• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳 心がトロける 年末・労いメール)

心がトロける 年末・労いメール

  • 忙しい一年を振り返り、彼氏への感謝と労いの気持ちを伝えるメール。
  • 彼氏の頑張りに対する応援と、休息を取るように促すメッセージ。
  • 今年の苦労を労い、彼氏への感謝と支えを伝えるメッセージ。


  • ベストアンサー

勝手ながらあちこち直させていただきました。 よろしければご参考になさってください。 欧米圏の先輩でしょうか。元のままでも十分に伝わると思います。 私の方も穴だらけかと思いますので、あくまでご参考まで。 素敵な新年をお迎えくださいmm You have been so busy at work, study and qualification this year. It has made your mind and body tired... Actually you kept running. When seen from others, you may look like you're enjoying your life. But, I have seen you working really toughly. I know you can't complain to anyone, acting cheerfully... Sometimes it was hard for me. ******* Even if I stop you running, it won't work. So I leave you running. I always cheer you. Please have a brief rest for the New Year holidays when the world is at a rest at least. That’s all I want to say. I will be seeing your back saying nothing. I hope you relax yourself apreciate your best frantically. Yes, you had really been working frantically. Although I was worried about you looking from behind, I am in love with your back. Please look back once in a while. Because I am always be with you. You must be really tired after such a long trip. Thank you you always are there smiling. Thank you you always are there cool and nice(ハート) Thank you for your sweetness(ハート) I hope we have a greater days moreover. Bless our New Year!



