• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

(脅威を取り除くために) 子どもを押し倒す ... では?^^



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  • 英語の訳をして欲しいです

     一度訳したのですがどうしても変な訳になって内容があまりよくつかめないのでどなたか訳していただけませんか⁇ Eventually in a friendship one can begin to take small services for granted - the loan of a dress, a phone call to find out vital information - but no one expects a real sacrifice. No matter how desperately my friend might need a babysitter, she would never ask me to miss a day's work to take care of her child. I have sometimes been very confused when foreign friends did remarkable things for me - drove me great distances or took the subway to the airport to meet me. Such things are not in our vocabulary, and I find it difficult to respond. For the average American, the feeling of being indebted is practically a physical pain. When a neighbor had to store some things in my freezer after hers broke down, she could not rest until she had made me a special dinner. I rescued another neighbor's runaway dog, and she brought me a cake. In point of fact, most of us are human and like to be helpful and would not mind receiving only thanks for a good deed. It is not a coincidence that the only person on our block who borrows our garden tools was born in trinidad. We are delighted to loan them, but our other neighbors would rather buy their own, even if it means spendng a lot for something they use once a year.

  • 日本語訳に添削をお願いします。

    長文ですが、添削お願いいたします。 Blast fishing is an illegal fishing method which involves setting off bombs in the water to kill as many fish as possible. 爆発漁猟は、できるだけ多くの魚を殺すために水の中で爆弾を作動させる必要がある密漁方法だ。 Its negative effects on a reef are significant; it kills most living things and causes great damage to the reef's structure. 礁に対するその負の影響は、重大だ;それは大部分の生物を殺して、礁の構造に大きな損害を引き起す。 Fishing with liquid cyanide, a very dangerous and deadly material, is another threat to reef ecosystems, particularly in the Philippines. 特にフィリピンで、非常に危険で致命的な材料である液体シアン化物による釣りは、礁生態系に対するもう一つの脅威だ。 Fishermen release liquid cyanide into the reef and collect the stunned fish, which are then sold for big money to the aquarium market, or for consumption in restaurants. 漁師は礁へ液体シアン化物を放出して、呆然とする魚を集め、それからそれは大金のために、水族館市場もしくはレストランで使うために売られる。 The fishermen often break apart the reef to look for hiding fish. 漁師は、隠れている魚を探すために岩礁をしばしば壊す。 The cyanide also kills large numbers of coral polyps, leaving large areas of the reef dead. シアン化物も多数のコーラルポリープを殺す、そして、岩礁の広域を死んだままにする。 Reefs are also damaged when coral is taken for building material, jewelry, or aquarium ornaments. 珊瑚が建築資材、宝石または水族館の装飾と考えられるとき、岩礁も損害を受ける。 Water pollution also results in damage. 水質汚染も、破損に終わる。 In addition, the recent warming of the oceans has caused areas of many reefs to turn white. これに加えて、最近の海の温暖化は、多くの岩礁の区域が白くなる原因になった。 Biologists are concerned that coral may be negatively impacted by further warming. 珊瑚が、更なる温暖化から否定的な影響を受ける場合があることを、生物学者は心配している。 Threats to coral reefs are serious, but there is reason to hope that they will manage to survive. 珊瑚礁に対する脅威は深刻である、しかし、それらがなんとか生き残ることを望む理由がある。 If we take steps toward coral reef conservation, it is likely that these tiny creatures, which have survived natural threats for millions of years, will be able to rebuild the damaged reefs that so many ocean animals and plants depend on. 我々が珊瑚礁の保護の方へ処置をとるならば、何百万年の間も自然の脅威から生き残った、これらの小さい生きものが、それほど多くの海洋動植物が依存する損害を受けた岩礁を作り直すことができそうである。

  • cut down onの品詞は?

