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British Attempt to Take Jerusalem in World War I

  • During World War I, the British made their first attempt to capture Jerusalem but faced obstacles such as a lack of artillery support, the need for fresh troops, difficult weather conditions, and strong Ottoman defense.
  • During a lull in their attack, the British used the opportunity to improve the infrastructure in the area and bring forward their heavy artillery and supplies. They also replaced XXI Corps with XX Corps.
  • The Ottoman Army launched several attacks against the British forces, but reinforcements arrived and the British eventually took control of Jerusalem. The battle played a key role in the capture of the city, and the British Empire regiments involved were awarded the battle honor Nebi Samwil.


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>The British first attempt to take Jerusalem, stalled for the lack of artillery support, the need for fresh troops and not least the weather condition and the strong Ottoman defence. In the lull before their next attack the British used the opportunity to improve the roads and tracks in the area. To bring forward their heavy artillery and ammunition, water and other supplies. Allenby also decided to relieve XXI Corps with XX Corps which had had a quieter time on the coastal plain. ⇒英国軍がエルサレムを奪取するための最初の試みは、砲兵隊支援の不足、活力ある軍隊の必要、それと特に気象条件および強いオスマントルコ防御隊にかこつけて遅れていた。 英国軍は、彼らの次なる攻撃前の小康状態を、地域の道路と路線を改善する機会に利用した。重砲や弾薬、水や他の供給品を前方に送り出すために利用した。アレンビーはまた、沿岸の平地でより静かな時間を過ごしていた第XX、第XXI軍団を救援・解放することを決意した。 >The Ottoman Army, however did not sit back and conducted several attacks against the British forces at the end of November beginning of December using tactics similar to those that would be used by the Germans in their Spring Offensive on the Western Front in March 1918. British reinforcement arrived which stemmed the Ottoman assault and they went over to the attack themselves on 7 December. The Ottoman force left Jerusalem over the night of 8/9 December and the civic authorities handed over the city to the British. ⇒オスマントルコ方面軍は、座して手を拱くことはせず、11月の終わりと12月の始め、英国軍に対して数回の攻撃を実行した。そしてその戦術は、1918年3月に西部戦線での「春の攻勢」でドイツ軍が使ったと見られるものと同様の戦術を使っていた。英国軍の増強隊が到着して、オスマントルコ軍の猛攻撃をせき止め、さらに彼らは12月7日には攻撃に転じていった。オスマントルコ軍団は、12月8/9日の夜間にエルサレムを去り、全市を牛耳る市当局は英国軍に手渡された。 >For their part in the battle the 75th Division divisional insignia became a key, representing that the battle was the key to the capture of Jerusalem. In recognition for their part in the battle, the British Empire regiments involved were awarded the battle honour Nebi Samwil. ⇒この戦いでは、第75師団の担う旗印的役割が鍵となり、エルサレム攻略のためには、この戦いが必須であることを示していた。この戦いにおける役割を表彰して、大英帝国連隊関係者はネビ・サムウィル参戦栄誉章を授与された。 >The Battle of Ngomano or Negomano was fought between the German Empire and Portugal during the East African Campaign of World War I. A force of Germans and Askaris under Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck had just won a costly victory against the British at the Battle of Mahiwa, in present-day Tanzania and ran very short of supplies. To find food, the Germans invaded Portuguese East Africa to the south, to escape superior British forces to the north and supply themselves with captured Portuguese materiel. ⇒「ンゴマノまたはネゴマノの戦い」は、第一次世界大戦中、東アフリカ野戦の間にドイツ帝国とポルトガルの間で戦われた。ポール・エミール・フォン・レトゥ‐フォルベック麾下のドイツ軍団と現地軍が、現代のタンザニア「マヒワの戦い」で英国軍に対して高価な勝利を勝ち取ったが、供給品が非常に不足していた。ドイツ軍は、食物を探すために、北方のより優れている英国軍を免れて南のポルトガル領東アフリカを侵略し、攻略したポルトガル軍の材料を自軍に供給しようとした。 >Portugal was part of the Entente and a belligerent, employing troops in France and Africa; so a force under Major João Teixeira Pinto was sent to stop von Lettow-Vorbeck from crossing the border. The Portuguese were flanked by the Germans, while encamped at Ngomano on 25 November 1917. The battle saw the Portuguese force nearly destroyed, with many troops killed and captured. ⇒ポルトガルは、協商国の一部にして交戦国相手であったので、フランスやアフリカの軍隊を雇用した。従って、ジョアン・テシェィラ・ピント少佐麾下の軍団が、フォン・レトゥ・フォルベックが境界を横切ってくるのを防ぐために派遣された。ポルトガル軍はドイツ人軍に側面包囲されたが、その間の1917年11月25日にンゴマノで野営した。戦いは、ポルトガル軍団がほとんど破壊されて、多くの軍隊が殺害され、捕縛されるという状況であった。






