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The Key to the Mounted Rifles and Light Horse's Approach
- The mounted rifles and light horse effectively operated as infantry once dismounted in their approach.
- The artillery and machine guns played a crucial role in defence and support during the battle.
- The battle of Romani marked the end of the German and Ottoman campaign against the Suez Canal.
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>The key to the mounted rifles and light horse's approach was to quickly move onto tactical ground and then to effectively operate as infantry once dismounted. In defence, the artillery and machine guns wrought havoc on enemy attacks, and during the mounted advance, they covered and supported the British Empire mounted force. ⇒騎馬ライフル隊および軽騎兵隊のアプローチ(取り組み対策)の要点は、戦術的な陣地面上へ迅速に移動し、それから、一旦下馬したら歩兵として効果的に行動することであった。守備では、大砲や機関銃が敵攻撃に大破壊作用を及ぼし、それが大英帝国騎馬隊の進軍の間これを掩護し、支援した。 >This battle was fought under extreme conditions in the Sinai desert in midsummer heat over many days, causing much suffering to man and beast and demanding tenacity and endurance on the part of all who took part. The battle of Romani marked the end of the German and Ottoman campaign against the Suez Canal; the offensive had passed decisively into the hands of the British Empire force led by the Anzac Mounted Division. ⇒この戦いは、何日にもわたって灼熱の真夏にシナイ半島砂漠の極端な条件下で行われて、人と動物に多大の苦痛をもたらし、参戦するどちら側にも不屈と忍従を求めた。「ロマーニの戦い」は、ドイツ・オスマントルコ軍のスエズ運河に対する野戦の終結を画した。アンザック騎馬師団に導かれて、決定的に攻勢(の気運)が大英帝国力の手に移り変わった。