    NHK実践ビジネス英語2019年4月Lesson 2(5)のUedaさんの台詞で、 I've read that the single biggest thing we as individuals can do to lessen our impact on the environment is cut down on the number of airplane trips we take. とあります。 この “cut down on”は、「(飛行機旅行を)減らすこと」という主格補語と思いますが、 “cut”の品詞は何ですか?形からは原形不定詞に見えますが、まるで動名詞のような使い方に見えます。それとも名詞?これって普通の使い方ですか? Ueda: Your point about flying less is a good one. I've read that the single biggest thing we as individuals can do to lessen our impact on the environment is cut down on the number of airplane trips we take. @2019年4月L2(5)

  • 英語の、訳・意味を、教えて下さい。

    英語の訳を、どなたか、お願いします。 --- ●(1) Hi, We do not delete accounts unless they are removed or made private on Twitter as we work to the Twitter Privacy guidelines of if the information is public then we aggregate the content. If it is not then we remove all associations to any data associated with that Twitter account. For further information on Twitter's privacy policy please see here: http://twitter.com/privacy Once you have met these requirements please put in a takedown request here: http://help.tweetmeme.com/takedown-requests/ Alternatively if you wish to keep your account public you can log into TweetMeme with your Twitter login details and go to your profile on TweetMeme where you can set visibility to hidden. Many thanks Sarah Community Manager TweetMeme.com http://blog.tweetmeme.com http://help.tweetmeme.com http://twitter.com/talktweetmeme googleの、翻訳は、これです。→http://p.tl/w81l --- ●(2) WebMaster Questions Please contact the WebMaster for questions regarding our website only. Take Down Requests should be placed on our Takedown Request Page and not via this form. googleの、翻訳は、これです。→http://p.tl/w7Q9 --- 上記の、英文の、意味を教えて頂けると、助かります。 御教授、よろしくお願いします。

  • Bush Proposing $145

    Though the details must still be negotiated, both the White House and Congressional Democrats are leaning heavily toward a combination similar to the one the administration turned to in 2001 as a recession-fighting tool. It would include a one-time tax rebate for individuals and an immediate expansion in the deductions that businesses take for investment in equipment. >an immediate expansion in the deductions that businesses take for investment in equipment http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/19/washington/19fiscal.html?ex=1358398800&en=1a3e99eb5ac3a031&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss は 企業が「設備投資に関して受ける控除」の点での速やかな範囲の拡大 でよろしいでしょうか。expansion in the deductionsがうまく訳せません。日本のものもチェックしましたがあっさりしすぎていました。 違うサイトで同じところなので、同じことを言っているはずですが >an immediate expansion in the deductions businesses write down for investment in equipment http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20080119/NEWS/801190700/-1/RSS01 企業が「設備投資に関して記帳した控除額」の速やかな範囲の拡大 でしょうか。企業が「減額した控除額」とはならないと思うのですが。 you could write down the investment とwrite downは動詞で使われ write-down of investmentsのようにwrite-downは名詞だと思いますが >It would include a one-time tax rebate for individuals and an immediate expansion in the deductions businesses write-down for investment in equipment. 昨日このようになっているときがあったのですが このdeductions businesses write-down forというのは誤植でよろしいでしょうか。

