• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

#3です。 なるほど。私はmoreが何と比較してmoreなのかを 把握できていませんでした。


  • 訳がうまくできません 教えてください

    継父とうまくいってない話を書いてきてくれたのですが、よくわかりません、教えてください 相手の人は生まれも育ちもアメリカ人なんですが、普段からごちゃごちゃの文法や誤字などが多い人みたいです・・・今回少し真面目な文だったので教えてほしいです。お願いします I just talk to my mom for two hours about every thing that is going on in our lives. She said that she was sorry for the way she act. We really talk about my step father daughter. She is the one that is 26, my step father was looking she last week because he haven't seen her in 13 years. So she come over for the night on Friday. So me and my mom talk about how it was to have her being with us. 私は母と2時間私たちの生活のすべて?について話した。彼女は彼女の行動を私にあやまった。私たちは継父の連れ娘についてたくさん話した。彼女は26歳だ。継父は先週彼女を探していた。なぜなら彼は13年間彼女とあってなかった。金曜日の夜彼女が訪ねてきた。。。。。。。。わかりません すみません訳を教えてください

  • 英文訳おしえてください泣

    早急に訳がしりたいです。 どうかご協力おねがいします。 And life more abundantly lived is what we seek. So, even at the same time as we yearn for place, we also yearn for the pro blematic. Explorers, sportspersons, gamblers, children playing hide-and-seek, teenage boys choosing up sides for a game of baseball, spectators cheering in a stadium - we all, in fact, seek out or create problematic situations of greater or lesser intensity. Such situations give us a sense of heightened energy, a storonger sense of life. And fiction, too, gives us that heightened awareness of life, with all the fresh opportunity to release the rich and emotional charge -tears, laughter, tenderness, sympathy, hate, love, and irory -that is stored up in us and can make us feel bored with the accustomed. Furthermore, the heightened awareness can be more fully enjoyed in fiction, because what in actuality would be the threat of the problematic is here restricted to more imagination, and because some kind of resolution of the problem is promised. The story promises us a resolution, and we wait in suspense to learn how h things will come out. We are in suspense, not only about what will happen, but even more about what the event will mean. We are in suspense about the story we are reading because we are in suspense abouy another story far closer and more important to us-the story of our own lives as we live them. 長々とすみませんが 翻訳にまかせてもうまく訳せません。 皆さんのお力をかしてください。

  • 訳をお願いします。

    After the boxes, Stockton graduates to working with hand luggage and soft-sided bags. He runs around a group of bags with his nose to the ground as he tries to sniff out the target scents. Then, stockton moves on to the really difficult challenge-finding specific odors in the larger, hard suit cases. Stockton must also learn to behave when he finds a target scent. He must learn to sit down on or near any bag that contains a smell that could possibly be trouble. “That's good boy,”Heldt says to the beagle encouragingly when Stockton finds the meat scent and sits down. Heldt talks a bit about how the dogs do it. “When we want the dogs to do is to work the seam of the suitcase because the odor comes out from the seam,”he explains and points to the section where the two sides of the bag join. “What we teach the canine officers and the dogs is that when we breathe the bag,”he says,“odor is coming out of the bag.” As he talks, Heldt pushes down on a bag so that air comes out the sides to demonstrate the point. By breathing the bag, the canine officers can help the dogs better detect suspicious scents and odors. 本当に困ってます。よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳がよくわかりません。(短いです)

    見かけは簡単そうですが、自分はうまく訳ができませんでした。お願いします。もし、熟語などがあれば指摘してください。私の考えた結果は、the thingsとI'veの間に関係代名詞のthatが省略されており。because以下の訳は「あなたはもうここにいないからです。」だと思います。get toはどのように訳せますか? Sometimes, we never get to see or do the things I've talked about because you're not here any more

  • 文法、理論的解説をお願い致します。

    ①I don't want to leave my son with my mother, because she gives him more candy than he can eat. ②I don't want to leave my son with my mother, because she gives him candy more than he can eat. ①が正しいのはよく分かります。しかし、何故②が誤文なのか論理的に説明できません。 お知恵をお貸し下さい。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 訳をお願いします。

    I'm just surging with anger right now. I can't help it. I think what he did is wrong. why could't he just once give in and not be so controlling. It helps to write these feelings down. I can't talk to him. He overpowers me with his words in no time.then there's the fact that I cant' put what I'm trying to say in the right way. What I want to say never comes out the way I envision it in my head. why is that? I wonder If I could have prevented the fight by going out there myself, then again maybe he would have told me the same things. If I told him any of my feelings he would immediately tell me "the angels are controlling you."I need him to give me the freedom to talk to him, but right now that's not going to happen. So I will only let these feelings flow through me and out this pencil. It's weird, but I already feel the tension leaving me and soon I will only be left with the memory of this night to think about and analyze, rethink, and come to a conclusion about what to do. Maybe the tension is leaving me because I'm no longer around him; I'm out here in my own space. I love my tent! It's my own space to do with as I wish. As soon as I see him again, all I want to do is tell him how wrong he was to do that. But he will never take responsibility for what he does. It''always someone else's fault,the angels now mostly. If I confronted him, he would jut think I'm being controlled to say these things by the angels and that would get me nowhere. 上の英文の訳をお願いします。文の中で、下の文ところがよくわかりませんでした。ご助力をお願いします。 ◎I can't help it ◎I wonder If I could have prevented the fight by going out there myself ◎and out this pencil ◎I'm out here in my own space. ◎how wrong he was to do that ◎that would get me nowhere.

  • 英文の日本語訳を教えてください。

    日本語訳を教えてください。お願いします。 Dietitians in Japan recommend that 50 to 70 percent of our energy comes from carbohydrates. Most of those calories, though, should come from starches, because eating sugars causes our blood sugar to rise rapidly. Unlike other carbohydrates, fiber cannot be digested easily. For this reason, fiber gives us very little energy, but it is necessary to keep our body healthy : it is important because it helps move human waste through our digestive system.

  • 英語の訳を教えてください。

    She had never met Peter Bacon before, but after he had listened to her presentation about her products he was convinced that the new shampoo would become a big hit.

  • 訳がわかりません・・

    お願いします 私の以下文について先生から返事がきましたがどうも訳がわかりません 下記「先生の返事」の「 In America, most car dealers ask for more money than they expect to get because they know that people will try to "talk the price down."」意味は 「アメリカでは、ほとんどのカーディーラーお客さんが期待している値段よりも値段を高めに設定します、というのもディーラーはお客さんが値引きを求めてくるのを知っているからです」でいいでしょうか よろしくお願いします 私が出したメール My one of my family, he is an eye doctor. He knows how to discount prices.Several years before he bought a car, he negotiated a price of it.The car dealer showed \2,300,000 ($23236.77) first, but my relative, who beated down the price to \2,000,000 ($20205.89)!! Consequently, he had car price discounted. Someday I would like to ask him how to discount. I think that he knows something like magic word. 以下先生の返事 Your relative certainly does know how to barter! I think it's mostly a matter of confidence. If you appear to be confident and show the other person that you will not buy if you don't get the price you want, you will succeed. In America, most car dealers ask for more money than they expect to get because they know that people will try to "talk the price down." Is that common in Japan, too?

  • He comes to school by bus.

    He comes to school by bus. 本当に、恥ずかしい質問なのですが、どうして school(名詞)の前に冠詞がないのですか?