• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ネイティブ並に話せる方、添削お願いします。)

初対面の友人の弟へのメール 自然な言い方と添削をお願いします

  • ネイティブ並に話せる方、添削お願いします。まだ一度も会っていなくてメールをするのも初めての相手M(友人の弟)へのメールを書きました。
  • 私はXの友人でWと言います。あなたのメールアドレスは、彼がZ国を発つ時に教えてもらいました。数日前に、Xの夢を見ました。それで、彼に何か進展があったのだろうと思ってメールしました。
  • Hi,M I am W and one of X's friend.I got your e-mail adress from him when he left Z. I had a dream about him a couple days ago. Then I thought something might have happend to his situation.


  • ベストアンサー
  • nysm
  • ベストアンサー率30% (37/121)

いきなり随分ヘビーな内容なんですね。 頑張ってください。以下、ご参照まで。 Hello. My name is M, a X's friend. X gave me your e-mail adress before he left Z. A couple days ago, X showed up in my dream and that caused me nervous, worriying something could have happend to him. You should be surprized to receive such an email from someone you never know.... apologies for doing this. Would you please give me any updated informaiton what happend to him after (the incident)? I know he is a tough and smart man no matter what happens, but I am very much worried about him. Do you know how long he has to be in a jail? Is he in the standard jail or in the harder one which is special for deserters form marines? Any information from you is much appreciated. Thank you inadvance for your help. Sincerely W PS: I am not good at English. Sorry about that.






今後の参考までに、教えていただいた文章の解説をお願いしたいのですが、いいでしょうか? X showed up in my dream and that caused me nervous, worriying something could have happend to him. 1:「worriying」の主語は明記されてませんが、これは「I am worriying」の省略しょうか?もし省略されているのなら、どういう時にこうして省略することができるのでしょうか? 2:「might have happend」だとどういう日本語訳になってしまうのでしょうか? 3:初回に変な英語で失礼な対応をしたくないがために、今回はnysmさんの文章をコピペして送りました。でも、今後メールの相手に会う時が来るので、私の英語のへたれ加減はどうせばれます。そこで、PS部分に書き加えた文章があります。もう送ってしまったけれど、参考までに添削願えないでしょうか?(特に、「such」と「even」の使い方(置き場所)がいまいち理解できていません…。) ■実を言うと、こんな簡単な内容のメールでさえ、とても時間がかかってしまいました。 To be honest with you, It took me so much time to write even such a simple letter like this. 以上、お時間ありましたらよろしくお願いします。



  • よろしくお願いします

    DEAR ABBY: My 23-year-old son does not want to work and spends all his time playing video games. He's obsessed with them. He disrespects my house -- and me -- by not cleaning his room. I don't know what to do. He's my son, but he is a user and feels he's entitled to live here. He pays no bills and blows all his money on gaming. He quits every job he has. I love him and kicked him out once, but he got on Facebook and told people what bad parents we are. All he says is he wants to be happy. I think he's out of touch with reality. He has no place to go if I kick him out. What do I do? -- DAD WHO'S HAD IT IN OHIO DEAR DAD: Your son is an adult, even if he doesn't act like one. Give him a deadline to find another place to crash -- perhaps with a roommate -- and be out of there. If he says he has no money, remember that he comes up with money to blow. remember that he comes up with money to blowはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語日記添削希望

    英語日記添削希望 お願いします、日頃から英語で日記をつけている者です 以下日記特に見られても構わない内容なので添削いただけると助かります NOTE: U 2歳の息子 T 4ヶ月の息子 Y 嫁さん AVE スペインの新幹線の名前 T’s nose has been stuffed up for a couple of days. He seems like hard to breathe and I noticed some big snot, so I took it out with a ear stick. He seems to caught a cold and must have been infected by U because U has been running nose for a week. U put together a train puzzle. Without our helping, he could put together almost of the puzzle. He must be smart. I gave him the train pictorial book which is introduced so many Japanese bullet train and overseas one as well. Y has him memorize overseas bullet train, so when I ask “Where is Ave?” he can point the train and crow like a rooster. When we were going to bed, U bit me again and again; roughly I was bitten six times by him. It was so hurt to death!! Even though Y scolded him, he didn’t stop at all. I was soo scared.

  • 日本の中学の英語の教科書の英文はお行儀がよすぎて不自然では?

    こんにちは。似たような質問が過去にも何度かありましたが、具体例をあげて検証してみます。 これは外国人向けの英語の入門書から拾った英文です。かなり自然な英文だと思います。 Dave: Cathy, Mike's arriving from Texas this afternoon. Can you meet him at the airport? Cathy: But I don't know him. How can I recognise him? Dave: You'll recognise him as soon as he gets off the plane. He's at least six feet tall and weighs twenty stone. He's got long grey hair, blue eyes and a white beard. He always wears a yellow and black shirt, red leather cowboy boots and an enormous green hat. Cathy: Yeah, no problem. しかし、日本の中学の英語の教科書だったら、次のように書き直すのではないでしょうか? Dave: Cathy, Mike is going to arrive from Texas this afternoon. Can you go to the airport to pick him up? Cathy: But I don't know him. How can I know who is him? Dave: You will know who is him as soon as he gets off the plane. His height is one hundred eighty centimeters at least and his weight is about one hundred thirty kilograms. He has long gray hair, blue eyes and a white beard. He always wears a yellow and black shirt, red leather cowboy boots and an very big green hat. Cathy: Oh,yes, that's all right. みなさんはどう思いますか?

