• ベストアンサー


Hoping to see you all in Hawaii if Sir bring you all here 私には意味が分からなく返信出来ず、宜しくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)




  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    The custom of tipping should return to its roots as an optional gift for excellent service rather than an amount that the customer feels obligated to provide to support underpaid waitstaff. -- Just a Tip for You Dear Just a Tip for You: I agree with you. I'd love to see that system change here in the United States. Here's hoping -- though I'm not holding my breath. Here's hoping -- though I'm not holding my breathの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語の質問です!

    Am (I,change,allowed,clothes,to) here? Cars (left,in,the,keep,to) Japan. Is (right,all,talk,to,it) with you for a while? Do (I,if,you,open,mind) the window? (any,bring,food,can't ,you) in here . お願いします!!

  • この和訳であってますか??

    If you frequent the court of a price, hoping to be employed by him, keep yourself constantly in view. For often, matters will arise suddenly; and if you are in slight, he will remember you and commit them to your trust whereas if you are not, he might entrust them to another. もしあなたが君主の宮廷にいて、彼に雇われたいと思うなら、いつも目の届くところにいなさい。というのは、物事は突然生じるものだからだ、そしてもしあなたが目の届くところにいれば彼はあなたに気づき、あなたに期待をよせる、一方あなたが目の届くところにいなければ、彼はそれらを他人に任せてしまうだろう。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いいたします。 以前にも宿泊したことがあり、懇意にしてもらったHOTELの方になにかお土産を 持っていこうと思い、予約確認メールのついでに 「I would like to bring a Japanese souvenir to you. Is there the thing which you want in something Japanese? for example “SAKE” etc...  Do you like SAKE? I'm looking forward to going to your lovely hotel again.」 と送りました。 返事は、 「Sake?? Ohhh thank you, but may be they don't let you bring anything liquid in the luggage... don't worry....but to answer you: I..never had a bottle ofsake in my bar..... See you soon,」 とのことです。 英語が得意ではないので、どういう意味合いなのかわかりません。 飲んだことがないから、持って行くと喜ばれるのでしょうか? それともやんわり好きじゃないと断られているのでしょうか? 誰か教えていただけませんか。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を和訳して下さい

    They say all good things comes to an end... a week was definitely way too short but im glad she got to meet my friends and family down here and got to experience life from my perspective. See you in April

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 大体の意味はわかりますが、ところどころあやふやなところがあるので、お願いします。 My apologize for the delay in replying as it was filtered into my junk mail Wish you and your family a very happy new year I greatly appreciate you keeping in touch It is good to see your xray and good results You have done well with rehabilitation Especially during winter you might have some stiffness but that should subside as time goes by I had the pleasure to see your website and it is heartwarming to see you had made a separate website and esp. a web page in English I greatly appreciate it I will convey your regards and wishes to all the staff who were involved in your care If you happen to visit dubai I would appreciate if you could drop by to say a quick Hi please keep in touch

  • メールの和訳お願いします‼︎

    メールを頂きました!返信したいのですが英語が堪能な方和訳をお願いしてもよろしいですか?よろしくお願いします! Baby, I'm wishing you all the best of luck in the world. I understand that that is very important for your career. We would go on deployment on mid February for 2 months so I would be seeing you when I get back here in Sasebo. I really love to see you again. よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳をお願いします

    有名な漫画ピーナッツからの引用ですが、まるで意味がわかりません。 和訳よろしくお願いします。 I think it is possible to be too nice! By golly, nobody’s gonna walk all over me! No, sir! If anybody’s gonna do any walking, it’s gonna be me! There’s only one way to survive these days... you have to walk over them before they walk over you! It must be nice to have a philosophy that will sustain you in times of need!

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    I hope you will like it.I did some research and made sure it has all latest features of hair dryers. Please excuse me for being so poorly equipped. Are there other things you need to prepare for your trip? Ah money. Please don't bring any cash money ok? You won't need any money. And if you would need money you can always use credit card or debit card. And if you're in real problems Thanks to your visit, I'm happy to clean my house and tidy up some things. So that everything is ok for your visit. Although I still hope my new cleaning lady will come before the 1st of December :) I wish you were here to taste it ...

  • 簡単でいいので和訳お願いします。アメリカの親戚がF

    私の親戚がアメリカにいるらしいんですが、FaceBook上から連絡をとるように なりました。私は日本人なので言葉が分かりません。どうかご協力ください。 (1)「Hi Gonzo! Thank you for accepting me as a friend on Facebook. I have to say that we are all extremely disappointed that you are considering not coming to visit us. You are about the same age as my daughter, Kat, whom you have been talking to on Facebook and this is the best time to visit: 1) Kat is always very busy and her husband is away in Afganistan and won't be back until July. 2) You have the most amazing grandmother and she really, really wants to meet you! This may be your last chance but, of course, we are hoping she lives to be 100 years old. 3) You have amazing second-cousins here in Northen California, near where I live, and your uncle owns the best Japanese Sushi Restaurant in San Francisco. If you wait until you are rich, it may never happen. However, what you don't realize is that you have the most amazing opportunity right now, not in the future, to realize your dreams. If you think Hawaii is great, which it is, you will be amazed at California! We are all willing to help you out! Love, your Aunt Maggie 」 (2)I see. Too bad, maybe one day :). Maybe one day I could go out there as well. It'd be nice to see Japan. Your English is pretty good! Can you speak/understand English better than writing? I know that's the case with most people...the written part is usually the hardest. I learned some Japanese in school in 7th grade but I don't remember much. I just know a tiny bit from Grandma Taeko. Cool you were able to go to Hawaii. I've still never been. I might go this summer though. One of my husband's co-workers is getting married there. I've been wanting to go a long time. Well it's been good talking to you! It's neat having a relative my own age :). TTYL (talk to you later)!

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