• 締切済み


問い:What do you think of using mobile phones in the train? Do you agree or disagree? Put your opinion in English with 50-60words. I disagree with the opinion. it is because using mobile phones in the train may make other people feeling bad. For example, if a man calls someone in mobile phones, other people cannot help hearing the conversation even if they would not like to hear. Thus, I think we should not use sell phones in the train.(57words) 私はその意見に反対です。なぜなら電車内で携帯電話を使うことによって、他の人の気分を害してしまうかもしれないからです。例えば、もしある一人の人が誰かと電話で話していたら、他の人はたとえその話を聞きたくなかったとしても、聞かざるをえません。 よって私は車内で携帯電話を使うべきでないと思います。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数1


  • NooGarde
  • ベストアンサー率28% (75/260)

もしある一人の人が誰かと電話で話していたら 電話するというより、ここでもuses mobile phoneのことと考え、重複を避けるなら talks on the mobile phone with someoneなどの形がよろしいと思います。


I disagree with using mobile phones in the train, because this may make other people feel annoyed. For example, When a man calls someone on mobile phone, other people cannot help hearing his speaking even if they would not like to hear it. Thus, I think we should not use sell phones in the train.

  • Charis
  • ベストアンサー率61% (11/18)

すべてはとてもじゃないと直せませんが・・・ まず最初。I disagree with the opinionと書いてありますが、問いはwhat do you think of using mobile phones in the trainとなっているので、この一文自体はただの問いかけであってOpinionでも何もないですよね? なのでこの場合 I disagree with using mobile phones in the train.と書かなければおかしいです。 あと、It is because...となっていますが、直前の文をうける場合はThis is because...のほうが自然。Itは極力使うのは避けましょう(何を指しているか不明瞭になるため)。また、...may make other passengers feel bad(uncomfortable?)でfeelingは間違い。 また、最後のI think...ですが、日本人はthinkを多用しすぎています。Thusで始まっているのですから、締めの文章だ!って読み手は思うのに、thinkという弱い言葉じゃちょっと面食らいます。I believe that, I am convinced that, I would strongly argue that...というような強い言葉に代えましょう。 他にもおかしいところはありますが(電話で話すっていうの、辞書でひいてみてください。あと、これイギリス英語なので携帯電話=mobile phoneで統一しましょう)、とりあえずこのぐらいで。


  • 英作文の採点をお願いします。

    英作文の採点をお願いします。英検準一級を受けようと思っています。英検の問題集に載っていた問題です。これだと14点満点中何点くらい取れるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 ~問題~ E-MAIL Dear Izumi, I hope you're well. I read an interesting article about technology yesterday. It said that many people here in the U.K. are now choosing to get college degrees by studying online. Do you think online courses are good way to study? The article also said that in Japan, many parents buy cell phones for their young kids. in your opinion, is it necessary for children to have cell phones? When I was on the train today, the man next to me was talking on his cell phone. Do you think people should be banned from using cell phones on public transportation? I look forward to your reply. Josh ~回答~ Dear Josh, It was nice to hear from you! Let me answer your questions. First, in my opinion, online studying isn't a better way. It's important to study with other many students and talk with them. Regarding Second question,although It's fact that many parents do that, I think children don't have to have their own cell phones. They're not necessary for them. Using cell phones on train must be banned. There also are many people who want to get sleep on public transportation. Cell phones' sounds are so noisy, and prevent their sleep.People who use cell phones must be careful. Take care, Izumi

  • 大学入試英作文添削

    大学入試英作文添削 今年受験生で浪人生の者です  お金の都合上塾に行くことができず、まわりに添削していただける方がいらっしゃらないので、よろしければ添削お願いいたします    問題文 These days the sale of printed daily newspapers are declining in many countries. Do you think newspapers will disappear within the next 10 years? Write a paraglaph explaining your opinion. You must give at least one appropriate reason to support it. 自分の解答 I think newspapers will not disappear within the next 10 years. Because of prevailing mobile phones and computers,people may get information,however people originally like to read words that is printed. For example,electrical books do not replace books. That is why newspapers will not disappear within the next 10 years and they will be read by a lot of people.

  • 至急です!英検2級の英作文添削!

    英検2級の英作文添削お願いします! TOPIC Some people say that people will stop using cash in the near future. Do you agree with this opinion? I agree that people will stop using cash in the heat future. I have two reasons. Firstly, continuing use the cash provide a good opportunity for theif. This is because, many people have money in wallet. If people using cash, the if can car still the people's money. Secondly, when people buy expensive things, they feel inconvinience to take money out of wallet. However, if don't using cash, taking money is easily for them. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.

  • 北大2013自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    Question People rescued in the mountains in Japan should pay the full costs of their rescue.Do you agree or disagree? Explain why in 70-100 words giving two reasons to support your opinion. 自分の解答 I agree with this opinion. There are two reasons for me to think so.First,in Jpan the high costs for rescues are paid for by ordinary citizens' taxes. The costs should be used not for one citizen but for all citizens,say,for local festivals and repairing public facilities etc.Second,paying the full costs of their rescues may bring about more accidents because it makes climbers more careless. That's why people should pay the full costs of their rescues by themselves.(84) スペル、文法、語法等のチェックお願いします。 減点方式30点満点です。 他に、こうした方がいい等があれば宜しくお願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします

    周りに添削を頼める人がいないので添削をお願いします。 ネット上で添削するのは手間がかかるでしょうから、気づいた点などを挙げていただくだけでも結構です。 (問) 以下の事柄に関して自分の考えを120~150文字で述べなさい。 The power of words (答) I believe the power of words. Even if you think of something,you can't convey what you think without words. In Japan people sometimes prefer not using words to doing during communicating with others like parents or friends,which is called "Aun no kokyu". It is also important,but all people can't understand it.It is sure that you can convey information exactly if you use words. Also,words can move people's heart.If you want to show your passion in order to persuade someone,you should make use of words which can do.I think that person who control words control the world. You may think that it is easy to say,but not easy to act.It is true to some extent. However,you say what you think,and you can find what you really want to act. (日本語文) 私は言葉の力を信じます。 たとえあなたが何かを考えても、言葉なしではあなたの考えを伝えることはできません。 日本の人々は親や友達と意思疎通をするときに言葉を使わないことを好むときがあります。これを「阿吽の呼吸」と呼びます。 これも重要ではありますが、すべての人々が理解することはできません。もしあなたが言葉を使えば、正確に情報を伝えることができることは当然です。 また、言葉は人の心を動かすことができます。もし、あなたが誰かを説得するためにあなたの情熱を表したかったら、それができる言葉を利用すべきです。言葉を支配した人が世界を支配すると思います。 あなたは、言うのは簡単だが行動するのは難しいと思うかもしれません。 それはある程度正しいです。しかしながら、あなたが自分の考えることを言葉にして言うことで、自分の本当にやりたいことが分かることができます。

  • 困ってます(;;)英検2級の英作文について、

    英検2級の英作文添削お願いしたいです(;;) TOPIC Some people say that people will stop using cash in the near future. Do you agree with this opinion? I agree that people will stop using cash in the heat future. I have two reasons. Firstly, continuing use the cash provide a good opportunity for theif. This is because, many people have money in wallet. If people using cash, the if can car still the people's money. Secondly, when people buy expensive things, they feel inconvinience to take money out of wallet. However, if don't using cash, taking money is easily for them. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    入試の予想問題です。語彙がないので簡単なフレーズで書きたいと思っています。不自然なところがあれば訂正お願いします。 質問 もしあなたが通うことになった大学が、生涯学習を奨励しているために同級生に高齢者が多いとしたらあなたはそういう学習環境を望ましいと思いますか?理由をあげ60~70語の英語で答えなさい。  I think it is undesirable to study with old people. If there are many old people in my college,I will feel unpleased. One reason is that I will not be able to talk with them friendly. I want to make friends with same age people and enjoy to talk. Second reason is that teachers will not be able to give lectures that suit for the student`s levels. (69words)

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いしたいんですが。。。

    現在浪人中なのですが 添削を依頼できる方もおらずこちらに質問させていただきました。 勝手なお願いですがよろしければお願いします テーマ  オリンピックについて自分の考えを約100~150語で述べよ In my opinion, the Olympics are very important events. As you know,this is the age of globalization, so it is necessary for you to contact more actively with foreigners, but there is few opportunity to do so. Some people may say that thay have such chance since a lot of foreigners come to and live in Japan. However, I rarely see Japanese people talking with foreigners very friendly. This is the case. Then,through sports, many people can communicate with people from all over the world. In other words, the Olympics can give you such opportunity. Therefore I would say that the Olympics are very precious.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    題名:英語を日本の唯一の公用語にすることについて賛成か反対か。理由も含めて150字前後で述べよ。 I disagree with the idea that we deal with English as the only official language in Japan for two reasons. The first reason is that Japanese people is not good at using English since I have never seen Japanese people talk each other in English and I have few friends who can speak English.Thus realizing this policy is impossible or nearly impossible in my opinion.  The second reason, I think, is that the policy is meaningless because it seems to be safety that we deal with Japanese language as the only official language in Japanese society. For instance, Some foreign companies are success to deal with English as the only official language in only their companies.  The policy would not adjust to Japanese people for these reasons that I mentioned above. Therefore I disagree with the idea that we deal with English as the only official language in Japan. 私は、二つの理由から英語を日本の唯一の公用語化とすることに反対である。 一つ目の理由は、日本人同士が英語でコミュニケーションをしているところを見たことがないし、自分の友達にも英語が喋れる人は、殆どいないという理由から、日本人は、英語を操るのが得意ではないと思うからである。ゆえに、この政策の実現は、不可能か不可能に近いだろう。 二つ目の理由として、日本の社会において、日本語を唯一の公用語として扱っていても特に問題が起きていないで、この政策には意味がないと思うからである。実際、いくつかの外資系の企業は、彼らの会社の中だけで英語を公用語化とすることで、日本において成功を収めている。 この政策は上記に述べた理由により、日本人には合わないだろう。ゆえに、私は、英語を日本の唯一の公用語化とすることに反対である。 ★質問★ (1)「英語を日本の唯一の公用語化とすること」を二回目以降は、the policyでまとめていますが、問題はないですか。 (2)一つ目の理由の最後の所で、「不可能か不可能に近いだろう。」という英語を「 impossible or nearly impossible」としましたが、こんな感じでよろしかったでしょうか。 (3)この文章には書かなかったのですが、「英語の公用語化」を英語でどのように表現すれば良いでしょう。簡単言い回しをしていたら教えて下さい。

  • 至急です!英検2級の作文添削お願いします!

    英検2級の英作文添削お願いします!!(;;) TOPIC It is sometimes said that all people should be able to enter museums for free. Do you agree with this opinion? I disagree that all people should be able to enter museums for free. Firstly, museum's employee can run museum efficientry. In many cases, if they do allow entering museum for free, the cost is likely to get worse and worse. However, by collecting money from visitor, the will get enough money. Secondly, visitor can't see exhibit enough. This is because, if they do not collect money, many people visit museum. As a result,museum is flooded with visitor. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.