• ベストアンサー


"Getaway allows you to recharge and regroup yourself to how to break grounds in every level. Back to work at 7am call time in Hong Kong tomorrow morning!"

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 (いつも見慣れた場所から)出かけると、新しい分野を切り開くにはどうしたらいいか、という力を再充填し、気分転換になる。  香港では、明日の朝午前7時に再集合ってことになっている


  • 日本語訳求ム

    you really know how to make yourself look stupid and the answer is because ignorance is becoming a dying trait in america,good luck to you man ^^

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    Unfortunately, all of these ideas are expensive. Now, especially, the Japanese government is attempt ing to cut back on its expenses. Therefore, these suggestions are not so realistic. Actually, among developed countries, Japan is not so special in having this problem. For example, the fertility rate in Hong Kong is even lower than one baby per woman. 和訳 不幸なことに、それらの考えは高価である。今では特に、日本の政府はそれ自体の経費を削減しようと試みている。それゆえに、その提案は現実的ではない。実際に、先進国の間では、日本はこの問題に関して特別ではない。例えば、香港の肥沃な割合は女性の一人の子供よりも低い値である。

  • skewの訳

    The result is that China and Hong Kong are treated as one actor when it comes to state investment in the global economy. This mainly removes the massive Chinese outflows into Hong Kong which skews the global picture toward China. 上記英文のwhich以下を巧く御訳し下さい。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    英文の日本語訳をお願いいたします。 Remembering Canadian HK veteran Arlie Enright, who made my golf clubs as a kid. He made it through the attack and was a "guest" of the Japanese till the end of the war, passed away in 1998. He stuck it to those bastards with a long life after all that, living well is the best revenge. これはYouTube上の「Fall of Hong Kong(1941)」という、太平洋戦争初期の日本軍の香港攻略を扱った動画のコメント欄にあったものです。(コメント欄は、基本的に日本をよく思わない意見が多数、日本軍の敵将に対する敬意を称賛する意見がちょびっとという感じでした。) 他のコメントは単語の意味を調べつつ理解できたのですが、上のコメントだけは何が書いてあるのかさっぱりわかりません。どなたか分かる方ご教示お願い致します。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    1. The ability to speak and understand Japanese. Extra bonus points if you can read and *appreciate* the newspapers, “Yomiuri shinbun” or “Sankei shinbun” in Japanese. 2. The ability to read the atmosphere without any verbal communication. 3. The knowledge of tacit protocols that are unique to Japan to help accomplish No.2. (Maybe you can pick up some from the other posts). 4. The ability to push yourself onto a packed train every morning. The Nightmarish Reality For Japanese Commuters 5. The ability to accept any unfortunate/unreasonable/disconsolate situation or outcome by saying “Shoganai” especially when it’s caused by authorities or people in power. 6. The ability to not think for oneself and blend in the whole community as not to draw attention to oneself. (we know we’ll suffer the consequences if we do). 7. The inclination to be obsessed with being clean and hygienic. 8. The inclination to classify people with Japanese nationality as foreigners due to their looks or their willingness to ignore protocols — especially nonsensical protocols. 9. The ability to be intentionally naive without knowing it.

  • 下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    The idea of process is one of the most frustrating things about American life. It allows no day of triumph. Only a William Lloyd Garrison could see emancipation as the end of the slavery problem. Most o his colleagues knew that the struggle had only begun. The process of obtaining equal rights for black Americans was to be a long and continuing process. So with other areas. Where does process mean fulfillment? With a three-day workweek? With four cars in every garage? On the other hand, the commitment to this concept has enabled Americans too materialistic? Then the nation is in the process of a cultural revolution. Is the national wealth unfairly shares? Then the nation is in the process of achieving economic democracy. The commitment to process has its virtues and its shortcomings. It is impossible to say which side prevails. It is also impossible to understand American life and thought without an awareness of this trait. a William Lloyd Garrison 「ウィリアム。ロイド・ギャリソンのような人」 emancipation 「奴隷解放」

  • どなたか英訳してください

    どなたか英訳してください 香港から来た友達を横浜に案内してあげました。 無事に香港に帰れたようで、早速メールが来ましたが 略語を使っているのか、部分的に意味が解らないところがあります。 ちなみに私からは Were you able to return to the house safely? I want to know Hong Kong more. What is the building which is the most famous in Hong Kong? とメールしましたが、その返事がこちらです。 Just landed at hong kong!!! Happy to c u r interested in hong kong~~~ but tired after 3hrs flight~ Talk u more by tomm., I will send u email at office~~ Thanks!!!! Talk u は多分Talk to you じゃないかと思いますが・・・ c u r って何? 英語の得意な方どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • この英文間違いあるでしょうか?

