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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の添削をお願いします!!)



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  • appleton
  • ベストアンサー率66% (77/116)

In Egypt, the World Heritage that wants to do is a pyramid. It introduces a three major pyramid. The pyramid was registered in World Heritage in 1979. There are three pyramids built in the Giza plateau in the west valley in the heating pad outskirts and the Nile by Pharaoh Khufu, king Cafrar, and king Mencaurar. It is a huge chiefly building in the quadrangular pyramid built in Egypt and Latin America. The passage and the room are made from the one that a huge stone was piled up in the quadrangular pyramid on the inside. It has been assumed that it is the one that an ancient king had it build, and king grave recently. However, the coffin is not necessarily put, and it has been understood to build many pyramids with one king. In addition, the pyramid seems to have been apparently public works it has been understood to advance the examination that had been given to offer the place where a lot of people worked at the farmer's leisure season. Scribbling of the ancient people who have been left on the construction site only praises the king till then though it had been made involved in the construction of Piramit a slave. It was not made to work forcing bitterness, and it was involved in the Piramit construction pleased with everyone. A three major pyramid and the sphinx are one of the seven wonders. At first, the pyramid of maximum Pharaoh Khufu had 146m construction. However, because the top part has collapsed now, it is 137m. The theory that the etymology of the pyramid originates in Puramis that indicates triangular bread by Greek is the most powerful. Ancient times..Egypt..language..Great Pyramids at Giza..rise..meaning..mill..word..apply.The mystery is a lot, and in the pyramid, is still mysterious. If everybody visits, how also about everybody once by all means?





  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 October 16th ‘10 I was busy today. As soon as I got up morning, I went to do rice-cake making. As a mallet of today was bigger than I had used ones of past, my arm パンパンになった。 And it was fine, I was tired a lot. After rice-cake making, I had to put a TV board together. But I had just bought some parts for that. When I got a call from the shop buying the TV, I was not easy a little. But I had a promise with my friends to go out to drink, I gave up it and did it. We met in grilled meet restaurant. We bought a 50percent off ticket of this restaurant with an internet. It was great and we would be full. As the TV will come to my house yester morning, I had better go to sleep early. It is almost 2 o’clock.

  • 英文添削をお願いいたします。

    アンディー・フグはスイスに1964年生まれ、彼はK-1の人気に貢献し、スポーツの歴史の中で尊敬される人物の中の一人です。彼は踵落としで伝説的であり、踵落としで世界でたくさんの勝利をおさめた。彼のリング上のハードな戦い方とは対照的に、彼は謙虚で、誠実で、やさしく、人々を積極的に助け、正義という感覚を兼ね備えていた。彼の性格は生涯を通して、多くの人を感動させて、2000年の8月24日に突然急性白血病で死んだ。この運命は敵と多くのファンにとって受け入れるのが困難だった。 Andy Hug was born in Switzerland in 1964. He contributed to K-1’s popularity and is still one of the most respected figures in sports history. He was legendary for axe kick and gained numerous victories with it in the world. In contrast to his hard fighting in the ring, he was modest, honest, gentle, helped people willingly and had the sense of justice. His nature inspired millions of people though life. But on the 24th of August 2000, he died unexpectedly as a result of leukemia. It was too difficult for opponents and thousands of fans to accept this fate. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!!

