
  • 先日、私はオックスフォードから数マイル離れた小さなホテルで土曜日の夜を過ごしました。
  • そのホテルは静かで平和な雰囲気で、最後の鳥の声や最後のビールを飲む人々の声が静まり返った暗闇の中で静かに眠りについていました。
  • 私は空気に慣れていなかったため疲れており、早めにベッドに入り、真夜中前に眠りにつきました。
  • ベストアンサー


I spent Saturday night in a small hotel not many miles distant from Oxford. It was a peaceful little hotel that fell quietly asleep in the darkness as soon as the voices of the last birds and the last beer-drinkers had faded into silence. Weary as a result of unaccustomed exposure to the air, I fell under the soporific influence of the place, went early to bed, and was asleep before midnight. Suddenly between twelve and one, I was awakened by a crash. The house shook as though a football team were tumbling over the furniture in the room below. A gramophone began to whine rhythmically about love. Whether it was dancing or fighting that was going on to the music I did not know, but whatever it was, the violence was such that I was surprised that the house did not come falling about my ears. 上の文章を日本語に訳していただきたいです。 特に最後の一文が分かりにくいので、面倒でしたらそこだけ訳してくださっても構いません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)




ありがとうございます! 助かりました( ;∀;)

その他の回答 (1)

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

大意 オックスフォードから数マイルは離れたちいさなホテルで土曜の夜をすごしていたときのことだ。そこはちいさな平和なホテルでとりのさえずりは、ビールを飲む客の声もきこえなくなり静寂につつまれたあとでは、眠りにつつまれていた。ふだん外気にふれる習慣がなかったこともあり、(中略)わたしはその晩はやくにとこについた。ひづけがかわるころには眠っていただろうか。12時過ぎ1時くらいまでの時間帯であったが、わたしは、突然どたんという音でめがさめた。したの階の部屋の家具のうえでフットボールチームの選手がどたばたしているかのように、家全体がおおきくゆれており、蓄音機からは、ラブソングが音色もかろやかに流れはじめた。音楽にあわせて、おどっているのか、格闘技をしているのかはさだかでなかったが、なんであったにせよ、(このつづきなんでしょうね)、そのそうぞうしさといったら、家がくずれおちないほうが不思議というほどのものだった。 という意味だとしかおもえません。英語のこまかいところは、この日本語を参考に辞書をひきながら納得していただければとおもいます。


  • 英語のメール、、、

    スイマセン、ペンパルからメールを貰ったんですが、ちょっと意味のわからない事かいてあるんです・・・なぜ自分は日本の女性に興味があるのかという理由を書いてくれたのですが、意味がわかりません。わかる方お願いします。 She was so Beautiful that I did not want to shut my eyes until the scene was over. After the movie I went to sleep. Suddenly I saw the same girl in my dream. Except she was in a white dress and jade rose petals fell this time. (I wish I finished that dream) Suddenly I woke up. I was late for shcool. TO make it worse it was raining the next day. As I got to school I noticed that many people were wearing rain coats. But the strange part was this: Every one had a hoody and umbrella. As they took them down I noticed that almost all of them were"JAPANESE"! I had been in that school for almost a year and I had never noticed I had Japanese fellow students. It was so surprising that I could not close my mouth! I wanted to talk to them but I did not know what to say. I could not speak. I did not want to sound stupid. But now that I have met you I know exactly what to say. It was something I could never say because I was so much in love with the beauty they have, that I was stunned. SO Now I have met you I will say what I could not say then........."HELLO"!

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。税関に関する内容だと思います。

    税関関係です。 宜しくお願いします。 I do not know how the paper work for import was recorded for import by you, but if the import paper work that was sent did NOT designate the hand bag as a sale, the invoice could be written up as a "gift" valued at $70 with the description as used & in need of repair. If the paperwork that was submitted already had the hand bag as a "sale", the invoice would not be able to be changed to a "gift". As a "gift" invoice, you would not have to provide a proof of sale price, but if it was recorded as a "sale" it would not be possible to send it as a "gift" valued at $70.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I will print off the photographs that you sent and send them to the Customs House. What does the receipt say that it written in Japanese related to the price paid of $70? I wanted to find out before it I mail it to the Customs House because the handbag would not be a “gift” if the receipt says that $70 was paid to you. I also wanted to be sure that the receipt does not include EBay. Many thanks for your help with translation.

