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  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9771/12173)

「質問者からの補足」を拝見しました。 >which made it back into の意味が正直判然としません。 ⇒あ、そうですね。backを見落としていたように思います。「組み入れを保留された」と逆の意味になりそうですね。全体を訂正して再送いたします。 以下のとおり、語句と訳文を訂正の上、再度お答えします。 (語句) *for every Argentina:「いかなるアルゼンチンにも」。 *which made it back into JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s bond index:「JPMorgan Chase社の債券指数への組み入れを保留された」。 *despite a history of serial defaults:「債務不履行の続いた歴史にもかかわらず」。 *there's a posterchild of another sort:「別の種類のポスター・チャイルド(売り込みのためのイメージ・キャラクター)が出てくる」。 (訳文) 《そしてアルゼンチンは、過去の債務不履行の歴史にもかかわらず、今年初めにJPMorgan Chase社の債券指数への組み入れを保留されたが、―(いかにひどい)アルゼンチンでも、別の種類のポスター・チャイルド(売り込み用イメージ・キャラクター)が出てくるものです。》



承知致しました。 ありがとう存じます。


  • 英文の構文

    We find a cluster of shareholdings linking, for instance, Nestlé, Novartis, Roche Holding, UBS, Credit Suisse Group, ABB, Swiss Re, and Swatch. JPMorgan Chase & Co. features as the most important controlling shareholder. 上記英文のfeatures asを中心とした構文が今ひとつ判然としません。 ご教示下さい。

  • 英文記事中でのjustの訳し方について

    英語の勉強でyahoo.comを読んでいたところ 以下の文が分からなかったので、どなたかお助けください。 NBAでアリゾナのChase Budingeが顔を踏まれた件に関して・・・ Arizona itself might be a bit of a doormat, but that doesn't make it OK to just go around and wipe your feet on Chase Budinger's face. a bit of ちょっとした go around 言い逃れ ***アリゾナそのものはちょっとしたドアマットなのかもしれない、しかし言い逃れやChase Budingerの顔を踏むことを良しとはしない。*** というところまではたどり着きましたが・・・ 1 but以前の部分はどう訳するのがスマートでしょうか? 2 ここでのjustをどのようにとらえればいいか教えてください。 元記事 http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/blog/the_dagger/post/Please-note-that-Chase-Budinger-s-face-is-not-a-?urn=ncaab,136602

  • 英文のわからない個所を教えてください。

    <1>Is there then a distinction to be made between the interaction of art and history, and art history? <2>That is to say that histories of art can have a single focus on style or the work in relation to the biography of the artist, where our expectations of a progressive history are inflicted on the visual. <3> What I am suggesting here is that we turn the question on its head and put art in the driving seat, so to speak. <4>By using art as our starting point we can see the complex and intertwined strands that make up art history. This implies that art history is a subject or academic field of enquiry in its own right, rather than the result of the rules of one discipline being applied to another. <私の訳とわからない点> <1>さらにまた芸術と歴史、芸術史の相互作用の間に作られる区別(特徴)はありますか? between ~は「art and history」と「art history」の相互作用の間、といっているのでしょうか? それとも「the interaction of art and history」がひとくくりなのでしょうか? <2>すなわち芸術の歴史は、様式やもしくは芸術家の伝記に関連する作品にに一つの焦点を持つことができ、そこで進歩的な歴史を私たちが期待することは視覚に負っているのです。 whereは関係副詞で、前文を受けているのでしょうか? inflictの単語の意味合いから言うと「視覚」が期待を負うということは大変なことだという感じなのでしょうか? <3>私がここで提案していることは、言わば、私たちが疑問をその(主要な)論点に向けて、芸術を運転座席に置くことです。 its headのitsはthe questionでheadは(主要な)論点でしょうか? put art in the driving seatの比喩的な表現の意味がよくわからないのですが、芸術に主導権を握らせる、みたいな感じでしょうか? <4>私たちの出発点としての芸術を用いることによって、私たちは芸術史を作っている複雑に絡み合っている鎖を理解することができます。これは芸術史が他に適用された一つの秩序の法則の結果というよりもむしろ、それ自身の権利における、主題、もしくは研究学術分野であることを意味します。 anotherは「他に」ですか?「もう一つの」、とすると意味がとれませんでした。 (the result of the rules of one discipline being applied to anotherの意味をとるのが難しいです) its own rightのrightは「権利」でしょうか? (上記の文章のあと以下の文章が続きます。) I return to this point on a regular basis in this book. I aim to set out how histories of art have been constructed, to describe the ways in which we have been encouraged to think about art as a result, and also to introduce other ways of thinking about the visual in terms of its history. 長くなってしまってすみません。よろしくお願い致します。 『ART HISTORY--History as progression』:Dana Arnold

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    This firepower gave a density of one heavy gun for every 18 metres (20 yd) and one field gun for every 9.1 metres (10 yd) of Canadian Corps frontage,representing a considerable average increase, including three times the heavy guns, over the distribution of artillery at the Battle of the Somme a year earlier. Brigadier-General Edward Morrison developed and subsequently issued a 35-page multi-phased fire support plan called Canadian Corps Artillery Instruction No. 1 for the Capture of Vimy Ridge to support the efforts of the infantry. For its operations, the Canadian Corps received three times the artillery normally assigned to a corps for regular operations. To manage the logistics associated with the increased artillery, Royal Artillery staff officer Major Alan Brooke developed coordinated communication and transport plans to work in conjunction with the complex barrage plans. A 1.6 million shell allotment allowed the artillery along the Canadian Corps front to maintain a high sustained rate of fire. Improvements in the quality of the shells compared to those used earlier in the war ensured fewer duds.

