The Backgrounds of the Iraq War and the Call for Action

  • This article explores the backgrounds of the Iraq war and criticizes the unjust treatment of young people forced to join the military due to lack of employment opportunities.
  • The movie 'Fahrenheit 9/11' reveals the close relation between Bush and bin Laden, the unjust invasion of Iraq, and the plight of innocent people affected by the war.
  • The author expresses the desire for Bush to resign, the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, and a reconsideration of Japan's stance on the Iraq War and Self-Defense Forces.
  • ベストアンサー


学校のテストに備え、「華氏911を見て」というテーマで英語で感想を書きました。 よろしかったら、添削してください。明日の午後がテストなので出来れば早い回答をお願い致します。 よろしくお願い致します。 I saw the backgrounds of the Iraq war in this movie. One is that Bush has a close relation to bin Laden. Another is that Iraq was attacked nevertheless Iraq has nothing to do with the terrorism which occurred on September 11th 2001. And the most surprising scene is that a lot of young people who live in a country can do nothing but go to military forces because they cannot get a job. In the movie, two soldiers visited a certain town and asked some young men to join the army. Some of them decided to join it. That is, the poor person is made to go to the war so that a rich layer profits. I think such a tyranny should be never permitted. Honestly speaking, I think Fahrenheit 9/11 is a political advertising movie. In fact, some people dislike it. However it is a fact that Bush invaded unrelated Iraq to terrorism and innocent people are killed and injured. On a basis of this fact, I cannot help conceiving that Bush should resign and withdraw the troop from Iraq. It is necessary to decrease victims as soon as possible. And Japan should deliberate again about Iraq War and Self-Defense Forces. But regrettably, I cannot make Bush resign directly because I am not American and do not have an American franchise. So I will watch the news about the Iraq and think what I can do.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • esistdas
  • ベストアンサー率33% (104/306)

・Another is that Iraq was attacked nevertheless *Iraq* has nothing to do with the terrorism which occurred on September 11th 2001. 2番目のIraqは繰り返しなので、言い換えましょう。itでもいいし、the countryでもいいと思います。また、この国がテロと関係ないというのは、現在もそうなのか、当時のことにのみ言及するのかはっきりさせましょう。もし後者ならば、had nothing~となります。 ・And the most surprising scene is that a lot of young people who live in *a country* can do nothing but go to military forces because they cannot get a job. a countryとは、不特定・一般の国(極端に言えば、どの国にも当てはまる。たとえ日本でも)なのか、あえて国名を伏せるけれども特定の某国なのか。私はどちらでもなく、the countryとすべきではないかと思います。また、最初のcanはしっくりこない気がします。 ・In the movie, two soldiers visited a certain town and *asked* some young men to join the army. Some of them decided to join it. That is, the poor person *is made to* go to the war so that a rich layer profits. askしたのに結果として強制していた、というのはおかしな話に聞こえます。また、some of themが強制されたのに、これを説明するthat is以下でthe poor man isのように、単数で受けているのはよろしくないと思います。さらに、現在時制isで受けるのも変な感じです。 ・I think such a tyranny should be never permitted. neverはshouldとbeの間に。 ・However it is a fact that Bush invaded unrelated Iraq to terrorism and innocent people are killed and injured. to terrorismが何を意味するのか不明です。 ・And Japan should deliberate again about Iraq War and [its] Self-Defense Forces. deliberateにaboutはなくてもかまいません。どうしてもと言うなら、onやoverなどでしょう。 ・But regrettably, I cannot make Bush resign directly because I am not American and do not have an American franchise. THE American franchiseですね。 ・So I will watch the news about the Iraq and think what I can do. この場合、newsとIraqにtheは不要だと思います。



どうもありがとうございました。 文法的な間違いも多くお恥ずかしい限りです。 早速訂正して、テストにのぞみます。


  • 添削お願いします

    I think gambling should not be banned. If it is banned, some people living the revenue cannot life. Certainly there is something dangerous in any point, I think it is not to ban. As a result that it should be legalized and limit to gamble. It depends you for gambling to how to use. 文法的に間違いは無いでしょうか。なかったら暗記しようかなと思ってます。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • 添削お願いします

    「あなたは国際理解をするためになにをすればよいと思いますか」 という問に 「I think that it is important to understand each other with foreigners. And to do it, we should learn their cultures, religions, languages etc.」 という答えは合っていますか。また、文法的に合っていますか。教えてください。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    ・It is very important to cooperate on a recycle campain to protect evironment. ・We should start thing that we can do even if it is small things.That is one step for improvement of environment. この2つを確認したいんですけど、文法的など、おかしいところがあったら教えてください。おねがいします!

  • 添削をお願いします!

