
  • 市役所での婚姻届の受理の遅れについて苦情を言った
  • 部下に謝罪を要求し、上司にも謝罪させることに成功した
  • 上司ではない上司や部下を呼ぶ場合の表現について相談
  • ベストアンサー


Today,I complainted to two city wokers at the their office about the delay for accepting our marrige registration because they apologized to us , nevetheless admitted their fault. And I repeatedly required them to apologize but they refused it ,then I figured out the way to get over this irritating situation! Instaed of the superior standing next to his subordinate keeping quiet,I intensively demand his apology ,interrupting his grimed face superior with frequent questions. After all, he got exhausted from answering my sticky ones and apologized to us,which forced his suprrior to offer their unconditionally apology. 要旨として「市役所で二人の上司と部下の市役所職員に婚姻届の受理の遅れについて遅れたのを認めているのに謝らないから苦情を言ったんだ。それで謝るように要求したんだけど拒んで、その時この苛つく状況を乗り切る方法を思いついたんだ。黙りこくっている部下の隣で立っている上司の代わりに、部下に集中して同じ質問を上司の話を遮ってしたんだ。結局部下はしつこい質問に答えるのに疲れて僕らに謝って、(それが)上司にも謝らせたんだよ。」 のような文意なのですが、添削して頂ければ幸いです。 また、自分の上司でない上司、部下を呼ぶ場合例えば「今日は相手方の会社の上司おその 部下に会いに行ったよ。」と表す場合どうすれば良いでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。 

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

> 伝えたい内容は「謝罪しない上司、それに従う部下=黙りこくっていた部下を詰問して結果上司も謝らせた。」と いう状態です。上司が部下に謝罪をしないよう無言の圧力=部下もそれに従い謝らないが落としやすい部下を攻めて両方からの謝罪を勝ち取った。という意味です。できれば、「While the supervisor ~以下」を意訳して頂ければ助かります。 ⇒ そう言うことでしたか。。。であれば、instead of the supervisor も使えますね。 Instead of the supervisor who'd never apology and moreover silently kept pressing his staff not to apology, I switched the target of my attack to the staff, demanding directory his apology by delivering him a flood of questions with blocking the supervisor's intervention. ちょっと長いし、趣味で訳しましたがどうでしょう。Whileがどっかに言っちゃいましたね。

その他の回答 (3)

  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

> had been~の部分なのですが、demandedと時制をずらすことでいまいち2人目の前にいて一人に(部下に)集中的に質問しているという同時進行ではwas standing~~とした場合とどう変わるのか、 ⇒ 時制をずらすためにhad been ~ としたつもりは無く、ある一定期間(問題が解決するまで)立ち続けていたと言うつもりで使いました。was standing ~ でも良いですが、立ち続けている状態が継続していると言うよりも、立つと言う動作がおこっていることになるので、椅子から立ち上がったりしている可能性も含み、要求している刹那に立つという動作をしているイメージを受けます。 > また部下に上司に代わって質問しているなら語順をWhile his staff had been standing next to the supervisor and just quiet ,とした方がよいのかとも思うのですがいかがでしょうか? ⇒ ここは正直、日本文で言おうとしていることの背景が理解しきれていません。問題を起こしたのは職員/staffで、その本来はその上司が「何があったのか?何で謝らないのか?」と言ってくれることを期待してたってことですかね? While ~ は、上司が黙って突っ立っていたのに対して、ですが、konan3939さんのinstead of ~ は、上司に代わってと言うつもりでしたか?そうであればここは On behalf of the supervisor standing next to his staf and saying nothing ですが良いですね。 日本語のニュアンス次第です。 また、as he was scaredは理由のasと思うのですが、とある参考書にasは理由を説明するのには多用されにくいとあったのですが日常ではよくある事との理解でよろしいでしょうか? ⇒ as は理由と言うよりも、~しながら、~して、のつもりです。






回答ありがとうございます。伝えたい内容は「謝罪しない上司、それに従う部下=黙りこくっていた部下を詰問して結果上司も謝らせた。」と いう状態です。上司が部下に謝罪をしないよう無言の圧力=部下もそれに従い謝らないが落としやすい部下を攻めて両方からの謝罪を勝ち取った。という意味です。できれば、「While the supervisor ~以下」を意訳して頂ければ助かります。

  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

Today,I complainted to two city wokers at the their office about the delay for accepting our marrige registration because they apologized to us , nevetheless admitted their fault. ⇒ Today, I went to the city office to complain to an office staff and his/her supervisor for the delay in accepting our marriage registration. Though they'd admitted their fault, they'd never apologized to us. And I repeatedly required them to apologize but they refused it ,then I figured out the way to get over this irritating situation! ⇒ I insistently demanded their apology, but that was not successful at first. Then I came up an idea to change this irritating situation. Instaed of the superior standing next to his subordinate keeping quiet,I intensively demand his apology ,interrupting his grimed face superior with frequent questions. ⇒ While the supervisor had been standing next to his staff and just quiet, I repeatedly demanded their apology, interrupting the supervisor's intervention as he was scared by my anger. ここでgrim を使うと、あなたの顔が恐ろしい、ゾッとすると言う様な意味に捉えられ文意としては通らなくなります。 After all, he got exhausted from answering my sticky ones and apologized to us,which forced his suprrior to offer their unconditionally apology. ⇒ Finally the staff got tired of arguing against my sticky demanding and apologized to me and my fiance, then the supervisor had no choice but to offer us their unconditional apology.






