Nothing much has changed. The few shops, the small church with its seventeen white steps. The few streets winding off - no signposts, but I know where each of them goes. The drinking-fountain with the lion's head that sits in the corner opposite the church: Lena's church. On the steps there, the water lies in sheets, not running away, and I remember Lena saying the terraces in the valley are like that. To keep the water. And I remember telling Jamie, to try to satisfy some of his questions about the valley, and I remember him accepting it, soaking the information away into himself, moving on to something different.
Guy BurtのThe Dandelion Clockからの英文です。
The few streets winding off - no signposts, but I know where each of them goes.
この英文のwinding offのところがわかりません。
but I know where each of them goes.
On the steps there, the water lies in sheets, not running away, and I remember Lena saying the terraces in the valley are like that.
ここの running awayはどういう意味ですか?
水がnot running away?
I remember him accepting it, soaking the information away into himself, moving on to something different.
soaking the information into himselfだとわかるのですが。