  • よろしくお願いします

    There was a line of like 30 people for the men's room and a 5 year old who clearly was about to pee his pants. Mom was insisting he come to the ladies room with her but he wasn't having it. I said "want me to walk him in?" And I took him by the shoulder and started shoving through and he says "I really have to go!" So I picked him up by the armpits and yelled "coming through" and these 30 drunken hockey fans parted like the red Sea. By the time I got to the urinal the kid already had his dick out and was immediately peeing. I had no idea what to do at this point so I just held him there until he was done and shook him up and down when he finished. He lifted his pants, I swung him over to the sink, then set him down and we walked out. shook him up and downとswung him over to the sink, then set him downの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (5) Brutus kept his promise. He and Lucretia's husband won the loyalty of the army and drove out Sextus's father, the tyrant Tarquin the Proud―Rome's third Etruscan king. They condemned him and his whole family to life in exile, never again to see Rome. And that was the end of kingship in Rome. From this point on, kingship became so unpopular that rex (king) became a term of hatred and dishonor. The arrogant king Tarquin had always been unpopular. But the Romans prized high morals above all, and his son's attack on a woman's honor was the last straw. (6) The story of Lucretia is one explanation for how kingship ended in Rome. But how had it begun? The Romans believed that Romulus became Rome's first king when he founded the city in 753 BCE. They believed that six more kings ruled Rome until Brutus forced Tarquin the Proud from his throne in 509 BCE. According to tradition, the first three kings who followed Romulus to the throne were Romans. But Roman kingship was not passed down in a royal family, as it is in Great Britain, for example. Instead, when a Roman king died, the Senate―a group of wealthy men who owned land―elected the next ruler. Even a foreigner could rule if he could gather enough support among the senators. And that's exactly what happened when the Senate elected an Etruscan, as the fifth king of Rome. Tarquinius Priscus, later known as Tarquinius the Elder, ruled well and brought Etruscan engineering and artistry to Rome. But his grandson Lucius Tarquinius, also called Tarquin the Proud, was another story. He was the tyrant who ruled as Rome's seventh and last king.

  • よろしくお願いします

    Our 16-year-old, recently licensed daughter was pulled over today for doing 32 in a 20-mph school zone. She has to enter a four-lane road with heavy traffic and obstructed visibility just below the crest of a hill. She accelerated too fast and was immediately stopped by a cop who had set up a speed trap for people speeding down the hill (one of the reasons she has anxiety about pulling out into traffic to begin with). She is not a scofflaw and was very upset by the interaction. Her stepmother (my wife), wants to take the car away for three weeks and make her pay any increase in insurance rates that accrue due to this incident, along with any fines (she doesn't have a job yet). pulling out into traffic とtake the car awayの意味を教えてください。あと、upset by the interactionは「交流に怒った」?どういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Stone Temple Pilots’ DeLeo brothers were interviewed by Banana 101.5 and for the first time they candidly discussed their decision to fire Scott Weiland. Below are some excerpt quotes from the interview regarding Weiland: Robert: “…that kind of led us … I think you get to a point in your life where your BS meter starts running down to a certain kind of tolerance. It wasn't just a musical decision or a business decision it was a quality of life decision and that really what it's about…” Dean: “We want to be able to fulfill our commitment through the band too. Robert, Eric and I, we want to be able to come to town and give you everything we've got and it was getting to a point where we were unable to do that. Robert: “We're gonna be able to do material that we weren't able to do and I think from seeing what you saw with Scott — I think you know what I mean. We're gonna be able to perform stuff that we've been dying to perform for a long time.”

  • insist on 人 to 動詞 について

    insist on 人の後はto 動詞で簡単に文を作ってしまうのがいいのか いちいちthat主語should(省略)などで作るのがいいのかを調べてました。そもそもtoでつなげていいのかを調べていて、https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1351596073 で2010/12/618:08:01:insistの用法 He insisted on ( ) a doctor. me seeing が正解なのですが me to see がだめな理由が分かりません。 toの名詞的用法で目的語になれると思うのですが、だめな理由をお願いします。 という質問を見つけてみると、回答者さん達が使えないだめだとおっしゃって、質問者さんも「そうなんだ」と納得されて終わっていたのですが、 、、、これ、gooぐってみると2.650.000ほどhitがあります。(学習者の間違い文もふくまれるにせよ)Natives' sentences は In the morning he was very busy at work he came in and said he was agoing down to the river in which I insisted on him to stay at home ...や He said PM Modi insisted on him to merge with EPS faction of AIADMK and take up the post of Deputy Chief Minister._ Jack, the main character, was debating whether or not to go in to the old house, curiosity insisted on him to check it out. など普通に見つかります。これ、別にto不定詞の動作主がon人であれば、使っていいもんだと思うのですが、、、教えてください。