• ベストアンサー

stay in?


  • ベストアンサー

この場合のstayは、「滞在」を意味します。 stay in 地名 と使います。 滞在の場所がホテルとかの場合は stay at ~ となります。





  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    私の意見では、現在の若者は性別を問わず自分で調理できることが大切である。料理を おいしく仕上げるためには豊かな想像力や手先の器用さが要求されるので、心身の健康 にとてもよい。食材に意識的になれば自然への関心も高まる。さらに、料理で友人を もてなすことができると、あるいは人と共同して料理ができると、絆が深まることは間違いない。 In my opinion, in spite of gender, it is important for young people nowadays to be able to cook well by themselves. It is good for both your mind and body because it needs good imagination or skills with your hand. If you are glad to know ingredients of your food, you will be more interested in nature. Moreover, if you are able to make friends enjoy with your dishes or to cook with some people, you must be more familiar with each other. enjoy with your dishes のwith はby にかえても問題ないでしょうか 他にも間違いはあるかもしれませんが、回答よろしくおねがいします

  • stay home or stay at home

    2017年7月号Lesson 7(1)のUedaさんの台詞の中で、”stay at one job”が出てきます。日本人としては「一つの職に留まる」で違和感のないフレーズですが、前置詞”at”の後に場所以外が来るのは新鮮な何時がします。 Ueda Shota: I read somewhere that Americans stay at one job for an average of four and a half years, but that millennials tend to job-hop more than often. Why is that? And what, if anything, are employers doing to keep millennials on the payroll longer? @ 2017年7月L7(1) さて、自動詞stayのフレーズとしては、”stay at home”がありますが、”stay home”という表現もあります。自動詞ですから、その後に補語が来たり、前置詞を伴い他動詞化する(群動詞と言うそうですね。本当かな?)のは当然ですが、“stay at home”だと、物理的な場所”at home”ですから、「在宅で」となるのでしょうね。また、”stay home”だと副詞(?)のhomeですから、stayの状態を表すのでしょうね。よく使われる”come home”や”get home”のように動作動詞の場合は、方向を示す副詞として”home”は、分かりやすいですが、”stay home”の状態は、テキスト例から見ると、下記の引用のように「専業主婦」「引きこもり」「(病気で)家に居る」といった様子を示しているのでしょうか。 Umemura: No kidding. I read the other day that there are now almost as many families in America headed by single moms as there are families where mom stays home and dad brings home the bacon. @ 2016年3月L23(3) Rice: …Meantime, your hubby is out, busy with his business, so most of the time you stay home and mope. @ 2006年10月L1(2) Lyons: …When that happens I will lay down the law and tell them to stay home until it’s completely out of their systems. @ 2014年1月L20(4) ところが2013年9月号Lesson12(2)のCollinsさんの9/11の貿易センターテロ事件後の” cocooning”を説明する台詞の場合は、”stay at home“ですが、「在宅で」というより「家に引きこもって」という感じですよね。どっちでもいいのかな? Collins: And another reason for the renewed emphasis on cocooning is the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That struck fear into people’s hearts - there’s more of a sense of vulnerability among Americans. And so people are staying at home more. @ 2013年9月L12(2) ※OKWAVEより補足:テーマ「実践ビジネス英語」から投稿された質問です。

  • start in

    "Dear Prudie, I am a married woman in my early 40s with young children whose longtime, local job in New England is being transitioned to the corporate office in the Midwest. My husband works for the same company and has a job offer there and we’ve decided to relocate. The company is compensating us generously. The issue is that my mother, who’s in her late 60s, is having a very difficult time accepting our decision. She insists that I stay, even though she knows it would put my family at financial risk since I would no longer have a job. She is giving me guilt trips laden with mentions of emotional abandonment, threats that she’d “rather not be alive” if I go, and accusations of putting greed before family. We have asked her to move with us, and she refuses. We have told her we can bring her out for weeks at a time to stay with us, which she also refuses because she said she won’t drive such long distances and doesn’t like to fly. I understand her sadness, but I’m becoming angry and resentful that she thinks it is a viable answer to put my family in financial peril for her. Please help. —Leaving on a Jet Plane? Dear Jet, Though I don’t buy her claims of emotional abandonment, I do buy that you are being emotionally blackmailed. Your mother is insinuating she’ll kill herself if you follow the absolutely necessary path of transferring to headquarters. I believe that’s an empty threat, but if she keeps this up, she’ll only make your move easier by causing you to want to flee her harangues. You don’t say that your mother is infirm, so while she may not be up to driving herself such long distances, there’s no excuse for her to say she’ll refuse to get on a plane for a relatively short hop. But flying to see you wouldn’t even be necessary if she’d agree to take you up on your offer of moving to the Midwest. Presumably, she’s a lifelong New Englander with a web of family and friends, so she may not want to start over. But that’s her decision, and it means spending time with you and the grandchildren will require travel. Tell her you’re going, her options have been explained to her, and you are going to refuse to listen to more weeping and wailing. If she starts in, hang up the phone or leave—until you leave for good. " ここでのstarts inはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 出張のお礼メール 