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    The prisoners of war were used by the Germans as porters for the 250,000 rounds of ammunition, six machine guns and several hundred rifles that were also captured. With this equipment, the Germans managed to completely resupply their force. Von Lettow-Vorbeck abandoned and destroyed the majority of his force's German weaponry for which he had no ammunition and armed his troops with Portuguese and British weapons. Portuguese uniforms seized from the captured prisoners were used to replace the ragged old German ones that the force had previously worn. Von Lettow-Vorbeck did not stay at Ngomano for long and soon marched his force south to attack more Portuguese positions, leaving only one company at Ngomano as a rearguard in case the British decided to follow him into Portuguese East Africa. His force won several more victories while seizing even more supplies and ammunition before moving back into German East Africa in 1918. The Battle of El Burj (1 December 1917) was an engagement fought during the Battle of Jerusalem in the Sinai and Palestine Campaign. It was fought between the forces of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force on one side and the Yildirim Army Group on the other. The Battle of Jerusalem resulted in the occupation of Jerusalem on 9 December 1917. Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers On 15 December 1917, an armistice was signed between the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) on the one side and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria, the German Empire and the Ottoman Empire—the Central Powers—on the other. The armistice took effect two days later, on 17 December. (These were 2 December and 4 December, respectively, in the Old Style [O.S.] calendar in use in Russia at the time.) By this agreement Russia de facto exited World War I, although fighting would briefly resume before the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed on 3 March 1918 and Russia made peace.The Bolsheviks came to power with the slogan "Bread and Peace". On 26 November (13 November O.S.) 1917 three Russian emissaries under a white flag entered the German lines to arrange for negotiations which they agreed would be held at the headquarters of the Central Powers Armies at Brest-Litovsk.

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    The Battle of Nebi Samwil, (17–24 November 1917), was fought during the decisive British Empire victory at the Battle of Jerusalem between the forces of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force and the Ottoman Empire's Yildirim Army Group during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign, in the First World War. The Battle of Jerusalem began two days after the end of the decisive EEF victory at the Battle of Mughar Ridge which occurred after the EEF defeated the Ottoman Army at the decisive victory at the Battle of Beersheba and Third Battle of Gaza. The battle was the first attempt by the forces of the British Empire to capture Jerusalem. The village of Nebi Samwil (now spelled Nabi Samwil), also known as the "Tomb of Samuel", was part of the Ottoman defences in front of Jerusalem and its capture was considered vital to the eventual capture of the city. The British attacking force consisted of three divisions, two infantry and one mounted. The village was captured by the 234th Brigade, part of the 75th Division, on 21 November 1917, however the still had to defend it against almost Ottoman counter-attacks almost every day. Unsupported by their heavy weapons the British infantry could not break through the main Ottoman defensive line and the attack failed to reach its objective Jerusalem.In November 1917, the British Empire's Egyptian Expeditionary Force, commanded by General Edmund Allenby had defeated the forces of the Ottoman Empire in the Third Battle of Gaza and the Battle of Mughar Ridge. Pursuing the withdrawing Ottoman army the 75th Division captured Junction Station on 14 November. The capture of the station cut the railway line from Jerusalem and the rest of the country and provided the British forces with a fresh water source. It also split the Ottoman Seventh and Eighth Army. The following day the ANZAC Mounted Division captured Ramleh and Ludd, 5 miles (8.0 km) north of the station and on the Mediterranean coast, then on 16 November the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade captured the port of Jaffa. In the ten days since the Battle of Gaza the British had advanced some 60 miles (97 km), but at the cost of 6,000 casualties. The numbers of the Ottoman forces killed is not known but 10,000 men had been captured by the British along with eighty pieces of artillery and 100 machine guns.