  • resources

    My eldest son is a 33-year-old heroin addict and has been since he was 19. It’s a horrible addiction, and at his lowest point last year he stole over $30,000 from his grandmother (my mother). Now he’s in jail facing felony charges. I’ve visited him twice, and he seems clean, which makes me happy, but my problem is that my mother wants me to help him when he gets out, and I don’t see how I can. He’s been “clean” so many times before, and he’s stolen from almost all of his family members, and I just don’t know how to trust him again. I also don’t know how long his sentence will be. He can’t stay with me; I live in a small loft with no doors and I’m very private. I let him stay once before when he was clean, but he thought I was too strict. I’m getting a lot of pressure to help him get back on his feet, and I’m being berated for not supporting him in his “time of need.” I don’t want him to be released with nowhere to go, however. I can’t afford to help him get an apartment, though my mother thinks I should. Am I a terrible parent for saying no? We live in Texas, where there are not many affordable resources. ここでのresourcesとは何のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 自然な会話文になるように、添削をお願いします。-3-

    Cathy: Hey. There she is. Morning, Alice. Alice: Oh. Morning, Cathy. C: How did it go yesterday? Tell me. A: Well... It was not something I expected, but ended up great, I guess.〈g〉 C: What happened, exactly? Come on! A: Okay. We were meeting together at a movie theater... C: Oh? He didn't pick you up? He doesn't drive? A: Sure he does. It's just that his parents don't let him drive alone for now. C: Okay. Then? A: I got there a bit early, so waited for him... drinking some coffee... and when I saw him coming up, my brain stopped... The next moment, he was standing in front of me and saying "Hi", smiling. C: Wow! A: ... Well, I was just swept off my feet by his very cool line of "Hi" and ... I... C: Alice? A: I... spilled coffee on my clothes... C: Oh, no! You okay? Didn't get burned? A: No, it wasn't that hot any more, but... C: I know how you feel, Alice... I'd rather die, if I were you... A: Yeah, I was embarrassed and almost started to cry, actually. But, Cathy, he said to me this way, as he took his jacket off and handed it to me. "Don't you worry. You wanna come to my place to get it cleaned, okay? I know my mom's expecting you to come and would be more than happy to take care of this. And besides, I wanna spend some more time with you. Alice, is it okay to call my mom and ask her to pick us up?" ... I think I'm in love, Cathy... C: He's so sweet! No wonder you never looked better... Well, Alice... I wanna ask you something... He has any brothers? A: Oh, come on! お時間ありましたら、お願い致します。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I’m a female truck driver who has one pickup and one delivery customer, so I see the same people multiple times a day. I apparently read one fella’s signals wrong and asked him to accompany me to a concert. Before I even got the whole question out he looked panicky, was shaking his head, and said, “No, thank you.” got the whole question outはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • if only節内の文章の繋がりについて

    添付ファイル文章の for so often, so often I remember how he used to run to me and shout and laugh, if only I could hear his little feet I should know him! についてです。 if only I could hear his little feet (and ) I should know him! と、 and やカンマがあれば理解できるのですが、これはそういったものがなく、 どうしてなのか理解できないです。 解説お願いします。

  • TOEFL SPEAKING 文法添削願います

    以下お題で文章作りました、文法添削頂けると助かります If you could travel back in time to meet a loved one, what person would you like to meet and why? Include specific examples and details in your explanation. If I could travel back in time, I would like to meet my great grandfather who died when I was very young. The main reason I would like to talk to him about his interesting life. He was a city mayor. At that time, the city was not adequately-resourced health service. For improving medical care system, he made a great effort to make hospital complex. Additionally, he loved his family. Since he was very busy, he could not meet his children, so, he called to them from his office, writes a letter, and recorded his voice to let them read a picture book. I would like to talk to him about love and serve people.

  • これで通じますか??添削お願いします(>_<)

    My best friend lives in Hokkaido and studies oceanology at his college. He is going to take the exam about oceanology for entering grad school next summer. So,he has been studying it since last year. He said it is very hard for him,and but he would try his best. So,I hope he will pass,I want to hold a Passing Party!

  • 英語の添削お願いします

    こんにちは。 来週のspeakingの授業でスピーチをすることになりました。 お題は「大切な友達について」です。 内容は書き終えたのですが、自分の文章が100%合ってるか自信がありません(むしろ、間違いの方が多いと思います。) 自分でも、一応見なおしたのですが、客観的な見地からの意見が欲しいです。 どうか添削お願いします。 I’ll introduce my friend,(name) We have known each other since elementary school days. When we were junior high school students, we joined same tennis club. That's why I know him a lot. He has two characteristics, Kindness and glutton. (Glutton means a person who eat food very much.) First, I’ll explain how kind he is. When I was a fifth grader, I played tag with my friends. (In order) to run away from it, I hid myself under the bridge. Then I made mistake and fell from three meters above, and I put my hands on the ground and had my wrists broken. Due to the accident, I thought that I spent terrible days for a month in elementary school. I couldn’t really take notes, go to the toilet, put on P,E uniform and so on. However, (my friend's name) always supported me. Without him, I couldn’t enjoy my school life for the month. I thanked his kindness and wanted support him, if he was in trouble. Second I’ll explain how gluttonous he is. He really eats very much. Whenever I hang out with him, he goes to McDonald's. Even when we should share cakes, potato chip and other snack, he eats them almost by himself. He is very kind, but I think he should stop the habit of eating so much. I hope that he don’t ruin himself for glutton. 「kind」の内容と「glutton」の内容のバランスの悪さは承知の上です。 二分間という制限なのでこの程度が適当ではないかと思いました。 (  )部分は友人の名前が入るのですが、友人の名前は非公開にさせていただきました。

  • ScanSnap iX1600を使用した際にスキャンがうまくできない問題が発生しています。
  • 50枚を1つの文書としてスキャンしたいが、1枚ずつ50回スキャンしてしまうという状況です。
  • Windows11を使用しており、使用している接続方法はUSBケーブルです。