  • (手紙の一部の)英語を教えてください。

    友人(女性)から、その夫の借金について書いてある手紙を受領しました(数日前にもその前の手紙の内容について質問しましたが)、今回はその続きとなりますが、再度あまり意味がよくわかりません。今回は下記の英語についてお尋ねです。最初の段落は前半はわかりますが、それ以降、最後まで明確にはつかめません。先回の手紙では、再抵当をして、、、などと書いてあり、夫とその借金に激怒しているようでしたが、今回はこの最後の段落は、自分の退職金で返すという意味かなと捕らえているのですが、借金をあきらめて受け入れたのか、そうでいいですか?教えてください。 I was not sure if I had told you about the debt he has got us in. Well it is a large amount that has just kept building up because of him being out of work and not being able to pay it. I did not know about it for ages then he had to tell me. I had a terrible time keeping them at bay for a while and offering only small amounts to keep them quiet. So the only thing was to used some of the equity I had on the house and remortgage the house to clear them up. If not we would of lost the house eventually I reckon. Debt can be very stressful. It looks like it is going through and I will then be able to pay them off. I will be able to pay the monthly payments. Only thing I will now have to work into my retirement to pay it off and not as before paid up by then.

  • 英語日記添削

    お願いします。英語で毎日、日記を付けています。以下見られても問題ないので、添削頂けると助かります It rained on and off today. I was very worried whether fireworks show would perform or not as schedule. Sometimes it came down in buckets. Consequently, the rain had let up before the fireworks display. Family T and Family S came to my house to see that. Last year, I placed a table in balcony and ate a supper while stood up. But, this year, I spread a mat and ate it while sat down. My relatives, friends, and I enjoyed the atmosphere. Many fireworks filled the sky. It was great. But, it started raining again during the fireworks. Since it was cats and dogs, I thought it might be call off, but it did not. I appreciated this fireworks show’s organizer.

  • 英語の文法ミス教えてください 至急

    1 My most favorite character in this book is Finkle. He is a religious man and lives in loneliness. The reason why he was absorbed in his religion was he could not belong anywhere in social world. He had never loved anyone, and he had lived without knowledge of himself. He said in a strained manner, "that I came to God not because I love Him, but because I did not." He had to believe the god because he did not have any ideas what he should rely on. I like Finkle because I easily feel empathy to him. 2 This question is a kind of tricky. I believe that Salzman was saying “Jewish prayer for the Dead” because Salzman said "Like an animal. Like a dog. For her to be poor was a sin. This is why to me she is dead now." This implies that his daughter must have committed something sin, and Salzman was ashamed of it. That is why Salzman regarded his daughter as a dead. So Salzman said that phrase for Finkle and Stella. 3 I believe that Salzman engineered the meeting between Finkle and Stella. As a father, Salzman wants Stella to get marriage to someone. However, Salzman thought that Salzman was a sinful person. So nobody wants to get marriage to Stella. So Salzman just manipulate Salzman to get marriage to Stella.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 海外の方にカメラのパーツを買って頂き、送ってからのメールです。 hello, I received the Bronica S2, S2a, C film insert and when opened the leather pouch to take out the film insert that the little roller you see in photo #2, fell out of the pouch. I didn't know what it was for until I wanted to load film. The roller has to be attached to the pressure plate by two pins at each end of the roller. In photo #1, one of the very small pins that holds the roller in place is missing and it will not stay attached to the pressure plate, as you can see. In the eBay photos, the pin is there. Would you have another roller with 2 pins so that I can install it on the pressure plate and load film. I do not want to return the insert but would like a replacement roller. Thank you! 長文ですがよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

    長文ですが、次の英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ある俳優にファンが出演した映画について聞いています Q:I was going to ask you Randy about Lorton Lake. A:You know Danny finished that and like re-edited it and did something with it. The director, sorry, the director has had like full control of overall about whatever we make and then he is going to cut down. And I think he did some weird re-edit of it and it played at some places under a different name, but I don't actually have that in control over that anymore. I was like… Q:Don't know if we are going to get to see that then? A:I don't know, I should talk to him while I am here, I need to… Probably not. Q:There is so many things that you guys do that we don't get to see. A:I know, I know, but it's like not good enough for you guys yet, if you see it now. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の意味を教えて下さい

    次の英文は女性(妻)が男性(夫)のことがもっと好きになるにはどうすればいいかについて述べられた最後の段落です。最後の that she woke up ... She goes, I love him.までのが何を言おうとしているのか教えていただけませんか? This is why she fell in love with you. I can't tell you exactly what day, and it was no particular thing you did. It was the accumulation of all those little things that she woke up one day as if she pressed a button. She goes, I love him.

  • この英語を訳していただきたいです

    (1)Victorian, by the sea. Where we are is private, but you can get into town. (2)I like that you can modernize the inside but let the bones remain. I think the Victorians got in right in the generosity of the rooms and the windows. (3)It was very stimulating, really, because he was shooting with a handheld camera over his shoulder, so he would talk to you and then go back in. Everything that Jamie and I went though, Sean was right there behind us, even for the battle at the end of the movie in the crypt. There was a sense that we were all in it together. (4)He wrote the movie, directed it, shot it, and was all over everything from costume to hair to makeup. You feel safe as an actor. And, as an actor, if you can’t feel safe, you can’t make a fool of yourself. (5)I’d been there once before in my foolish, misspent youth and drank a lot of beer. But when you’re working on a film as immersive as this, you kind of have to cancel reality.