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    The Battle of Rafa, also known as the Action of Rafah, fought on 9 January 1917, was the third and final battle to complete the recapture of the Sinai Peninsula by British forces during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of the First World War. The Desert Column of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) attacked an entrenched Ottoman Army garrison at El Magruntein to the south of Rafa, close to the frontier between the Sultanate of Egypt and the Ottoman Empire, to the north and east of Sheikh Zowaiid. The attack marked the beginning of fighting in the Ottoman territory of Palestine. After the British Empire victories at the Battle of Romani in August 1916 and the Battle of Magdhaba in December, the Ottoman Army had been forced back to the southern edge of Palestine as the EEF pushed eastwards supported by extended lines of communication.

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    The British prolonged the Arras offensive into mid-May, despite uncertainty about French intentions, high losses and diminishing success as they moved divisions northwards to Flanders. The British captured Messines Ridge on 7 June and spent the rest of the year on the offensive in the Third Battle of Ypres (31 July – 10 November) and the Battle of Cambrai (20 November – 8 December). The difficulties of the French armies became known in general to the Germans but the cost of the defensive success on the Aisne made it impossible to reinforce the Flanders front and conduct more than local operations on the Aisne and in Champagne. The French conducted limited attacks at Verdun in August, which recaptured much of the remaining ground lost in 1916 and the Battle of La Malmaison in October, which captured the west end of the Chemin des Dames and forced the Germans to withdraw to the north bank of the Ailette. While the Germans were diverted by the British offensive in Flanders, French morale recovered, after Pétain had 40–62 mutineers shot as scapegoats and introduced reforms, such as better food, more pay and more leave to improve the welfare of French troops.

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    The Second Battle of Kut was fought on 23 February 1917, between British and Ottoman forces at Kut, Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). The battle was part of the British advance to Baghdad begun in December 1916 by a 50,000-man British force (mainly from British India) organised in two army corps. The British, led by Frederick Stanley Maude, recaptured the city, but the Ottoman garrison there did not get trapped inside (as had happened to Townshend's troops in the previous year when the Ottomans had besieged Kut in the Siege of Kut): the Ottoman commander, Kâzım Karabekir Bey, managed a good-order retreat from the town of his remaining soldiers (about 2,500), pursued by a British fluvial flotilla along the Tigris River. The British advance wore off on 27 February at Aziziyeh, some 100 kilometers (62 mi) beyond Kut. After three days' worth of supplies had been accumulated, Maude continued his march toward Baghdad. Kut クート

