• 締切済み

高校英語 TOEIC 急いでます


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。(B) 2。Call 711. 3. To leave a voicemail message. 4. Mr. Ming's appointment is changed from 9:30 to 8:3o am. 5. 8:30 am. 6. Train schedule. 7. Because 99% are on time. 8. (D)


  • 英語、読める方、お願い致します。

    英語が読める方、↓の内容教えて下さい…。 よろしくお願い致します。 We just wanted to drop you a line and let you know we haven't forgotten about you. Part of your order (#1687936) has not yet shipped because one or more of the items you wanted are on backorder. Our typical ship time for backordered items is 3-6 weeks from the date of order, though at times it can take longer depending on the vendor. Please know we are doing our best to get this merchandise for you as soon as possible! Your credit card has not been charged for the backordered items; we do not charge your card until we ship the items to you. Also, you are free to cancel any or all unshipped items on your order. You can do so by using the Your Account function of the website (check the Help section for more information), or by contacting us with your order number. We apologize for the continued delay. If you ever have any questions about your order, please contact us at orders@eMerchandise.com or call us at 866-339-2691 (toll free in US and Canada), Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to 5:00pm (Pacific Time). When calling outside of the US and Canada, please dial +1-503-445-8081. Thank you for your patience and patronage!

  • 以下の内容を和訳して下さいますか?

    Thank you for your request. You can drop me a comment on the C site once you send through your first story content. Please also refer to my available schedule on the times when I am available. At these times, my teaching room is the quietest and hence the recording I do for you will also be good. As for now, are we still going ahead with Thursday at 1400hours? You may also send me the file anytime on Thursday at my available times if you wish.

  • 英語の問題がわからないので教えてください

    ()の単語の品詞と意味を答えろ。 この問題わからないので教えてください 1you are on a (train) 2the children have to (train)very hard 3 you are on a train that (runs)past 4 how businesses are (run) 5 Children enjoy learning about trains and are happy to (work) 6 most of the (work)is done by children 7 At (present )most of the work is done 8 though adult are also (present)

  • [英語]()に当てはまるもの教えて下さい><

    1. Since this is a very important problem, we are not prepared to () this here. (1) discuss on (2) discuss over (3) discuss (4) discuss about 2. Thanks for sending the file for me - it () me a lot time. (1) gave (2) made (3) saved (4) reduced 3. You mustn't drive when you are drunk. There is a heavy () for drunk driving. (1) fine (2) fare (3) fee (4) charge 4. () my books are English detective novels. (1) Most of (2) Almost of (3) Most (4) All almost 5. You should be more () to other people's feelings. (1) sensible (2) sensitive (3) sensual (4) sensory 6. () we should make sure we have what we need. (1) For the first time (2) At first (3) The first time (4) First of all 7. This detective novel is said () in 20th century. (1) having been written (2) to have written (3) to have been written (4) that it was written 8. She wanted to be a teacher in the town () she was born. (1) that (2) what (3) where (4) which 9. This table is three times () of that one. (1) as large (2) as large as (3) the size (4) size as 10. Let's go to the park, () we? (1) don't (2) can't (3) shall (4) will

  • この英語をどなたか訳してくれませんか?

    この英語をどなたか訳してくれませんか? 注文がキャンセルされたというようなことはわかるのですが・・・ よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m ※サイト名はexpamleに、その他自分の名前はhogeに変えています。 ORDER CANCELLATION NOTICE Dear hogehoge, We are sorry, but we are unable to process your example.com order xxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx due to a conflict with one or more of our acceptable content guidelines. Your entire order has been cancelled; all of the items in your order will not be shipped. A refund for the full amount of your order has been issued to your credit card/PayPal account. We apologize for any disappointment or inconvenience this may have caused. For these reasons, we were unable to process your original order: Title: hogehoge Product Link: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Result: Not Approved Content Issues: --- Your order contains a product that has international shipping restrictions. More specifically, we are not permitted to ship products from the following content partner to your destination country. Please check back soon as we hope to expand the availability of all our products to countries all around the world We appreciate your business and encourage you to modify the item(s) above and PLACE A NEW ORDER FOLLOWING THESE EASY STEPS: Click on the Product Link(s) above to view your example product(s). You may have to Sign In to your example.com account to view your item(s). Modify the design of your example product(s) to comply with our content guidelines. Add your modified example product(s) to your shopping cart, along with any other products you wish to purchase, and proceed to check out. To expedite your new order, please email content_review@example.com with your new Order ID number in the subject line. We remain dedicated to your free expression and apologize for the cancellation of your order. If you have any questions or concerns about the review of your example product(s), please email us at content_review@example.com. Your new order will be processed and shipped as quickly as possible. Thank you for shopping at example!

