Elderly Neighbor Switching UPS Codes on Produce: Should I Report?

  • I'm a 16-year-old working at a well-known grocery store. Recently, I discovered that my elderly neighbor has been switching UPS codes on the produce, possibly to save money. However, if I don't report her, I could risk losing my job, which I need to save for college and a new car.
  • My neighbor, who has always been kind to me, is putting me in a difficult position. The store has installed security cameras, and I may get in trouble if I witness her committing a crime and fail to report it. Despite the circumstances, I'm torn because I don't want to betray her trust.
  • I need advice on what to do. Should I report my neighbor for switching UPS codes on the produce, even though it could lead to consequences for myself? Or should I find another way to handle the situation that doesn't involve compromising my job and our relationship?
  • ベストアンサー


I’m 16 years-old and work at a well-known grocery store in the area. Recently, I started noticing that my elderly neighbor shops at my store. On several occasions, I have caught her switching UPS codes on the produce. I know she’s on a fixed budget and is just trying to save money, but if I don’t report her I could lose my job and I need it because I am saving money for college and a new car. My neighbor has always been extremely sweet to me so it breaks my heart that I may have to bust her. Our store just installed new security cameras so I could get in trouble if I see her committing a crime and don’t turn her in. switching UPS codes on the produceとbust(逮捕する、ではないですよね?)はどのような意味でしょうか?あと、turn her inはhttps://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=turn%20inの【句他動】の4か5どちらにとれば良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4133/5370)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"switching UPS codes on the produce" Switching = 取り替える UPS codes = 商品識別コード(Universal Product Code)= いわゆるバーコード Produce = 青果物(農産物) 「(店頭の青果物)商品のバーコードを(勝手に)貼りかえる」 "bust" 「逮捕する」という意味ですが、16才のアルバイトにそんな権限はありまあせんから「捕まえる」でしょうか。 "turn her in" は 5. の「彼女を警察に突き出す」です。




その他の回答 (1)


 switching UPS codes on the produceは、商品のラベルを貼り換えることです。UPSは、例えば日本ならJPのような各国の略号ですので、原産国を偽装する行為になります。  bustは「逮捕する」になります。  turn her in は、この文の作者の立場や人柄で選ぶことになります。警察に連れていくだけの根性があるなら5、こっそり通報するなら4です。この文なら4が良いと思います。


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  • どのような意味でしょうか

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a 24-year-old college graduate in my first serious romantic relationship. My experience with girls before this was extremely limited. I've been dating my girlfriend for over six months now, and she is wonderful. However, her weight has always been a minor issue in the back of my mind: She is not fat but she has a few extra pounds and this can be seen more when she's wearing fewer clothes. I love her and would never ask or demand her to change just for me, but I've been thinking more and more about how her weight bothers me a little bit. I'm a very thin guy and have naturally gravitated physically toward thinner girls. Until now, I have avoided talking about the matter with my girlfriend except in general terms about others, or the few times she has brought up and engaged with me directly on the matter. When her doctor told her she needed to lose some weight to be healthier, she was upset, although she did not disagree. So I spoke to my therapist and my roommate, and although they're both men, they both thought that if it was something on my mind and was making me a little uneasy that I should bring it up with her. I did, and she did not respond with as much understanding as I hoped. She felt hurt and a little violated, like the one guy who's supposed to love and accept her and find her beautiful just the way she is was attacking a part of her identity. She was shocked, confused and taken aback. She tried to explain how some issues are so sensitive, touchy and personal for women that they should never really be brought up for the sake of the satisfaction in the relationship. In all fairness, I did bring it up a little suddenly and not in the most tactful or direct way, but I didn't know how else to start a hard, uncomfortable conversation I was not looking forward to. She has genes that make it easier for her to gain weight and harder to lose. She has recently started going to the gym, and I was trying to support and encourage her to go more consistently. My question for you is: Was I wrong for not being sensitive to how women think? Should I have let it go if I considered it a smaller issue in our relationship? Would it have made a difference if I spoke to another woman to ask her thoughts beforehand on if and how I should bring this up with my girlfriend? Did I need to? I love her and she is very big on being honest and open and comfortable in trusting each other. Our relationship never hinged on her weight, but I just want to come out stronger. they both thought that if it was something on my mind and was making me a little uneasy that I should bring it up with her.のところはifをthat節で受けているのでしょうか?thatの代わりにコンマの方が自然ではないのでしょうか?あと、come out strongerはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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