• ベストアンサー

It's as you like.



(1)私だったら「何とでも仰ってください。」と訳します。 (2)普通はforが必要ですね。これはご察しの通り、turnやchanceなどの限られた目的語を取る場合には forなしの用法があります。 (3)これは2人称の主語を付けて命令を表します。be going to は近接未来で何も難しくありません。or elesがあるので、少し脅かしのニュアンスがありますね。 (4)いや、ここでforを使うと、waitのpostpositionのような働きになりますので、故意的にforを省略したのかもしれませんね。





  • like youとlike yourself

    お世話になります。 また質問させてください。 (1) I'd like a smart person like you to teach me English. (2) I'd like a smart person like yourself to teach me English. (1)をアメリカのメル友にチェックしたもらったところ (2)のように、you は yourself がいいとのこと。 理由がわかりません。 アドバイスお願いします。  

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。pro-mourn

    A lot of you reading this are not going to believe this job is a real thing. But professional mourners -- people paid to attend funerals and pretend to be friends and family of the deceased -- are not only real, but common. Or they are in places like China; it's only just now starting to take off in Western countries. it's only just~のitが示している部分はどこに当たるのでしょうか?またonly justはどのように文意を捉えればよいでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • You get out what you put in, as the

    You get out what you put in, as they say.の意味がわかりません。どう言う意味か教えて頂けますか、下記文の最後に出てきます。宜しくお願い致します。 Do you have to work long hours? Yes. I have to work a long day. I start at 7 in the morning and often do not leave the office before 7 at night. You must be very busy. What do you do? I am in the field of financial management. We look after people's money for them. Even though I do not like my job, I do not think I would like to work 12 hours a day. To be successful you have to work hard. You get out what you put in, as they say.

  • likeについて

    It looks like it’s going to rain. この文でlikeの品詞は何でしょうか?私は前置詞だと思いますが、前置詞の後に節が来ています。恐れ入りますが文法の説明をお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “To me it's just like, I don't know man. To me it's like gratitude is a little bit cooler than crapping all over everybody. I love Scott, love him, but I also know what it's like to have fans, and I shake hands every day and sign autographs and stuff like that. It's just like when you start thinking that like they're just going to show up every single day and not care and it's okay, at some point it's going to come back and hurt you.

  • 英文法の問題教えてください!

    次の問題を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 1 その子はあらゆる点で父親に似ていた。    The boy ( )( ) his father in every way. 2 彼はポケットにわずか3ドルしかなかった。   He had no ( )( ) three dollars in his pocket. 3 You should not despire people just because they are poor. You shold not look ( )( )people just because they are poor. 4 I liked baseball better than football in my boyhood. I ( ) baseball ( ) football in me bpuhood. 5 He talks very little. He is a man of ( )( ). 6 How would you like to go to a dance ? ( ) do you ( ) to going to a dance ? という問題です。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 「you'd like to」について教えてください

    You'd like to see some samples, and then you want to meet a salesperson. 上記の文の訳と"you'd like to"の使い方を教えてください。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “[Scott] is just kind of waking up, it's an hour after the show is supposed to have started and he's just kind of waking up and getting himself together. He's like 'alright I'm ready to go' it's just like, what's going on? And we all know what's going on. For me, to sit there- I'm actually shocked at how much an artist can crap all over his fans by making them wait that long.

  • 自然な英語になるように、添削をお願いします。

    添削をお願いします。 30年後にはどんな暮らしになっているか想像できる? Can you imagine how our life is going 30 years after?  65歳になった時自分は何をしていると思う?   When you are sixty-five, what do you imagine yourself doing?  100年前は月に行けるなどとは誰も思っていなかったに相違ありません。 私たちが月へ行くのもちょうど外国へ行くようなものになるでしょう。 It's no doubt that people never thought of going to the moon a hundred years ago. It's quite likely that the day will come when we can travel to the moon just like we go abroad now.

  • if you like について

    I think this problem of holding on to valuable employees and keeping the headhunters at bay, if you like, I think the problem will undoubtedly become more serious in the future in Japan. ここでの "if you like" は "if you please" や "if you will"に言い換え可能でしょうか。