    1)I used to play golf when I was in Scotland. 2)You ought to be proud of your father. 3)It is strange that you must say so. 4)Whatever you will say, I cannot believe you. 5)You should to be careful when you drive a car. 6)It must have been a splendid sight. 7)Wherever you may go, I will find you. 8)You studied so hard to pass the test. It should be all right. 特に助動詞が合っているか見ていただきたいです。 解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削のお願い

    条件・ 日本の次の首相は女性がなるべきだ。                                                                                               I do not agree with this statement that a women should be chosen as the next prime minister of Japan. I have two reasons why I think so. First, I think that women are generally inferior to men concerning physical. Needless to say, work of the prime minister is very hard, so I think that it is hard for women to work as the prime minister. Second, it is too much to say that women should work at home. These days, the birth rate is lower and lower. I think that the reason why this problem happens is that men are worried about their child because women also work outside. Overall, what is important is that women should work at home rather than work outside. (128字)

  • 添削してください。

    Consider Michael Huemer’s “problem of political authority.” Do you agree that this is a problem? 私はこの問題に賛成だ。Huemerが書いているように、個人の行動を評価するときと政府の行動を評価するときでは一致しないのはおかしい。市民が政府に特別の立場を認めることは間違っていると思う。 I agree that this is a problem. Becaue according Huemer, it is strange that it does not acord when evaluating personal behavior and when evaluating government actions. I think it is wrong that citizens admit special position to the government. という内容の回答をしようと思っているのですが、 こちらの英文の添削をして欲しいです。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • この節のCは??

    入試問題からの抜粋ですが、 However, I feel that the teacher's role is more fundamental than the critic's. It comes down ultimately, I think, to the fact that his first obligation is to the truth of the subject he is teaching, and that for the reading of literature ever to become a habit and a pleasure, it must first be a discipline. のthe fact以下。 that his first obligation is to the truth of the subject he is teaching // that は同格のthat でthe fact の内容を説明していると考えると、それに続くhis ~teachingまでの節中では、 his first obligationがS。isがV。ではCは何なのでしょうか?toから始まる前置詞句はCにはなれないと思うのですが、、、わかりません。 どなたかご存知の方、ぜひ教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削

    添削をお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。 日本とアメリカの考え方や習慣は違うように見えるが、実は、それ程大きな差はない。 Ways of thinking and customs of American and Japanese seem to be very different ,but in fact,there is less difference between the two than we expected. バイオテクノロジーは生命の根幹に関わる科学であり、次世代に与える影響は計り知れない。 どんな優れたものもそうであるように、その社会への是非を決めるのは利用の仕方にかかっている。 Biotechnology is science which has something to do with a basis of life,having a tremendous impact on the next generation. As of other good things,it is the way of using it that determines between right and wrong for society. 英語のエッセイの授業で身近な題材に対して論文を書くように学生に求めたら、蚊をつつましやかな生き物である、と展開して見せた学生がかつていた。 みんなに嫌がられているものを逆から記述して見せたのである。 文章を書くときはユーモア、つまり、対象に対する視点が大切であることを教えている。 When I asked my students to write an English essay about familiar subject once ,there was one of them who wrote an idea that the mosquit is a very humble insect. He interpreted its disadvantages as its advantages. I taught them what matters when writing a sentence is a sense of humor,that is,the way of interpretation on a subject.

  • 自然な英語になるように、添削をお願いします。

    添削をお願いします。 音楽のジャンルにはこだわりません。自分が良いと思える音楽が私の好きな音楽になります。 それがjazzであっても、bossa novaであっても。 1, I have no particular liking to a certain music genre. Any muist that sounds good to me is my favorite, be it jazz or bossa nova.         2, It doesn't matter what kinds of music it is. My favorite music is what I can think it good. Jazz, bossa nova and any kinds of music will do as long as I can think it good. 以前はよく音楽を聞いていたが、だんだんに音楽を聴かないようになってしまっています。 I used to listen to the music, but I don't gradually do it.

  • 英作文の添削をしてくれませんか??

    (1)Do you think it is important to study english? (2)What kind of job do you want to exprience? という問題がテストに出るので事前に考えてくることと言われましたが、作ってみたところ文法的に正しいかどうか分かりませんので添削お願いします。 高一までの学習範囲で、できればお願いいたします。 (1)yes,I do the two reasons First I like A foreign film Therefore I want to watch it without translation (←勉強をして)をいれたい Next I want to go to the university Because of that I think it it important to study English (2)Yes,I do I want to be A programmer The two reasons First,I like to use the PC second, I can make a lot of people efficient Because of that Ihink want to Be a programmer という内容なのですが、現在仮定法を学習しているので一つぐらい使いたいです。あとここはthat節を使ったほうがいいなどという点があれば教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。