    英語が非常に苦手なものです(泣)明日英語のスピーチがあるのですが、時間がないので助けてほしいです!よろしくお願いします!! 英文:I love a trip. I tell that I went to Fukushima for snowboarding with a friend the other day. I got on a night coach from night of January 17 and went to the Daira, Adachi plateau of Fukushima. When it arrived at the inn, it was about 4:00 of the morning. The feeling was excited, but I fell asleep once and I got up for 8 carrier 30 minutes of the morning and went to the slope by bus. When I arrived at the slope, one area was very clean by snow. I changed into a wear at once and went to be slippery. I did not have experience of the snowboarding so far, and this time was the first challenge. I had there was a good child to a friend, and the child teach it from the beginning. I fell down first and. However, I got possible to glide alone while I slipped a lot. When I got possible to glide, I was very glad. It was fearful to step on the lift, but got possible to get on a lift first. I want to thank a friend.  I entered the hot spring at night. I have a feeling that a tired body softened by the effect of the hot spring. It was very comfortable. The supper ate sukiyaki. Vegetables and meat were very delicious.  I gathered in one room together and played a game while eating a cake and talked afterwards. It was the future and talked about a thing of the love, an interesting thing in various ways. It was good to be able to do a deep talk. I made a tour of Fukushima on the second day. I walked the neighborhood and took a photograph with a digital camera. There were footbathing and a lake and a Shinto shrine in the neighborhood of the inn. Powdery snow fell, and the circumference was surrounded in the silver world and was very beautiful when I took a walk through a lake on the way. And I returned to the house on the night coach again. I became the very good memory. I want to do a lot of trips from now on. I go to the land and want to watch various things in spite of being a feeling with skin. Thank you. 日本語:私は旅行が大好きです。こないだ友達と福島にスノボーに行った時の話をします。 私は1月17日の夜から夜行バスに乗り、福島の安達太良高原に行きました。宿に着いたときは朝の4時頃でした。気持はわくわくしていましたが、一旦眠りにつき、朝の8持30分に起床してバスでゲレンデに向かいました。 ゲレンデに着いたとき、辺りは一面雪でとてもきれいでした。早速ウエアに着替え、滑りに行きました。私は今までにスノボーの経験がなくて、今回が初挑戦でした。友達に上手な子がいてその子に一から教えてもらいました。最初は転んでばかりでした。しかし、たくさん滑っているうちに一人で滑れるようになりました。滑れるようになった時はとても嬉しかったです。最初はリフトに乗ることも怖かったのですが、リフトにも乗れるようになりました。私は友達に感謝したいです。  夜は温泉に入りました。疲れた体が温泉の効果によって和らいだ気がします。とても気持ち良かったです。夕飯はすきやきを食べました。野菜やお肉がとてもおいしかったです。  その後はみんなでひとつの部屋に集まり、お菓子を食べながらゲームをしたり、語ったりしました。将来のこと、恋愛のこと、面白かったことなど色々な話しをしました。深い話ができてよかったです。 二日目は福島めぐりをしました。近辺を歩いてデジカメで写真を撮りました。宿の近くには足湯や湖や神社がありました。途中、湖を散策していると、粉雪が降ってきて周りが銀世界に包まれてとても綺麗でした。 そしてまた夜行バスに乗り、家に帰りました。 とてもいい想い出になりました。私はこれからもたくさん旅をしていきたいです。その土地へ行って肌で感じながら色々なものをみていきたいです。 ありがとうございました。

  • 日本語訳を! 3-(7)

    お願いします。  Today when archaeologists dig up the bodies of pyramid builders it is clear that many survived serious injuries thanks to Imhotep and his long list of cures. But many did not. And, during the Old Kingdom, life everlasting was not for the common man. He could only hope to play his part in the cycle of life and death by building a tribute to his king and in doing so add to the grandeur of Egypt.

  • 英文を添削してください。

    どなたか英文を添削していただけないでしょうか。 I had once come across Yakuza when I was going up in the lift in a building at Shinjuku. The door opned, and I was just going to step forward when I found five of them in it. I drew back in fear and shock, but then the boss orderd them to be gentlemen and let me in, and one of them near the door cleared the space for me. I thought it rude to turn down their invitation, and I went with them all the way up to my floor in dead silence. Finally I went off, bowing them several times, and had a big sigh of relief when the door shut them out. They scared me. Even without saying anything, their atmosphere made me feel so. But on the other hand, I was impressed by their courteous behavier. 言いたいことは以下のような感じです。 「以前に一度ヤクザと遭遇した事があります。新宿のビルのエレベーターに乗ろうとした時の事なんだけど、扉が開いたら中にヤクザが5人ぐらい乗ってたの。私はびっくりして後ずさったの。そうしたらヤクザの親分らしき人が他のヤクザに向かって『彼女を乗せてさしあげろ』って言ったの。扉の側に立っていたヤクザが私の為にスペースを作ってくれたんで、私は断るのもなんだなと思ってそのエレベーターに乗りました。私の目的の階に着くまでの間、エレベーターの中は全くの無言でした。私は彼らに向かって頭を下げながらエレベーターを降りました。扉が閉まった後で、大きなため息をつきました。彼らは黙っていても迫力があって怖かったです。でも礼節はちゃんとわきまえてる彼らの態度に感心もしました。」 おかしなところがあれば直していただきたいです、どうかお願いいたします m(_ _)m