  • 英語の穴埋め

    空欄に最も適切な記号を入れてください Some wanted to go camping ; ( ) wanted to go swimming. 1.their 2.others 3.another 4.other Are you accustomed ( ) heat , or does it make you tired? 1.at 2.of 3.with 4.to We found only a ( ) number of customers in the department store. 1.small 2.few 3.little 4.less His eyes are just like ( ) of a pigeon. 1.that 2.ones 3.it 4.those A speech contest will take ( ) tomorrow. 1.a chance 2.a part 3.place 4.site It's time you ( ) to bed. 1.went 2.gone 3.should 4.to go My uncle died ( ) cancer two years ago. 1.of 2.for 3.by 4.out ( ) to come to the office an hour earlier than usual tomorrow? 1.Are you possible 2.Is it able for you 3.Is it capable for you 4.Is it possible for you 空欄に適語を入れてください 1.誤りがあれば訂正してください Correct errors, ( ) ( ). 2.この仕事を終えれば,海外旅行をするつもりです I am going to travel abroad when I ( ) done ( ) this work. 3.フランス語にかけては彼女はクラスの誰にも劣らない In French she is second ( ) ( ) in the class. 4.彼にはよくあることだが,宿題を忘れた ( ) is often the ( ) with him, he forgot his homework. 5.彼は外国人なので,外国人として扱われた He was a foreigner and was treated ( ) ( ). よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語を翻訳して欲しいです。

    フランスのレストランにメールで予約をしました。 その返事が返ってきたのですが、英語が全然出来ないので正確に翻訳していただきたいのです。 Chère Mademoiselle, Further to your e-mail of January 3, we are expecting you with great pleasure, having made the following reservation on your behalf : * Tuesday, January 26, 2010 : - A table for dinner for two persons at 7:15 P.M. (the opening time of the restaurant). Everything will be done in order your mother and you to enjoy your evening as well as our Euros 190 Discovery Menu. To hold this reservation, we should like to know where you can be joined in Paris (local phone number). In addition, we shall be grateful to you for reconfirming us this reservation once in Paris by calling the desk reservation ( ; without any news from you on Tuesday, January 26, before 3:00 P.M., we would regretfully cancel it. Looking forward to the pleasure of welcoming you, we send you our sincere regards. Louise GAY どうかよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語が達者な方に翻訳して欲しいのです。

    海外個人輸入(ネット)で買い物したのですが、買えているのか?買えていないのか?不明なメールがファーマシー会社から届きました。 買えているのでしょうか?「私は7月22日までに注文したなら届きます」と結論しています。(Google翻訳、Excite翻訳、市販の翻訳ソフトで訳した限りでは…)どうなんでしょうか? Dear Valued Customer, Due to new Visa Card regulations we are unable to sell the following products as at the 22nd of July - ○○ To keep our visa card facility on our site we are unable to sell any of these products. All online pharmacies will not be able to sell these products using credit cards as they are scheduled ● substances. We are very sorry for this inconvenience but there is nothing we can do but work with this changing industry. As mentioned you will be able to purchase these products up to Monday the 22nd of July. Again we apologize for the inconvenience.

  • 英語 訳し方

    Please tell us how important each of the following factors is to you when you choose a business for automotive repair. この英文はどこで区切って訳せばいいのでしょうか? is to you のところはどういう訳し方をするのでしょうか?

  • 海外サイトで買い物した場合のカード払いについて

    海外のサイト(http://www.the-house.com/)で買い物をしたところ、 下記の内容のメールが届きました。 カード会社に問い合わせてみましたが、 上記のサイトへ私のクレジットカードが有効であるとの返事を出しているとのことでした。 ということは、私の入力したカード情報は間違ってないということだと思うのですが、 このメールはどういう意味なのでしょうか? ちなみに購入金額は3万円弱ほどです。 Unfortunately, we are unable to ship your order due to a problem with the credit card information you submitted with your order. Please take a moment to review the information below to verify if the billing information we have for you is correct: ********(名前) ****************************** ******** ***-*****(住所と郵便番号) Paid with a Mastercard ending with the last four digits of **** that expires **/** We need you to call our Customer Service Department at 1-866-243-6932 as soon as possible so that we can make the corrections needed to get your order on its way! Our business hours are Monday thru Thursday 8AM to 8PM, Friday 8AM to 7PM, Saturday 9AM to 5PM, and Sunday 11AM to 5PM. Please have a recent credit card billing statement and the telephone number on the back of the card for the Issuing Bank. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we are ready to help you as soon as you call us! Thanks!