooのくる例文は取り上げられていますが、このalsoを用いたものは今のところ見つかりませんでした。 Just as you and I can standf in front of a mirror and see our images, so also does the federal government budget reflect America.  (かつての慶應大の入試問題が出典です。)

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    With British support, an initial attack led by Hussein's son Feisal was launched against Medina in October 1916; however, the Arabs were repulsed with heavy losses by the Turks, who were heavily-entrenched and armed with artillery, which the Arabs lacked. As the Arab Revolt slowly spread northwards along the Red Sea (ultimately culminating in the seizure of Aqaba), British and Arab strategy for capturing Medina changed, and Faisal and his advisers was determined that the Arabs would gain an advantage by leaving Medina unoccupied; this would force the Turks to retain troops to defend Medina, and to protect the Hejaz Railway, the only means of supplying the city. For this purpose, Nuri as-Said set about creating military training camps in Mecca under the direction of General 'Aziz 'Ali al-Misri. Using a mix of Bedouin volunteers, Arab officers and Arab Ottoman deserters who wanted to join the Arab Revolt, 'Aziz 'Ali created three infantry brigades, a mounted brigade, an engineering unit, and three different artillery groups made up of a patchwork of varying cannon and heavy caliber machine guns. Of his total force of 30,000, 'Aziz 'Ali proposed that it be divided into three armies:

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    With British support, an initial attack led by Hussein's son Feisal was launched against Medina in October 1916; however, the Arabs were repulsed with heavy losses by the Turks, who were heavily-entrenched and armed with artillery, which the Arabs lacked. As the Arab Revolt slowly spread northwards along the Red Sea (ultimately culminating in the seizure of Aqaba), British and Arab strategy for capturing Medina changed, and Faisal and his advisers was determined that the Arabs would gain an advantage by leaving Medina unoccupied; this would force the Turks to retain troops to defend Medina, and to protect the Hejaz Railway, the only means of supplying the city.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Russian government promised Germany that its general mobilization did not mean preparation for war with Germany but was a reaction to the events between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. The German government regarded the Russian promise of no war with Germany to be nonsense in light of its general mobilization, and Germany in turn mobilized for war. On August 1, Germany sent an ultimatum to Russia stating that since both Germany and Russia were in a state of military mobilization, an effective state of war existed between the two countries.

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)He hold Truman that with nuclear weapons he could not only quickly end the war in Korea,but also "strike a blocking blow to international communism." (2)His idea of making the Korean War into a world war against communism was not popular in Washington. どなたかこの2つの英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします。