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 日本語の単語が並んでいることはわかりますが、それ以上はわかりません。  申し訳ないのですが、それを日本語に訳して、再度質問していただけないでしょうか。


  • 英訳と和訳

    1 その製品の開発において、私たちは多くの困難に直面した。 2 The study which is being conducted on this project is extremely important. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳の添削をお願いします。

    和訳の添削をお願いします。 経済学の内容のため、うまく訳せず困っています。 日本語として不自然な部分や間違った訳し方をしている箇所があれば訂正をお願いします。 本文) The expected rate of return on domestic bonds may be higher. (a positive risk premium) or lower (a negative risk premium) when compared to foreign bonds. For example, if domestic bonds are regarded as more risky than foreign bonds and if the domestic interest rate is 10%, the foreign interest rate 6% and the expected rate of depreciation of the domestic currency is only 3%, then there is a 1% risk premium on the domestic currency. Foreign assets have an expected yield of 9%, the 6% interest and 3% expected appreciation of the foreign currency, which is lower than the 10% yield on domestic bonds. The 1% positive risk premium on the domestic currency is a negative 1% risk premium on the foreign currency. An issue that we need to briefly examine concerns what types of risk may cause the emergence of a risk premium? 訳)外債と比較したとき、国内の債券に関する期待される利益率はより高い(ポジティブなリスクプレミアム)か、下がるかもしれません(ネガティブなリスクプレミアム)。 たとえば、国内の債券が外債よりリスクが高いと考えられていて、国内の金利が10%、6%外国の金利と国内の通貨の下落の期待される率であるかどうかがわずか3%であるならば、国内通貨の1%がリスクプレミアムです。外国の資産は9%、6%の利子と外貨の3%の期待される値上がりの産出高を持ちます。そして、それは国内の債権の10%の利回りより低いです。国内の通貨の1%のポジティブなリスクプレミアムは、外貨のネガティブな1%のリスクプレミアムです。 要するに我々が調べる必要がある問題は、リスクのタイプがリスクプレミアムの出現をもたらすかもしれないということに関することです

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Casualties in the 33rd Division were so great that it was relieved on 27 September by the 23rd Division, which had only been withdrawn on the night of 24/25 September. Battle of Polygon Wood ポリゴンの森の戦い Australian infantry with small box respirator gas masks, Ypres, September 1917 The Second Army altered its Corps frontages soon after the attack of 20 September, for the next effort (26 September – 3 October) so that each attacking division could be concentrated on a 1,000 yards (910 m) front. Roads and light railways were extended to the new front line, to allow artillery and ammunition to be moved forward. The artillery of VIII Corps and IX Corps on the southern flank, simulated preparations for attacks on Zandvoorde and Warneton. At 5.50 a.m. on 26 September, five layers of barrage fired by British artillery and machine-guns began. Dust and smoke thickened the morning mist and the infantry advanced using compass bearings. Each of the three German ground-holding divisions attacked on 26 September, had an Eingreif division in support, twice the ratio of 20 September. No ground captured by the British was lost and German counter-attacks managed only to reach ground to which survivors of the front-line divisions had retired. Battle of Broodseinde ブルードサインデの戦い The Battle of Broodseinde (4 October), was the last assault launched by Plumer in good weather. The operation aimed to complete the capture of the Gheluvelt Plateau and occupy Broodseinde Ridge. The Germans sought to recapture their defences around Zonnebeke, with a methodical counter-attack also to begin on 4 October. The British attacked along a 14,000 yards (13,000 m) front and by coincidence, Australian troops from I Anzac Corps met attacking troops from the German 45th Reserve Division in no man's land when Operation Hohensturm commenced simultaneously. The Germans had reinforced their front line to delay the British capture of their forward positions, until Eingreif divisions could intervene, which put more German troops into the area most vulnerable to British artillery. The British inflicted devastating casualties on the 4th Army divisions opposite.