While the supervisor had been standing next to his staff and just quiet, I repeatedly demanded their apology, interrupting the supervisor's intervention as he was scared by my anger. had been~の部分なのですが、demandedと時制をずらすことでいまいち2人目の前にいて一人に(部下に)集中的に質問しているという同時進行ではwas standing~~とした場合とどう変わるのか、また部下に上司に代わって質問しているなら語順をWhile his staff had been standing next to the supervisor and just quiet ,とした方がよいのかとも思うのですがいかがでしょうか?また、as he was scaredは理由のasと思うのですが、とある参考書にasは理由を説明するのには多用されにくいとあったのですが日常ではよくある事との理解でよろしいでしょうか? 長文すみませんがよろしくお願いします。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。 Today I demanded two city officials to apologize for the delay in registering the marriage, being refused, I repeated the same complaint to their superviisor to apologize for his underlings. And I succeeded. 2。「今日は相手方の会社の上司おその部下に会いに行ったよ。」 Today I went to see a man above my counterpart in the client company and his underling.





  • 英文の添削お願いします。

    課題文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should start to live on their own and become indepentent of their parents as early as possible.Give reasons to support your opinion. 解答: (1)I think young people should start to live on their own and become independent of their parents as early as possible. (2)I think so because,when they start working they will have to do everything by theirselves.Their parents won't help them any more.If they are not independent of their parents,they cannot work. (3)Second, if they start to live on their own,they will know that doing houseworks such as making meals,cleaning rooms is hard work. (4)And the most important reason is that,when they have their children,they have to teach their children a lot of things by them selves.If they are not indepentent of their parents,they can't raise their children properly. (5)I have friends who live on their own.They are doing everything by theirselves,so they look confident. (6)With above reasons I think young peole should start to live on their own and becomeindependent of their parents.約150words,30分 TOEFL対策の問題です。 後々読み直してみると、 firstがないのにsecondを使ったり、 一番大事な理由を述べているパラグラフの位置が中途半端だったり、 無駄にパラグラフを多くしてしまった点がよくなかったように思います。 文章構成・表現・文法なんでも稚拙な部分が多くあると思うので直したほうがよい所やアドバイスがあったらぜひ教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    学校で新聞記事の一部をフィクションで作ってこいと言われたのですが、、、    POLICE OFFICERS SAVED 20 PEOPLE'S LIVES By [my name] New York , USA -2012,September 10th at 12:00. Tom Smith and Mike Anderson,the brave police officers saved 20 people's lives. A terrorist group made a bomb and put it a bus under the chair. On the bus, no one knew what happened. Only the 2 police officers knew the truth. A man called Mike about the bomb but didn't tell his name. They evacuated the people and found the bomb. When they found it, It was only 10 minutes left. They didn't have enough time to drive the bus anywhere. Then Tom made a big decision , he wanted to prevent the bomb exploding. Whwn we had an interview with Tom smith, he said that "I was a soldier before,I know how to do it but the most important thing is I am a police officer. It's my duty to save people's lives!" We should be proud of our police officers and they always protecy us. かなり幼稚な文だと思うのですが、お願いします。

  • 英文添削をお願いします。moter

    I got injured in a traffic accident when I was riding my motorcycle on the way home. A reckless driver driving behaind me hit my motorcycle ,trying overtaking reclessly and I fell off the motorcycle.Right after I lifted myself up off the ground, the driver pulled his car over the side of the road about a few meters ahead of me ,got off his car and came close to me saying "it was your fault,not mine." I replied with anger "You know that this road is a no-passing zone ,and all you need is apologize to me first,isn't it?" But he repeated a contradictory excuse, and what is worse,he didn't so much as call an ambulance.Neverthless .I was seriously injured all over the body. After received treatment for my injuries at the hospital, I got a call from him and he showed his apollogy on the accident, but I'l lnever forgive him because he should have had to do it at the accident site and I won't accept his apology just on the phone. 宜しくお願いします。 Nevethelessの用法で、にも拘らずと入れたのですが、「私が体中怪我をしているのにもかかわらず、救急車を呼びもしなかった。」と表現したかったのですが。 また、「彼の謝罪は遅すぎたし、~」と表すのにもっと慣用的な表現があれば教えて頂きたく思います。

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 October 4th ‘10 I went out to drink with my entering in the same year after work. I thought it was enjoyable for me. I don’t need to care for them and I can talk anything I think. I wander a drink of yesterday will not be same. And I wander I have to go to drink a place I wouldn’t like to. I have to think it is a business. Is it happy life for us to do so?

