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The Battle of Bir el Abd: A Fierce Clash in the Sinai Desert

  • The Battle of Bir el Abd, fought in August 1916, was a significant engagement between the British Empire and the Ottoman Turkish Empire during World War I.
  • Following their victory at the Battle of Romani, the British ANZAC Mounted Division was tasked with pursuing a retreating Turkish Army force in the Sinai Desert.
  • A fierce clash ensued at Bir el Abd, with the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, 3rd Light Horse Brigade, Bikanir Camel Corps, and aircraft squadrons all involved in the search for missing men.


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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10104/12657)

>The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade reached Debabis on 8 August. As the 3rd Light Horse Brigade came up, they passed many dead Ottomans and Yeomanry; one dead Ottoman sniper had a heap of hundreds of rounds of empty cartridge shells beside him. Meanwhile, the Bikanir Camel Corps and a squadron of aircraft continued searching the desert sands for missing men. ⇒ニュージーランド騎馬ライフル旅団は8月8日にデバビスに着いた。第3軽騎兵隊旅団がそこに近づくと、多くのオスマントルコ兵とヨーマンリーの死者の脇を通った。1人の死せるオスマントルコ狙撃兵の周囲には数百もの空の薬莢が転がっていた。一方、ビカネル・ラクダ隊および航空支隊は、行方不明の人を求めて砂漠を探し続けた。 >The Battle of Bir el Abd or the Abd well (9 August 1916) was fought between the forces of the British Empire and the Ottoman Turkish Empire, during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of the First World War.The battle took place in the Sinai Desert following the British victory at the battle of Romani (3–5 August). The British Empire's ANZAC Mounted Division, with the 5th Mounted Brigade under command, was tasked to follow a retiring Turkish Army force. ⇒「ビル・エル・アブドの戦い」または「アブド油井の戦い」(1916年8月9日)は、第一次世界大戦の「シナイ半島・パレスチナ野戦」の間に大英帝国とオスマントルコ帝国の軍団間で戦われた。この戦いは、シナイ半島の砂漠で起こって、「ロマーニの戦い」(8月3-5日)で英国軍の勝利に続いた。大英帝国のアンザック騎馬師団が、第5騎馬旅団とともに、退却するトルコ方面軍の跡を追うよう、下命された。




