• 締切済み


ドイツに在住している高校3年生です。 今度TOKという授業のPresentationで携帯電話についてやりたいと思っています。 質問は英語になっていますが・・・念のため日本語訳もつけます。 英語で答えていただければ幸いですが、緊急を要するので、日本語回答でも結構です!!ご協力お願いします。 Sorry, we are Japanese high school students so our English is not so good. We are having a presentation about mobile phones. Therefor we need many answers for this questionnaire. Age(年齢): Gender(性別): Nationality(国籍): *Do you have a mobile phone?(携帯電話を持っていますか?) *Do you think mobile phone is necessary for us? (私たちにとって携帯電話は重要なものですか?) ⇒Why?(それは何故ですか?) *How often do you use mobile phone? (どれくらいの頻度で携帯電話を使用しますか?) *What do you use it for?(no limit to choose) (何に携帯電話を使いますか?(複数回答可)) -choices(選択肢)- SMS E-mail Calling Internet Music Camera Other( ) ご協力ありがとうございます!!:D


  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3506/7251)

Age(年齢): Gender(性別): 男 Nationality(国籍): 日本 *Do you have a mobile phone?(携帯電話を持っていますか?): いいえ *Do you think mobile phone is necessary for us? (私たちにとって携帯電話は重要なものですか?): いいえ ⇒Why?(それは何故ですか?): 不要だから

  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

Age(年齢):40s Gender(性別):Female Nationality(国籍):Japanese *Do you have a mobile phone?(携帯電話を持っていますか?) Yes. *Do you think mobile phone is necessary for us? (私たちにとって携帯電話は重要なものですか?) Today? Yes. ⇒Why?(それは何故ですか?) Because due to the increase of mobile phones, most public pay phones have been removed, and you won't be able to call the police in case of emergency. Mobile phones hardly existed a decade ago, though. *How often do you use mobile phone? (どれくらいの頻度で携帯電話を使用しますか?) As a phone, about 2-3 times a week. As an alarm clock, I use it every morning. *What do you use it for?(no limit to choose) (何に携帯電話を使いますか?(複数回答可)) -choices(選択肢)- Other(Accepting calls from young clients who seem to prefer mobile over wireline. Alarm clock.) ちなみに、そんなに急ぐなら、アンケートのカテゴリーで聞いたほうが早いかも。ここじゃ、おじさんおばさんしか回答しないと思いますよ(笑)。

  • vegan
  • ベストアンサー率47% (124/261)

Age: 42 Gender: Female Nationality: Japanese (living in the US) *Do you have a mobile phone? Yes *Do you think mobile phone is necessary for us? If you're asking if it's necessary, I'd say "not really" because we can still live/survive every day without it. (people used to live without them, you know.) But if you're asking if it's 重要, I'd say yes. Especially for busy people, I think it's important to be able to communicate with others wherever they are. I think "convenient" is the most suitable word to describe cell phones. *How often do you use mobile phone? Not very often since I'm at home most of the time. (I don't have children, either, so...) *What do you use it for? calling text messaging Good luck on your presentation!
