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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m(2))

The Role of Short-Term Memory in Complex Tasks

  • Discover the importance of short-term memory in complex tasks and how it impacts our performance.
  • Learn about the process of utilizing short-term memory while completing various processes in complex tasks.
  • Understand the example of solving an addition problem and the role of short-term memory in this process.


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  • wjgbt
  • ベストアンサー率60% (9/15)

その人たちは、短期記憶はむしろ複雑な作業において多く活用される、と主張しました。 そのような作業は様々なプロセスをたどるものですが、次にいくときに初期プロセスの答えを短期記憶に保存することもまた必要となるのです。 たとえば、足し算の問題を出されたときのことを考えます。 まず13と18を足し、その答えを短期記憶の中に留めておくでしょう。 それから24と先ほどの答えを足し、55という解答を出すという具合ですね。


その他の回答 (2)


複雑な作業に実行中、ほとんどの時は短期記憶を使っているという議論を彼らはしました。 作業を完了させるためには次々といろいろな処理を行わなければなりません。しかしまた次の処理に向かう時に前の処理結果の情報を短期記憶に一時格納することも必要です。 例えば、13+18+24という足し算の問題が与えられたとします。あなたは恐らく13と18を足して答え(すなわち31)を短期記憶に取っておきます。それから24と31を足して正しい答え55をだします。


複雑な仕事のパフォーマンスに携わっているとき、我々が非常に当時の短期記憶を使うと、彼らは主張しました。 あなたが最近のプロセスに移って、短期記憶で短く早めのプロセスの結果に関する情報を格納するために、持つtask,butを完了するために、あなたはいろいろなプロセスを実行しなければなりません。 たとえば、あなたが追加問題13+18+24を与えられたと思ってください。 あなたは、多分13と18を加えて、答え(i.e.,31)を短期記憶に保つでしょう。 それから、あなたは24~31を加えて、55の正解を生むでしょう。



  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m(2)

    The short-term stores are itself has very limited capacity. Some information processed in the short-term store is transferred to the long-term store,which has unlimited capacity. Long-term storage of information often depends on rehearsal,with a direct relationship between the amount of rehearsal in the short-term store and the strength of the stored memory trace. According to Atkinson and Shiffrin(1968),short-term memory is involved before long-term memory. However,an increasingly popular view is that short-term memory is only involved after long-term memory.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m(3)

    According to Ruchkin,Grafman,Cameron,and Berndt(2003,p.711),"Short-term memory corresponds to activated long-term memory and information is stored in the same systems that initially processed the information." For once, a theoretical controversy can be resolved without discussing experimental findings in detail. The information processed in short-term memory must already have made contact with information in long-term memory(Logie,1999). For example, our ability to engage in verbal rehearsal of visually presented words depends on prior contact with stored information concerning pronunciation.

  • 英文の翻訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    Peterson and peterson(1959)studied the duration of short-term memory by using the task of remembering a three-letter stimulus while counting backwards by threes.The ability to remember the three letters in the correct order reduced to only about 50% after 6 seconds and forgetting was almost complete after 18 seconds(see the figure on the left). What is the most convincing evidence that short-term and long-term memory are distinct?Surprisingly,the strongest evidence comes from brain-damaged patients!Suppose there was only one memory system dealing with short-term and long-term memory.If that one and only memory system were damaged,performance would be impaired on all memory tasks regardless of wherther they involved short-term or long-term memory.In contrast,suppose there are separate short-term and long-term memory systems located in different parts of the brain.It follows that some brain-damaged patients should have impaired long-term memory but intact short-term memory,whereas others should have impaired short-term memory but intact long-term memory.If such finding were obtained,they would from a double dissociation(i.e.,some patients perform normally on task A but poorly on task B,whereas others perform normally on task B but poorly on task A).

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    How are short-term and long-term memory related? An inflluential answer was provided by Atkinson and Shiffrin(1968) in their multi-store model(see the figure below). They assumed that stimulation from the environment is initially received by the sensory stores. These stores are modality-specific,meaning there is a separate one for each sensoty modality(e.g.,vision;hearing). Information is held briefly in the sensory stores,with some franction being attended to and processed further within the short-term store.

  • 英文の翻訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    peterson and peterson(1959)studied the duration of short-term memory by using the task of remembering a three-letter stimulus while couting backwards by threes. the ability to remember the three letters in the correct order reduced to only about 50% after 6 seconds(see the figure on the left). what is the most convincing evidence that short-term and long-term memory are distinct? 翻訳お願いしますm(--)m

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    In similar fashion,we can only rehearse"IBM"as a single chunk in short-term memory by using relevant information stored in long-term memory.Thus,access to long-term memory occurs before information is processed in short-term memory. There is another reason why Atkinson and Shiffrin's(1968) assumption that information is processed in short-term memory before reaching long-term memory should be rejected (Marc Brysbaert,personal communication).

  • 英文の翻訳お願いしますm(--)m

    surprisingly,the strongest evidence comes from brain-damaged patients! suppose there was only one memory system dealing with short-term and long -term memory. if that one and only memory system were damaged,performance would be impaired on all memory tasks regardlless of whether they involved short-term or long-term memory. 翻訳お願いしますm(. .)m

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします(__)

    another(very obvious)differece between short-term and long-term memory is in the length of time for which information is remembered.much information(e.g.,our own names;the names of our parents and friends)remains in long-term memory for a lifetime,whereas information in short-term memory is lost rapidly. 翻訳お願いします(__)

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    What is the point of short-term memory in everyday life? Textbook writers sometimes argue that it allows us to remember a telephone number for the few seconds taken to dial it. However,even that function is rapidly becoming obsolete now most people have mobile phones that store all the phone numbers needed on a regular basis. In 1974,two British psychologists,Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch,come up with a convincing answer to the above question.

  • 翻訳をお願いします(__)

    however,we start by arguing that there is an important distinction between the information stored away in our brains for periods of time running into months or years(long-term memory)and information held very briefly in memory(short-term memory) 翻訳お願いします(__)

  • iPhoneからプリントをしている際に、DCP-J987Nで文字が壊れる問題が発生しています。インクの問題ではないようです。
  • 特にクリックポストのラベルを印刷する際に同じ文字が変な形になる現象があります。
  • 製品のアップデートは試しましたが、まだ問題は解決していません。解決策を教えてください。