
  • おそらくこの文章だと思うのですが、Google翻訳で日本語に変換した結果、奨学金に参加できるオプション、と出ました。
  • May termというのがsummer term(サマースクール) みたいな1ヶ月の短期学期があるのですが、その期間に海外へトラベルするということが書かれていると思ったのですが、違うのでしょうか?
  • それか別のところに奨学金について書かれている箇所がありますか?
  • ベストアンサー


The benefits of the program include early registration (the first day of registration you will be able to enroll in classes, guaranteeing you get the classes you want to take), experiential learning opportunities in your honors courses, opportunities to meet and attend lunch and dinner events with convocation speakers, option to participate in Honors May term travel abroad, special recognition on your transcript and at graduation. という文章があるのですが、奨学金に関しては何も書かれていないですよね? >option to participate in Honors May term travel abroad おそらくこの文章だと思うのですが、Google翻訳で日本語に変換した結果、奨学金に参加できるオプション、と出ました。 May termというのがsummer term(サマースクール) みたいな1ヶ月の短期学期があるのですが、その期間に海外へトラベルするということが書かれていると思ったのですが、違うのでしょうか? それか別のところに奨学金について書かれている箇所がありますか? わかる方回答いただければと思います。 よろしくお願いいします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。という文章があるのですが、奨学金に関しては何も書かれていないですよね?  はい、書いてありません。 2。May termというのがsummer term(サマースクール) みたいな1ヶ月の短期学期があるのですが、その期間に海外へトラベルするということが書かれていると思ったのですが、違うのでしょうか?  はい、おっしゃる通りです。 3。それか別のところに奨学金について書かれている箇所がありますか?  ご質問の範囲では「参加する選択肢はある」とありますが、奨学金の話はありません。  



やはりそうですよね! あまりGoogle翻訳に頼るのはよくないですね…笑。 回答ありがとうございました! 参考になりました。


  • 英文について【至急お願いします】

    May term にかかる費用と単位数を教えてください Will you tell me the cost and the credit of May term? またMay termで奨学金をもらうことは可能ですか? Can I get the international grant of it? こちらの文章でいいかどうか見て欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語→和訳してくださいII

    直訳でお願いします (1)When you travel abroad, how do you decide where to stay ? If you travel with a "package tour", the travel agency takes care of everything, so you do not have to worry about accomodations . (2)Legally forty children may be assigned to a single class, although the national average is about twenty-eight children per class . (3)Japanese preschool teachers work for eight or nine hours a day, arriving at school at about 8:00 a.m. and leaving for home between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. (4)In most cases there is only one teacher for each classroom. Legally forty children may be assigned to a single class, although the national average is about twenty-eight children per class .

  • 自由英作文添削

    浪人生です  よろしければ添削お願いいたします 問題文   次のテーマについて80語以上の英語で書きなさい  If you should travel abroad fot the first time in your life, would you like to travel by yourself or would you like to travel with your friends? and why?   自分の答え  I would like to travel by myself because I would like to have free time that is not limited anyone.      If I traveled abroad with my friends, I might not go to the place where I have really wanted to visit. But if I traveled abroad by myself, I could go to the place where I have really wanted to visit and it would be very interesting. That is why I would like to travel abroad by myself better than with my friends.

  • 下記の英語を日本語に訳して頂けますか?

    For travelling benefit registration of married trainees, please submit 1 copy of spouse's passport, marriage certificate and parents or parents-in-law's passport to Service team. you can nominate a maximum of 2 parents or parents-in law to enjoy the travel benefits.

  • 下記の英文の翻訳を助けてください!

    自分なりに翻訳してみているのですが、どうも理解できないところがあります。 どなたか、助けてください。 Please know that there is no fixed percent or amount which should be refunded. You may decide the refund amount after reducing the shipping cost and restocking fee. Sellers are given the option to issue a partial refund to avoid any loss. Hence, you may decide the amount to be refunded considering the profit or loss you may incur with this action. We want you to be successful selling at hence we suggest you to deal with this in a way that serves your long term best interests. どうかどうかよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を翻訳していただけるかた、 お願いできますか? どうかよろしくお願いします。 You will waste money to try impress him, to keep up with him, or to seem generous. This negative aspects warns you about possible financially loss and difficulties in the long term future. As a husband, he may have grand financial ideas and dreams but the reality may be that you cannot depend on him to provide an income. or to keep clear of debt.

  • 和訳お願いします…

    I have to go to sleep, goodnight 〇〇, and remember that things will change and you will find a good situation if you stay positive and keep trying, you can always come visit here and travel to see beautiful nature with me, I'll help as much as I can listening and looking for opportunities for you, I have some ideas already

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m(2)

    They argued that we use short-term memory much of the time when engaged in the performance of complex tasks. You have to carry out various processes to complete the task,but you also have to briefly store information about the outcome of early processes in short-term memory as you move on to later processes. For example, suppose you were given the addition problem 13+18+24. You would probably add 13 and 18 and keep the answer (i.e.,31) in short-term memory. You would then add 24 to 31 and produce the correct answer of 55.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どなたか、和訳をお願いします。 「Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about your resume and search for new employment opportunities earlier this morning, it was appreciated. As per our conversation, attached you will find the application for employment with △△for you to complete and return to me at your convenience. I will let you know as soon as any other opportunities arise that you may be a good fit for.」

  • ドメイン登録でこんなメールが!和訳してくれませんか

    ドメインを登録したらこんなメールが送られてきました。 どのような内容なのでしょうか? 和訳していただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。 Hi there , Domain Name: aaa.com(仮) (Account #×××) This email is being sent out to you because search registration for aaa.com is pending. Please register these domains to search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo ASAP to avoid late fees. Registering for search engines would help you show up in search results and increase your online presence. You can register your domain at: here(URL:www.searchregistry.org) We sincerely appreciate your business! If you require anything, we are at your service. Remember… If you do not register your domain with the search engines, it may not appear in the search engine listing when people are looking for you. Failure to complete your domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may make it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web. Complete your search engine registration today at: www.searchregistry.org Sincerely, Search Engine Registry 1787 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 1025 Washington DC, 20006 You may unsubscribe here