  • 自由英作 添削してください

    今回は[学校での友達]についてです。 志望校は一橋大学で、ここの入試に対応出来る様に書いてみました。 今回あまり辞書を用いなくて誤った文法や語彙などあるかも知れませんが、コメント・アドバイス・一橋英語についてなど、回答よろしくお願いいたします。     There has been a view that school is [of school being] where boys and girls study many subjects. In addition, they would earn something very important to make oneself some characters. In my opinion, school is the place where it is most precious thing that they make a lot of friends .     First of all, young boys and girls have to get accustomed to their school. Making friends would be the best way to enjoy their life of school. If a boy is scolded by his teacher for his little mistake, his friends would help him to be cheered up.     Second ,friends would be useful for us to enlarge our experiences. Personally, I have earned vogue information from friends of mine. There is no man but loves friends of their.     For these reasons, I think boys and girls in school had better make friends ,and they would lean how to keep their friendships longer. 150字程度でまとめました。 なお今回もせっかくの添削に何もお礼ができないのは本当に申し訳のない事態になってしまいますので、2件集まったら締め切りとさせて頂きます。(気付かなかったらごめんなさい。) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文が日本語に沿っているか、添削ください。

    神が無条件で愛を与えて下さるように、私もまた貴方を無条件で愛しています。 私が虚しく生きた今日は、昨日死んでいった人があれほど生きたいと願った明日。 私も明日も生きていたい。 一日は短い単位の一生、一生は長い単位の一日。 一日を一生の如く真剣に生き、一生を一日の如く気楽に,そして健康に生きたい。 生まれ変わったら貴方の娘にして下さい。 I love you unconditionally as of God gives love unconditionally to everyone. Today I lived in idly is the tomorrow the person died yesterday desperately wanted to live for another day. I want to live tomorrow, too. A day is short version of a life and a life is a long length of a day. I would like to live faithfully, carefully and in a great health. Please make myself one of your daughters when I reborn.

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 First October ‘10 I thought whether I would go out to drink or not after work. Finally I decided not to go, as I will do next Monday and Tuesday. And most of the reasons what I decided so is to watch a TV program. Perhaps, if most of people hear it, they feel I am sad person. Most of my favorite TV program is “walking town to meet in the world” And it is the town I love and hadn’t been to six months ago. After watching it, I’m sure I’ll go Bergen. I want to watch it as soon as possible.

  • 英文の添削お願いできませんか?

    いつもお世話になっています。英文エッセイの技術向上を目指しています。相変わらずネイティブには程遠い英文ですが、添削・講評をお願いできないでしょうか?出来るなら具体的な箇所も指摘して頂たいです。お願いします。 子供たちは5月の風の涼しさに顔をほころばせながら、あなたのほうを振り返ったはずです。好きな人を見つけては倒れこむようにして駆け寄り、その人の胸に顔をうずめ、その後に新しい未知の世界を振り仰いで、そしてまた新たに歩き始める。それこそ一歳児の歩み方ではありませんか? It was a fact that smiling with the crisp breeze in May, children looked back at you. In the case of infants, on finding a man who they favor, they rush into him as if falling to the ground, diving into his chest. After that, the steps of children to their growth must begin again thorough an envisagement of themselves in the new world beyond their knowledge. In my opinion, this is the very process of the one-year-old toward becoming adults. Children certainly turned around to you, twinkling with the fresh air of May. As soon as a person loved by them appeared in their sight, youngsters ran up to him fit to drop, held in him chest, and getting interested in the new world they had not seen yet, and then beginning to develop step by step. In fact, this is really the way one-year-old children gradually grow.

  • 自由英作の添削お願いします!

    携帯電話が私たちの暮らしを変えてきていることに対しての意見(50語以上) Cellphones have enabled us to give a call and mail wherever they are. So it has had a good effect on our life. However, there are many facts that people are bothered by it such as;they use on trains Therefore, they judge whether they may use their cellphone in its place and I want them to use it. お願いします。

  • 英文日記の添削お願いいたします。

    A young couple was chav in appearance asked me to take them to a place in a car during driving in the middle of midnight. I listened to them through the window at first. However eventually opened the window and get them to hailed taxi despited I decided never to open the window and door. I talked a driver and handed them some papers. (cos they said that they had not enough money and it seemed true) They thanked me very much repeatedly. I found I felt regret for both my acts what I gave cold shoulder and what I opened the window when I saw that attitude. Such situations that force with a rang of choices often turn up in life. Wondering if my judgment was decent somewhat. 宜しくお願いいたします。