• ベストアンサー



  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

We sometimes find what we have been looking for at a place we had expected to be least likely. 例文から「never」 を削除して、その代わりに「least likely」を入れて、時制を「チョコ・チョコ」ッと調整してみたんですが(爆)、お気に召しますか? 意味はお分かりですよね? もっと簡単には We sometimes find what we have been long looking for at a place least expected. 文法的にはどうか判らんが、私ゃーこれで行く! いつの間にか「long」を入れていた、この方が「ずーっと」の感じが出そうな気がする。 勝手な挿入・追加御免、、、、 least likely 《be ~》最も起こりにくい、最もありそうにない



leastを使うといいんですね! どうもありがとうございました。


  • 会話

    You have just arrived at the top of the mountain with your friend after hiking for many hours. What might you say? で、これに続く答えとして ・Hey here it is. We've finally gotten what we bargained for. ・Well, here we are at last. I thought I'd never seen this place. この選択肢があったのですが、直訳気味に訳すと前者は 「ここだよ。とうとう予想していたものを得たんだな!」 後者は 「とうとう着いたな。この場所を見たことなかったと私は思った」 といった感じになると思いますが。。。 正解は後者です。ただ、あまり納得いかないのですが、 どなたか納得できる説明ができませんでしょうか?

  • 平原綾香さんのThe Voiceの歌詞

    Jupiterの英語詩バージョンです。 大体わかったのですが、どうしてもわからない部分があるので、ご存知の方いらしたら教えてください。 1分30秒くらいのところ Sometimes life _____ in misterious ways 1分50秒くらいのところ But when your looking for a ________ To justify what you have to do But I don't look ______________ Just trust the voice in you 3分40秒くらいのところ We all have __________ You know this times when doubt fills your hate When no good at first we only get ________________ 以上です。 歌詞が載っているサイトも探しましたがでてきませんでした。 もし、ご存知でしたら教えてください。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 1 You can never find it.

    1 You can never find it. 2 You never find it. の違いを知りたいのですが教えてください。 「それを探して続けるかぎり見つけることはできないだろう」 という文章を英語で書きたいのですが、どちらが適切か教えてください。 ちなみにこのように書こうと思います。 1 You can never find it as long as you keep looking for. 2 You never find it as long as you keep looking for. 1は「見つけることできないだろう」 2は「見つからないだろう」 というニュアンスでしょうか? またどちらの文章のほうがナチュラルかもご指示ください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • outについて

    It's really a shame becasue she lost more than a month when she could have been out looking for a job. beenの後になぜ out がつくのでしょうか? she could have been look for a job で何ら問題がないと思うのです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳はこれでいいですか?

    Vuestlife??? I have never heard, what is it? ヴエストライフ???聞いたことないよ、それって何? Westlife fathers song?? I dont know about this? ウエストライフ(の?)お父さんの歌?これは知らない I have been looking to buy you a 〇 T shirt but I cannot find anywhere. ずっとあなたが買う〇Tシャツ探してるけど どこにもなくってみつけれないよ。 1番目のitと2番目のthisって入れ替えても 問題ないですか? もし自分がこのような文を書くとき2文ともitと使ったり2文ともthisにしたりしてしまうと思います。 ちょこっと気になりました・・・。 お願いします。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致します

    Any book of which we say to ourselves , when we have done with it ,“That is a good book”, we find to be so by virtue of the writer's personality which we have been in contact with : we say so , possibly , beccuse we find that our own self has been affected , even though for a while. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します

  • 英語が合っているか見て欲しいですm(__)m

    you know we've almost been dating for a year.に 『うーん。。でも私たちっていつからこういう関係になったの?(笑) 気づいたらただの友達だと思ってた人を知らないうちに好きになってて..いつからなのかはハッキリ分からないんだ。 あなたは私といつから付き合ってると思ってるの?』←と言いたいのですが Ummm... How have we been dating? lol You were my just a friend and than I realized have I love you so i really don't know what really happend between us. What do you think about how long we'be dating for?←合ってますか?変なところがあれば教えてくださいm(__)m

  • 和訳をお願いします。

     The Japanese word "michikusa" has a nice ring. Since it is derived from horses occasionally stopping to eat roadside grass as they are driven to a destination, it sounds leisurely and pastoral.  It is a common experience that when we look up a word in a dictionary, we get interested in the words listed around the one we look for or search for related words by association, spending an unexpectedly long time over the "michikusa."  Is the time thus spent a waste of time? I believe it is not. It may seem a waste of time if we look at it in terms of the target or task we set out to achieve. But if we look at it in another way, it can also be viewed as providing an opportunity for us to have various new encounters.  Suppose we see someone and talk with the person or attend a meeting. It sometimes happens at such a time that we run into a situation different from what we have excited, with unexpected topics coming up or meeting someone we have never dreamed of seeing.  To have the fortune of coming across a valuable object other than what we look for, we need to cultivate a mind-set that enables us to consider a waste of time affordable and a certain understanding for such an object. In the first place, we need "michimusa" to develop an eye for value. Can today's children afford to have enough "michikusa" for their growth? 長いですが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a 47-year-old widower. I lost my wife a year ago to an unexpected heart attack. I’ve found some comfort from talking with a long-term friend who is getting divorced. One day she dropped by my house and we talked about what we enjoyed about being on our own and what we missed about our partners. We ended up having sex and ever since then, we’ve been meeting regularly at my place. Sometimes it’s just sex and talking and other times, we may go out after or we might go for a walk in the park together. go out afterは「その後に出かける」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have been communicating with this girl I work with who is currently seeing a guy she's been with for four years. We have a strong connection and physical attraction, and we have both disclosed our feelings to each other. We communicate rarely by text but never through phone calls, for obvious reasons. Her man works for the same company we do but in a different building. It's clear to me that he doesn't complement her being or lifestyle and will never rise to her level. he doesn't complement her being or lifestyle and will never rise to her levelの訳をよろしくお願いします