  • 英文の内容

    Several slipped away, such as Lehman Brothers’ bond indices (now owned by Bloomberg). But Barra, the analytics company founded by fabled quant investor Barr Rosenberg, and JPMorgan’s RiskMetrics — the home of the “value-at-risk” measurement that dominates finance — were captured. These have profited from the trend towards more analytical, global investing during the past decade. 上記英文中で,文意からして,何故,were capturedなのかがわかりません。ご指導願います。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The writers of the German Official History Der Weltkrieg, recorded 78,000 British losses to the end of April and another 64,000 casualties by the end of May, a total of 142,000 men and 85,000 German casualties. German records excluded those "lightly wounded". Captain Cyril Falls (the writer of Military Operations 1917 part I of the History of the Great War) estimated that 30 percent needed to be added to German returns for comparison with the British. Falls makes "a general estimate" that German casualties were "probably fairly equal". Nicholls puts them at 120,000 and Keegan at 130,000. Although Haig paid tribute to Allenby for the plan's "great initial success", Allenby's subordinates "objected to the way he handled the ... attritional stage". Allenby was sent to command the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Palestine. He regarded the transfer as a "badge of failure" but he "more than redeemed his reputation by defeating" the Ottomans in 1917–18. Haig stayed in his post until the end of the war. When it became apparent that a factor in the British success were the failures of the 6th Army command, Ludendorff removed the commander, General von Falkenhausen (who never held a field command again, spending the rest of war as Governor-General of Belgium) and several staff officers.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Brusilov's offensive was stopped only in August 1916, with reinforcements from the Western Front. Despite being forced to retreat, the performance of the Polish forces impressed Austro-Hungarian and German commanders, and contributed to their decision to recreate some form of Polish statehood in order to boost the recruitment of Polish troops. Their limited concessions, however, did not satisfy Piłsudski; in the aftermath of the Oath Crisis he was arrested and the Legions disbanded. The presence of Piłsudski, who would later become the dictator of Poland, during the battle, became a subject of several patriotic Polish paintings, including one by Leopold Gottlieb, then also a soldier of the Legions, as well as of another painting by Stefan Garwatowski. Wincenty Wodzinowski created a series of drawings and sketches on the dead and wounded from the battle.

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    We cannot, we must not, refuse to protect the right of every American to vote in every election that he may desire to participate in.And we ought not, and we cannot, and we must not wait another eight months before we get a bill. We have already waited 100 years and more and the time for waiting is gone. So I ask you to join me in working long hours and nights and weekends, if necessary, to pass this bill. And I don't make that request lightly, for, from the window where I sit, with the problems of our country, I recognize that from outside this chamber is the outraged conscience of a nation, the grave concern of many nations and the harsh judgment of history on our acts.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    On 1 July 2016, at 7:28 am British Summer Time, the UK observed a two minute silence to mark the start of the battle which began 100 years earlier. A special ceremony was broadcast on BBC1 and all BBC radio stations participated in the silence. At the start of the silence, the King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery fired a gun every four seconds for one hundred seconds and a whistle was blown to end it. Just like a Remembrance Sunday silence, a bugler played The Last Post after the silence. The silence was announced during a speech by the Prime Minister David Cameron who said, "There will be a national two-minute silence on Friday morning.

  • この英文の market call の意味

    今日の金融記事の冒頭に出てくる表現なのですが、 https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-08/jp-morgan-co-president-sees-40-correction-stocks この「market call」はどう訳すのが正しいでしょうか。 In what sounds more like yet another warning to President Trump than an actual market call, Daniel Pinto, the head of JP Morgan Chase & Co.'s colossal investment bank (which houses its M&A and trading operations) warned that equity markets could decline by as much as 40% over the next 2-3 years - though he believes the present cycle has at least another year left to run. 試訳 「実際の金融マーケットの声というよりは、トランプ大統領にまつわるあまたの警戒感の一つにすぎないようには聞こえるのだけれども、JPモルガン社大規模投資案件部門長(M&A業務およびトレーディング業務を含む)のダニエル・ピントは次のように警告した。株式市場はこれからのニ、三年間で最大40%の下落を被る可能性がある、と。もっともピントは、少なくともあと一年は上昇サイクルの中にあると考えている。」 市場の声と試訳しましたがあてずっぽうです。