  • 和訳の添削をお願いします。

    和訳の添削をお願いします。 経済学の内容のため、うまく訳せず困っています。 日本語として不自然な部分や間違った訳し方をしている箇所があれば訂正をお願いします。 本文) When analysing risk, economists make some postulates about economic agents. Investors are assumed to be rational in that they wish to maximize their expected utility which is a positive function of expected real returns and a negative function of the perceived level of risk. The basis of investors’ portfolio decisions is choosing an optimum combination of expected rate of return and risk given their risk-return preferences (degree of risk-aversion). The less risk-averse investors are, the more they will be prepared to take on risk. Conversely, the more risk-averse they are the less risk they will be prepared to take on. 和訳) 危険を分析するとき、経済学者は経済主体について、いくつかの仮定を作ります。彼らが予想される本当の収益のポジティブな作用とリスクの認められたレベルの否定的な機能である彼らの期待される有用性を最大にしたいという点で、投資家は合理的であるとされます。投資家のポートフォリオ決定の基礎は、彼らの危険復帰選好(リスク回避の程度)があれば、予想される利益率とリスクの最適の組合せを選んでいます。リスクを避けようとする投資家がより少ないほど、彼らはより、リスクを引き受ける準備をします。逆に言えば、彼らがより多くのリスクを避けようとするほど、彼らはより少ない危険引き受ける準備ができています。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 31 August Beseler was made responsible for the security of the German forces around Antwerp from relief attempts from the west. Landsturm battalions were transferred from the Generalgouverneur appointed to administer occupied Belgium, Field Marshal Von der Goltz and a division of the Marinekorps was ordered to the area. On 1 September, the Belgians received information that the Germans were preparing to advance towards the Belgian western flank, on the Scheldt at Dendermonde. The Belgian commanders had received reports that the IX Reserve Corps and the 6th Division of the III Reserve Corps, were being relieved by the Marine Division and Landwehr troops. The Germans had received agent reports of an imminent sortie from Antwerp, troops concentrations in western Belgium and northern France and the arrival of more British troops at Ostend. With the concentration of more troops and Landsturm at Brussels underway, the reports caused no alarm. The Belgian Army Command considered that the German attack on 4 September was a feint and began to plan another sortie, to induce the Germans to recall the troops being transferred to France and to disrupt German communications in central Belgium. German troop withdrawals were observed from 5–7 September. A frontal attack was considered to be impossible given the extent of the German trenches but an attack on the eastern flank was considered possible. Two divisions were to remain inside the Antwerp defences, while three divisions and cavalry were to attack towards Aarschot. Important crossings over the Demer and Dyle rivers were quickly taken, Aarschot was captured and by 10 September, the cavalry reached the city of Leuven. The German 6th Reserve Division and IX Reserve Corps were recalled to the region, joining the 30th Division of XV Corps from Alsace, which conducted operations against the sortie between 10–13 September around Brussels. The Belgian advance was stopped and the army retired to Antwerp on 13 September. At Antwerp, the German concentration of troops on the south-eastern side of the line had left a gap to the north from the Dender to the Dutch frontier. The gap spanned about 13 miles (21 km) at the confluence of the Dender and the Scheldt rivers at Dendermonde, through which the defenders of Antwerp retained contact with western Belgium and the Allied forces operating on the coast and in northern France.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Mons took place as part of the Battle of the Frontiers, in which the advancing German armies clashed with the advancing Allied armies along the Franco-Belgian and Franco-German borders. The BEF was stationed on the left of the Allied line, which stretched from Alsace-Lorraine in the east to Mons and Charleroi in southern Belgium. The British position on the French flank meant that it stood in the path of the German 1st Army, the outermost wing of the massive "right hook" intended by the Schlieffen Plan (a combination of the Aufmarsch I West and Aufmarsch II West deployment plans), to pursue the Allied armies after defeating them on the frontier and force them to abandon northern France and Belgium or risk destruction.