  • 英文添削おねがいします。

    自分が今の仕事を選んだ理由を英文で書きました。 添削よろしくお願いします。 I was working as a guide helper when I was a university student. I chose the work related with the person with autisms because of that. I was mental disabilities person's guide helper. However, there were person with autisms in that, too. I had gone out to various places with them on the weekend. But there were a lot of people who have taken a turn in the park during a day. And some people went to the same place every time. When I went out with the person, who lives in group home, She said "I don’t know why I am here, and I want to go home.” And she cried. At that time, I was working as a part-time job. Therefore, I did not neatly know their detailed situations. But I doubted that "Is their life good as today?" in many times. Of course, there were a lot of happiness and goodness, too. However, doubted things very strongly impression in me. So I thought that I want to help the individuals diagnosed with autism to be able to spend the full life happier than now. Therefore, I have chosen the current job that was able to be more deeply related with the person with autism.

  • 英文を添削してください

    Since the United States was born, people have guns and are allowed to hold it. Individuals people in the United States stood up with guns and fought against those who tried to make it a colony. In the disorder of the West Pioneering era, people fought with outlaws with guns. アメリカは個人個人が銃を持って立ち上がり、アメリカを植民地にしようとする者達と戦ってきた。また西部開拓時代の無秩序の中で、人々が銃を持って無法者たちと戦ってきたという事実がある。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 西部開拓時代や無法者とか少しわかりにくい言葉がありますが、日本語をそのまま英文にしたいというわけではなく、言いたいことが伝われば大丈夫です。 ですので、日本語を変えていただいても大丈夫です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 October 4th ‘10 I went out to drink with my entering in the same year after work. I thought it was enjoyable for me. I don’t need to care for them and I can talk anything I think. I wander a drink of yesterday will not be same. And I wander I have to go to drink a place I wouldn’t like to. I have to think it is a business. Is it happy life for us to do so?

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Of the buildings in the forum area, it is in conceivable that the colonists did not make changes to the dominant temple at the northern end. Even if this was already dedicated to Jupiter, there was probably now a rebuilding that laid emphasis on the Capitoline version of that god’s cult, in which Jupiter shared honours with Juno and Minerva. It may have been at this stage that the base for the cult-statue within the temple was radically re-designed and monumentalized. At the south end of the forum the Comitium, or voting enclosure, though perhaps begun in the pre-colonial period, was brought to completion in the first years of the colony. Much of the building work of the colonists was carried out in a distinctive technique of quasi reticulatum in black lava with cornering in brickwork(often arranged to form a series of superposed wedges).

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Belgian army was to be massed in central Belgium, in front of the National redoubt of Belgium, ready to face any border, while the Fortified Position of Liège and Fortified Position of Namur were left to secure the frontiers. On mobilization, the King became Commander-in-Chief and chose where the army was to concentrate. Amid the disruption of the new rearmament plan, disorganised and poorly trained Belgian soldiers would benefit from a central position to delay contact with an invader but it would also need fortifications for defence, which were on the frontier. A school of thought wanted a return to a frontier deployment, in line with French theories of the offensive. Belgian plans became a compromise, in which the field army concentrated behind the Gete river, with two divisions further forward at Liège and Namur.