• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:以下の英文を訳して下さい。)

Australians' Successful Attack on Ottoman Trenches

  • The Australians successfully captured the Ottoman trenches, facing difficulties such as hidden entrances and point-blank firing from the defenders.
  • The Australians engaged in close-quarters combat with bayonets and grenades, resulting in confusion and casualties.
  • After half an hour of intense fighting, the Australians took control of the main Ottoman line and established defensive positions.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10057/12592)

>When the Australians reached the Ottoman trenches they found them roofed with pine logs with no easy entrance, which had not been identified by aerial reconnaissance during the planning stages. As the Ottoman defenders recovered from the artillery barrage, they began firing at the Australians through specially cut holes at point blank range. As the second and third waves of the attack came up, some of the Australians fired, grenaded and bayoneted from above, while some found their way inside through gaps or by lifting the logs, which were in places as thick as 4 inches (10 cm) by 9 inches (23 cm). ⇒オーストラリア軍がオスマン軍の塹壕に到着したとき、計画段階の空中偵察では特定されなかった入口と簡単に分からない松の丸太で屋根が覆われていることに気づいた。オスマン軍の守備隊が砲撃から回復したとき、彼らは直射用に特別カットを施した穴を通してオーストラリア軍に発砲し始めた。第2、第3の攻撃波がやって来ると、オーストラリア軍は上から発砲、手榴弾、銃剣で突き刺す者もいたが、縦横4インチ(10 cm)と9インチ(23 cm)の隙間にはめられた丸太を持ち上げて中に通路を捜す者もいた。 >Others ran on past to the open communications and support trenches behind, where they were able to gain access to the trenches; about 70 Ottoman troops were captured as they attempted to escape and ran into the Australians entering the trenches. Small groups of Australians managed to push through to The Cup where they were stopped by Ottoman troops who were hastily assembled to defend their regimental headquarters. In the ensuing fighting there, almost all of the Australians were killed, while a handful were taken prisoner. ⇒他の者たちが開放通信溝に駆けつけ、背後にある塹壕を支援し、そこで敵の塹壕に接近できた。約70人のオスマン軍が脱走を試みて捕獲され、塹壕に入ったオーストラリア軍に遭遇した。連隊の本部を守るために急いで集められたオスマン軍によって止められたザ・カップにオーストラリア軍の小グループが何とか押し入った。その場でのその後の戦闘では、オーストラリア軍のほとんど全員が殺されたが、一握りの者は捕虜になった。 >In the Ottoman trenches, the darkness and cramped conditions led to considerable confusion amongst the attackers. Due to concerns of shooting their comrades, the Australians were unable to fire their rifles initially, and the fighting devolved into a melee as the soldiers attacked each other with bayonets and grenades. The first Australians to enter the position were picked off by the defenders, but as the Australians established themselves in strength, they were able to break into the position before the defenders that had been sheltering in the tunnels behind the front line were able to fully respond. ⇒オスマン軍の塹壕では、暗闇と窮屈な状態のため攻撃隊の間でかなりの混乱が生じた。オーストラリア軍は、同志撃ちの懸念のために、最初ライフル銃を発砲することができなかったが、それでも銃剣と手榴弾でお互いを攻撃してしまったので、戦いは乱闘に発展した。敵陣内に入った最初のオーストラリア軍は守備隊によって狙い打ちされたが、オーストラリア軍が勢力優勢を確立していったので、前線背後のトンネルに隠れていた守備隊が完全に応戦できないうちに、陣内に侵入することができた。 >Over the space of half an hour the Australians took control of the position and, after ejecting the remaining Ottomans from the main trench, they established a number of defensive positions along the line. These amounted to positions in the communication trenches on the flanks of the captured ground and about seven or eight posts in the centre that were "isolated" but connected by hastily dug saps. For the Australians, the attack had been successful, as they had gained possession of the main Ottoman line, and after being halted at The Cup they began preparing to defend their gains. ⇒オーストラリア軍は30分間以上陣地を掌握し、残りのオスマン軍を主要塹壕から追い出した後、戦線に沿って数か所の防御陣地を築いた。これらは、捕獲した地面の側面にある連絡溝の陣地と、「分離」されていたが急いで掘られた対壕でつながり、約7~8本の中央哨戒基地の集合体になった。オーストラリア軍の攻撃は成功した。彼らは主要なオスマン軍戦線を手に入れ、ザ・カップで停止した後、獲得した利益を守る準備を始めた。 >Hastily erecting sandbag barriers along the parapet, they settled down to wait for the first counterattack. As they did so, the brigade reserve—the 1st Battalion—was brought up. Due to crowding in the tunnels that had been used for the attack, the reinforcements were sent via the open ground that had been in front of the old Ottoman positions; despite being behind the recently captured position, the ground was still subjected to heavy Ottoman artillery and machine-gun fire, which was being poured down from positions in overwatch on the flanks. ⇒彼らは急遽胸壁に沿って土嚢の壁を築き、最初の反撃を待ち受けられるように設定した。そういう作業をしたので、旅団予備隊 —第1大隊— がやって来た。攻撃に使用されていたトンネルが混雑していたため、増援隊はオスマン軍の古い陣地の前にあった開放地を経由して送られてきた。今しがた攻略した陣地の背後にあるにもかかわらず、地面は依然としてオスマン軍の大砲と機関銃の射撃にさらされており、側面を見下ろす敵陣からの砲撃を受けた。




