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Macworld Expo 2008: スティーブ・ジョブスのキーノート書き起こし

  • マックワールドエキスポ2008のスティーブ・ジョブスのキーノートの書き起こしをしています。
  • キーノートでは、Leopardの評価やMicrosoftのOffice Mac 2008の発表、Time MachineとTime Capsuleの紹介が行われました。
  • Time Capsuleは、Airport Extreme Base Stationとハードドライブを組み合わせたバックアップアプライアンスで、無線でノートブックやデスクトップをバックアップすることができます。


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前回の詳細訂正も含めて最初から6:48まで下記です。 Welcome to Macworld 2008. We've got some.. some great stuff for you. There's clearly something in the air today. But before we dived in all of that I just wanted to take a moment and look back to 2007. 2007 was an extraodinary year for Apple, summing incredible new products, the amazing new iMac, the awesome new iPods, and of course the revolutionary iPhone. On top of that, Leopard, and all of the other great software we ship in 2007. It was an extraodinary year for Apple and I want to just take a moment and say "Thank you." We have tremendous support by all of our customers and we reall really appreciate, so thank you for an extraodinary 2007. I've got four things I'd like to talk about with you today. So let's get started. The first one is Leopard. I'm thrilled to report that we have delivered over 5 million copies of Leopard in the first 90 days. Unbelievable. It is the most successful release of Mac OS X ever. And what this is resulted in is almost 20% of the Mac OS X installed base is now upgraded to Leopard. This is unprecedented in the first 90 days for both us and of course the industry. So we're really really thrilled by this. And the press's been very kind to it. It's been a critical success as well as a commercial success. "In my view, Leopard is better and faster than Vista." Walt Massberg, a man of few words. "Leopard is powerful, polished and carefully conceived." David Pogue, The New York Times. "With Leopard, Apple's operating system widens its lead aesthetically and technologically." Ed Baig, USA Today. "...it's by far the best operating system ever written for the vast majority of consumers." right, Ed Mendelson, PC Magazine. So, in addition to getting great critical reviews, Leopard has really been well recieved by our developers. And one of the things has been... announce... announced today is Microsoft is now shipping Office mac 2008. Their latest version of office. This is... this is the last big app to go native on Intel. So finally there, all of the big apps now are native on Intel. Thank you, Dobie, Thank you, Microsoft.. All the apps are native on Intel so we're pretty thrilled. So in Tiger, we have.. we have a bunch of great new features as you know. And one of them is Time Machine. Time Machine is really great because it can automatically back up all your files and save them to a hard disc. As you know, the way Time Machine works as you take an external hard drive and plug it into your computer and everything else is automatic. It works great. If you have a note book though, you constantly plug it in that hard drive and unplug it yet then. In places where you forgot to bring that hard drive and you want to get a backup, you wish you didn't need that wire, right? You wish it was like this. Well, today we're introducing a companion product to Time Machine. It's gonna do way without that wire forever. It's called Time Capsule. And what it is... It's really clever. It's a backup appliance. And what it has in it is an airport extreme base station. Full airport extreme base station and a hard drive. So it's got 802.11 and wireless networking, the most advanced Wi-Fi networking available. And it's got a server grade hard drive in it. So it's very reliable. So these two things together make up Time Capsule. And as you can see, it's a full airport extreme base station with all the ports in the back... really nice. So you can back up your notebook wirelessly to Time Capsule. As a matter of fact, you can back up all the macs in your house, whether they be note books or desktops, wirelessly to one Time Capsule. Just literary plug it in, turn it on, and enable Time Capsule, and Time Machine and all your Macs, and that's all you have to do. It's really wonderful. We gonna sell Time Capsule in two versions. A five hundred mega... one of the five hundred megabyte drives.. gigabytes sorry... 500 gigabyte drive inside it and one with the terabyte drive inside it. The five hundred gigabyte drive model; it's gonna cost just $299. And the terabyte model; it's gonna be just four hundred and ninty-nine dollars. These are very aggressive prices because we want people backing up their contents. And Time Capsule's gonna ship in February. It's the perfect companion product to Time Machine. We got an ad running on Time Machine. I hope you've seen it, but if you haven't, I'd love to run it for you now.



今回もありがとうございます。 2つわからない所があるんですが、 ドビー=Dobie は人名なんでしょうか? また app、apps はapplication=アプリケーションの略と 考えれば良いでしょうか。 辞書で意味を調べようと思ったのですが、 該当する単語が見つからないもので。。 もし何かご存知でしたらお願い致します。

その他の回答 (1)


>ドビー=Dobie は人名なんでしょうか? 文脈上そのように考えられます(考えました/聞こえました)。 >また app、apps はapplication=アプリケーションの略と考えれば良いでしょうか。 まさしくそのとおりです。app が単数、apps が複数を意味します。 ついでに少し訂正すると We gonna sell Time Capsule --> We're gonna ... これは未来形で is going to の省略形。 We got ad running... --> We've got ... have got = have という意味で、現在形です。 airport extreme base station は Apple が名づけた製品名のようなもので正式には AirPort Extreme Base Station と大文字を交えるようです。



やっぱりテキストと話し言葉ではちょっとずつ違ったりするものですね。 また続きも近いうちに書き込ませて頂こうと思います。