    「期間中、ありがとうございます。  私たちは良いミーティングを行うことができ、楽しむことも出来ました。(一緒に食事をしたり、会話、など)」 --- I appreciate your kind hospitality during my stay in Los Angels. We had a good meeing and enjoyed. --- と上記のようなお礼メールを書きたいと思っています。 2行目がもう少し良い表現がないかなと思っているのですが、何か良い表現があれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 自由英作文添削

    浪人生です  よろしければ添削お願いいたします 問題文   次のテーマについて80語以上の英語で書きなさい  If you should travel abroad fot the first time in your life, would you like to travel by yourself or would you like to travel with your friends? and why?   自分の答え  I would like to travel by myself because I would like to have free time that is not limited anyone.      If I traveled abroad with my friends, I might not go to the place where I have really wanted to visit. But if I traveled abroad by myself, I could go to the place where I have really wanted to visit and it would be very interesting. That is why I would like to travel abroad by myself better than with my friends.

  • 英文法

    1.このイスは座り心地がよい。 This chair is (comfortable/ good) to sit (on/in). どれが正しいのでしょうか?(自分はcomforable/onのパターンがベターだと思いますが、他のも間違っているとは思えません)もし間違っているのがあるとしたら、できればその理由もお願いします。 2.While I was staying in Australia, I saw some interesting animals.の書き換えで、 (During/ In) my stay in Australia,...のうちどちらが正しいでしょうか?(自分は両方正しくて、Duringのほうがよく使われると思うのですが、その根拠は分かりません) 3.It is faster to go by car than by train.の書き換えで、 Going by car takes (less/ shorter) time than by train.のうちどちらが正しいのでしょうか。(自分はlessが正しくて、shorterは間違っていると思うのですが、その理由は分かりません) 以上、3点よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳し方について

    The benefits of the program include early registration (the first day of registration you will be able to enroll in classes, guaranteeing you get the classes you want to take), experiential learning opportunities in your honors courses, opportunities to meet and attend lunch and dinner events with convocation speakers, option to participate in Honors May term travel abroad, special recognition on your transcript and at graduation. という文章があるのですが、奨学金に関しては何も書かれていないですよね? >option to participate in Honors May term travel abroad おそらくこの文章だと思うのですが、Google翻訳で日本語に変換した結果、奨学金に参加できるオプション、と出ました。 May termというのがsummer term(サマースクール) みたいな1ヶ月の短期学期があるのですが、その期間に海外へトラベルするということが書かれていると思ったのですが、違うのでしょうか? それか別のところに奨学金について書かれている箇所がありますか? わかる方回答いただければと思います。 よろしくお願いいします。

  • ある歌詞を英文にしてみました。becauseとcauseの違い。jewelの意味するもの。

    Knew the outcome with just a touch in the air Had such selfish love philosophy for a long time My empty heart was never healed, and covered it up with other wound ★Couldn’t hide the sadness cause weakness leak out, you know. Just wanna hold your hands Just wanna walk by your side I know its fragile So just wanna stay as your dear friend Could I stay longer if I didn’t lean over? Only if I didn’t care… Now I am away and know its far away Ridiculed, put down, and still care about you I thought I was the one to blame. Yeah, I’m miserable hopelessly Just wanna hold your hands Just wanna walk by your side ※But I know its fragile So, seeing you, jewel, makes everything alright If we meet in some distant future, will you smile for me? Just wanna hold your hands Just wanna walk by your side ※But I know its fragile So, seeing you, jewel, makes everything alright Just wanna hold your hands Just wanna walk by your side But I know its fragile True, just wanna stay as your dear friend Just wanna stay as your dear friend 一度、人に訳して戴いたものを、自分なりに訳し、更に添削を受けました。 直された箇所について: ★マークのところについて、becauseを使わず、causeを使っている理由を教えて下さい。 ※マークのところについて、敢えて、jewelを入れている理由を教えて下さい。

  • グーグルが翻訳してくれません。

    グーグルが翻訳してくれません。 Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! で切れてしまいます。Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! May all your dreams come true! Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. You’re a miracle and a charm! (kiss) 何て書いてありますか?。

  • ホームステイ先へのメールの添削をして下さい。

    今年の7月からカナダへ行き、最初の何か月かホームステイをします。 ホームステイ先が決まったのでメールをしようと思っているのですが、 このようなメールで良いのか確認してもらえませんか?? Dear 〇〇 family Hello.Nice to meet you. My name is (自分の名前)from 地名,Japan.Please call me (自分の名前). I will arrive to stay at your place on July (日にち). Thank you for accepting me as a member of your family in advance. This home stay is the first time in my life. I am very good at English.But I will do my best,so I hope you will help me as family and also teacher. While I stay with your family,I really would like to go shopping and visit a lot of places, with your family.I am lots of memories with your family. Could you tell me any rules which your family have?I will also follow them. I am really looking forward to seeing you!! Best regards (自分の名前) ここは変だとか、もっとこうやって書いた方が良いというのがあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。