    この英文間違いあるでしょうか? 友達に送る文です。 最後のへんあたりは違う文ですが・・・・ 1)The economy of Japan doesn't see ahead. How much is the cost of living of the average though I think about the migration in Hong Kong? As for work, it thinks about an architectural relation. 2)However, it is not easy so much. Mainland China is impossible in various respects. Still, the medical issue is large. The foreigner's migration is not admitted. Hong Kong was expected to be an admission on the Web site. The wall where either is big the word ‥ Your support is also necessary. 3)After that, where can you support it for me?Is it a connection only on the site? It doesn't demand ..impossibility... However, I want only to hear it. 。 Hong Kong?Is does it live in the bay district and [masuka]?Detailed address? Are you scary? Japan wants to present you the present. How should I go from HONG KONG INT'L AIRPORT to your house? Is there a hotel to be near? The text is requested from the translation agency this time. The purpose is to prevent the misunderstanding from occurring.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Hampshire, named to commemorate the English county, was laid down by Armstrong Whitworth at their Elswick shipyard on 1 September 1902 and launched on 24 September 1903. She was completed on 15 July 1905 and was initially assigned to the 1st Cruiser Squadron of the Channel Fleet together with most of her sister ships. She began a refit at Portsmouth Royal Dockyard in December 1908 and was then assigned to the reserve Third Fleet in August 1909. She recommissioned in December 1911 for her assignment with the 6th Cruiser Squadron of the Mediterranean Fleet and was transferred to the China Station in 1912. When the war began, she was in Wei Hai Wei, and was assigned to the small squadron led by Vice Admiral Martyn Jerram, commander-in-chief of the China Station. She was ordered to destroy the German radio station at Yap together with the armoured cruiser Minotaur and the light cruiser Newcastle. En route the ships captured the collier SS Elspeth on 11 August and sank her; Hampshire was too short on coal by then to make the island so Jerram ordered her back to Hong Kong with the crew of the Elspeth. At the end of the month, she was ordered down to the Dutch East Indies to search for any German ships at sea, narrowly missing the German light cruiser Emden. The German ship had not been reported since the war began and she sailed into the Bay of Bengal and began preying upon unsuspecting British shipping beginning on 14 September.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The British and Australians had carried the defences which had held them up through August and had gained observation all the way to Broodseinde. No German counter-attacks were mounted for the two hours that the British and Australians consolidated the second objective. The creeping barrage stood for fourteen minutes in front of the second objective, then advanced 2,000 yd (1,800 m) before returning to the new British front line and then advancing again, to lead the troops to the third objective. German counter-attacks were stopped before they reached the new British and Australian outposts. The German artillery only managed to fire a disjointed and sparse reply, which did little to obstruct the troops ready to advance to the third objective as they moved up but snipers and long-range machine-gun fire began to harass the troops consolidating the second objective. Local operations were mounted to stop sniping, using the methods that had been so successful earlier in the morning, leading to Black Watch Corner at the south-west of Polygon Wood and Garter Point east of Anzac House and other strong-points being captured. At 9:53 a.m. the barrage resumed its forward movement towards the third objective, another 300–400 yd (270–370 m) away. The 23rd Division had to fight forward through pillboxes hidden in ruined cottages along the Menin Road, concrete shelters in Veldhoek and a hedgerow in front, before the German garrisons retreated. The left hand brigade was held up by a dozen pill-boxes in the Wilhemstellung until noon, which caused the division many losses but the ground at the final objective proved to be dry enough for the troops to dig in. The two Australian divisions reached the third objective in half an hour, finding the Germans in those strong points which had not been subdued during the halt on the second objective, as stunned as those met early in the day. Strafing by eight German aircraft, (one of which was shot down by ground fire) and some shelling by German artillery caused minor losses, as the Australian divisions consolidated captured trenches and shell holes in their new front line.