• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:大学留学応募のエッセイ)


  • 私は10年前にドア・ツー・ドアセールスマンとして働いていました。
  • その経験から学んだ根気、努力、奇跡の大切さを伝えたいです。
  • これまでの経験が私の強さに変わっていることを示したいです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • ybnormal
  • ベストアンサー率50% (220/437)

とりあえず目についた単語だけ.. (*...) -> 置換 (%...) -> 削除 (&...) -> 挿入 ??? -> 別表現のほうが良いか? 私のエッセイ:I used to work as door to door sales man about 10 years ago. To sale(*sell a) $3,000 water cleaner, I would often visit more than 100 houses everyday. At that time, (%not only) Japanese are(*were) not (&only) so interested (&in) that device but also people(*they) usually drinks(*drank) tap water. In previous times(*In those days), people used to think that purchase(*buying/purchasing) (%natural) water are(*was) ridiculous and said(used toから続くなら *say) “drink tap water as much as you like, do not waste your money!” Great majority of Japanese did(*was) not interested (&in) water at all. Therefore, I was always turned down and was jeered and yelled at (%me)(&by them). I had an experience with scattered salt by a man(???)(男性から塩をかけられた経験があります.). It means purify(driving away) evil sprit. I believed that I could find a customer as long as I do not give in. I became discouraged several times. Nevertheless, I had kept knock(*knocking) a door hundred of times and then I had encountered the customers(冠詞に迷いました、the としたのは思い描いたそのお客さんに出会えたとし定冠詞にしました). At sales convention, I obtained(*was awarded) a first prize among over 1,000 company members. Through this precious experiment(*experience), I learned patient(*patience and) efforts must be pay off(*must have been paid off?) and I understood that If people (&make) efforts desperately, God presents us a miracle. My weakness was changed(* turned to) strength(by ○○はあえて書きませんでした、キリスト教系の大学なのでここは神様と読み手は考えると思うからです). This life experience is my treasure.



回答ありがとうございました 各箇所修正します。また機会がありましたら是非よろしくお願いします <(_ _)>

