- ベストアンサー
Second Choice: Withdrawing Lawsuit and Leaving the Country
- My second choice is to withdraw the lawsuit and leave the country. Despite having been in Japan for many years, being asked to leave immediately without my money and belongings would have a serious negative impact on my well-being. Therefore, I am requesting a one-week visa to pack my belongings, settle matters with my landlord, close my bank accounts (which only I can do), and peacefully depart from Japan.
- Considering my situation, my second option would be to withdraw the lawsuit and opt for leaving the country. Having spent several years in Japan, being compelled to leave abruptly without any means of financial stability or personal belongings would severely impact my overall well-being. Hence, I kindly request a visa for a period of one week to facilitate the process of packing my belongings, settling any remaining matters with my landlord, and withdrawing funds from my bank accounts, which can only be done by myself.
- In light of the circumstances, my second alternative would be to drop the lawsuit and make arrangements to leave the country. Having resided in Japan for an extended period, being forced to immediately depart without my money and possessions would pose a significant threat to my well-being. I humbly request a one-week visa to allow me sufficient time to pack my belongings, settle any outstanding matters with my landlord, withdraw funds from my bank accounts (a task that only I can perform), and make a peaceful departure from Japan.
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
以下のように添削してみました。(一部訂正) ⇒私の第二希望は、訴訟を取り下げて出国することである。私は長年日本に滞在したので、お金や所持品なしですぐに去るように頼まれるのは、私の幸福にとって大損害になる。私の所持品を荷造りし、家主との間を清算し、(本人しかできない)銀行や投資口座のお金を下ろして出国するために、一週間だけのビザ(滞在許可)を求めることとする。 *なるべく長く日本にいて欲しいです!
その他の回答 (2)
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10057/12592)
以下のように添削してみました。 ⇒私の第二希望は、訴訟を取り下げて出国することである。私は長年日本に滞在したので、お金や所持品なしですぐに去るように頼まれるのは、私の幸福にとって大損害になる。私の所持品を荷造りし、家主との間を清算し、(本人しかできない)銀行や投資口座のお金を下ろして出国すること、一週間だけのビザ(滞在許可)を求めることとする。 *なるべく長く日本にいて欲しいです!
Thanks for doing the extra post above - Your detail is amazing!! Totally wonderful. :o(
- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
私の第二希望は、訴訟を取り下げて出国することである。私は日本に何年も滞在していたので、金や所持品なしに急に出国を命じられてもそう楽には、できない 出国に必要な、(本人だけができる)自分の身の回りの品々の荷造り、家主との後始末、銀行の口座の閉鎖、など必要最低限の一週間のビサを、申請する。
Evening SPS700! Thanks for the translation - the first part is perfect. The second part is very good however the (本人だけができる) part is only referring to the banking. Other than that - fantastic !!!! thanks again :o(
幸福にとって大損害← I though 有害 was wrong but I couldn't think what was correct. This is great, thanks a lot. Yeah, this is really sad. I'm currently in holding at the airport. Immigration has instructions by the Ministry of Justice to deport me. This is because I'm suing the Ministry of Justice. Of course you have to sue the Country to go to court but the actual entity responsible is the Ministry of Justice. So I have no choice - I'm offering to withdraw my complaint if I can just get my things and leave. Currently they won't let me even get my money or things and are just telling me to leave with what I have in hand. This paragraph is part of an appeal I can file now. Of course it means nothing but I'm going to file it anyway. Yeah I feel really sad. The government is telling me I'm wrong for wanting justice. The dishonesty is more important, and it must be protected by deporting me and not allowing me to have my money and stuff. A very cruel way to treat someone who only asks for honesty. This correction you did was extra appreciated... again I can't thank you enough.