  • 和訳をお願します

    Mercury levels in the Pacific Ocean are rising, a new study suggests. The increase may mean that more methylmercury, a human neurotoxin formed when mercury is methylated by microbes, accumulates in marine fish such as tuna. The research comes as researchers and policymakers, who have tended to focus on atmospheric concentrations of the element, are looking for a fuller picture of the mercury cycle. US guidelines on methylmercury in fish are currently under review. It remains unclear exactly how atmospheric mercury ― whether dumped directly into oceans or carried there through rivers or coastal deposits ― is methylated and eventually taken up by fish, which are a major source of human exposure to methylmercury. But the new data, collected by Elsie Sunderland of Harvard University and colleagues, also provide a possible mechanism for mercury methylation within the ocean. The researchers collected samples from the eastern North Pacific, an area also monitored by research cruises in 1987 and 2002. They estimate that methylated mercury accounts for as much as 29% of all mercury in subsurface ocean waters, with lower concentrations occurring in deeper water masses. The group’s modeling indicates that atmospheric deposition of the total ocean mercury concentrations recorded in the mid-1990s by 2050. よろしくお願いします( ´_ゝ`)

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Cambrai began with a secret deployment of British reinforcements for the attack. Instead of a long period of artillery registration (firing ranging shots before the attack) and wire-cutting, which would have warning the German defence that an assault was being prepared, massed artillery-fire did not begin until the infantry–tank advance began on 20 November, using unregistered (predicted) fire. 378 tanks were used to roll through the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) barbed-wire fields, as a substitute for a long wire-cutting bombardment and the ground assault was accompanied by a large number of ground-attack aircraft. The British attack broke through the Siegfried I Stellung but was contained in the rear battlezone (rückwärtige Kampfzone) by the Siegfried II Stellung, which had been built on the east side of the St. Quentin canal on this part of the front. Preparations for a further advance were hampered by the obstacles of the Hindenburg defences, which had been crossed but which limited the routes by which the most advanced British forces could be supplied. The German defence quickly recovered and on 30 November began a counter-offensive, using a similar short bombardment, air attacks and storm troop infantry tactics, which was contained by the British, in some parts of the battlefield using the Hindenburg Line defences captured earlier.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Turkey officially ceded Adakale Island in River Danube to Romania with Articles 25 and 26 of the Treaty of Lausanne; by formally recognizing the related provisions in the Treaty of Trianon of 1920. Due to a diplomatic irregularity at the 1878 Congress of Berlin, the island had technically remained part of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey also renounced its privileges in Libya which were defined by Article 10 of the Treaty of Ouchy in 1912 (per Article 22 of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.) Among many agreements, there was a separate agreement with the United States: the Chester concession. The United States Senate refused to ratify the treaty, and consequently Turkey annulled the concession. The Treaty of Lausanne led to the international recognition of the sovereignty of the new Republic of Turkey as the successor state of the defunct Ottoman Empire. The Convention on the Straits lasted only thirteen years and was replaced with the Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits in 1936. The customs limitations in the treaty were shortly reworked. Hatay Province remained a part of the French Mandate of Syria according to the Treaty of Lausanne, but in 1938 gained its independence as the Hatay State, which later joined Turkey after a referendum in 1939. Political amnesty was applied to the 150 personae non gratae of Turkey (mostly descendants of the Ottoman dynasty) who slowly acquired citizenship — the last one was in 1974.

  • 添削お願いします。

    A sonnet is built on a fourteen-line frame, each line containing five feet. (ソネットは、14行のライン構造(5フィートを含んでいる各ライン)に構築されます。) However, sonneteers know exactly where they are headed, although they may not know how to get there. (しかしながら、ソネット詩人は、そこに着く方法を知らないかもしれないが、それらがどこで率いられるか正確に知っています。) Most forms of composition are less clearly defined, more flexible, but all have skeletons to which the writer will being the flesh and the blood.(構成のほとんどの形式は、それほど明らかにはもっと定義されません・・・) The more clearly the writer perceives the shape, the better are the chances of success.(作家が明白に形を知覚するほど、成功の機会はよい。) うまく訳すことができませんでした。 手を貸してください。よろしくお願いします。