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    The wounded German sailors were taken to Valparaíso, Chile, for treatment, where one later died of wounds received during the action. The 315 of Dresden's crew who remained were interned by Chile until the end of the war, when those who did not wish to remain in Chile were repatriated to Germany. One of the crew—Lieutenant Wilhelm Canaris, the future admiral and head of Abwehr—escaped internment in August 1915 and made it back to Germany, where he returned to active duty in the Imperial Navy. The Battle of Shaiba (12–14 April 1915) was a battle of World War I fought between British and Ottoman forces; the later trying to retake the city of Basra from the British. By capturing Basra, the British had taken an important communications and industrial centre. The British had consolidated their hold on the city and brought in reinforcements. The Ottomans gathered their forces and launched a counteroffensive to retake the city and push the British out of Mesopotamia. The Ottoman commander Süleyman Askeri had about 4,000 regular soldiers, including the Istanbul Fire Brigade Regiment and a large number of irregular Arabs and Kurds, numbering maybe 14,000, for a total of 18,000 personnel. He chose to attack the British positions around Shaiba, southwest of Basra. Travel between Basra and Shaiba was difficult because seasonal floods had turned the area into a lake, and movement went via boat. The British garrison at Shaiba consisted of about 7,000 men in a fortified camp including a trench and barbed wire. At 5 AM on the 12th, the Ottoman troops started with a bombardment. That evening starting at dusk they tried to crawl through gaps in the British barbed wire, but were repulsed. By morning of the 13th the Ottoman troops had withdrawn to their positions at Barjisiyeh Wood. Later the next day it was apparent that some Ottomans and Arab irregulars were trying to slip around Shaiba, and maybe get to Basra by bypassing the town. The British, under General Charles Melliss, sent the 7th Hariana Lancers and later the 104th Wellesley's Rifles to attack the Arabs, but those attacks were failures. Melliss then attacked with the 2nd Dorsets and the 24th Punjabis, backed by artillery fire, and they routed the Arab irregulars, capturing 400 and dispersing the rest. The Arab irregular forces would not take part in the rest of the battle. Sulaimann Askari had his Ottoman regular troops fall back on Barjisiyeh Wood. The Battle of Shaiba  シャイバの戦い

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    The battle of Yanbu was an Ottoman attempt to recapture the city of Yanbu.The Battle on Yanbu began on December 1, 1916, when Fakhri Pasha, with 2 brigades invaded the outskirts of the city. The Ottomans initially had repelled the Arabs from strategic points in the city. Within a couple of days Pasha controlled all routes in and out of the city. The Arab soldiers in the city begin constructing a makeshift airstrip for use by British aircraft. More Arab and British reinforcements arrive and strengthen defenses in the city, 5 British Navy ships also arrive to help in the defense of the city. By December 9, Arab counter-attacks open up the routes to the city, and flights from the HMS Raven II severely attack Ottoman columns. Because of the Navys presence in the ocean off of Yanbu, Pasha calls off all advances on the night of December 11/12. Due to logistical errors, and counterattacks from the Arabs, the Ottomans start the retreat to Medina on January 18, 1917, thus, ending the Recapture of Yanbu.

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    The Battle of Mahiwa fought between German and British Imperial forces was a battle of the East African Campaign of World War I. The battle began when South African and Nigerian troops under Lieutenant General Jacob van Deventer engaged a column of German forces under the command of General Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck at Mahiwa in German East Africa. The Germans were able to inflict substantial casualties upon Van Deventer's army, forcing it to withdraw. The Germans also lost a large percentage of their forces and were ultimately forced to withdraw from their positions and continue their guerrilla war.With Kurt Wahle's force at Nyangao separated from Lettow-Vorbeck's main body, the British hatched a plan to cut off and surround Wahle's column by flanking it with a force of Nigerians. They would then commit a large body of soldiers on a frontal attack and encircle the force. A force of three battalions of Nigerians was sent against Wahle's troops at Nyangao and engaged him there on the 15th. Von Lettow-Vorbeck brought up reinforcements to Wahle and pitted his additional four companies against them. The Nigerians were soon threatened with encirclement and suffered severe casualties. A larger force had been sent by the British to attack the Germans from the opposite side, but this was also met with stubborn resistance when the Germans withdrew from Nyangao on the 16th and dug in on the ridge at Mahiwa 2 miles (3.2 km) from their previous position. Despite the attacks from the newly arrived British force, the Germans were able to hold their ground and counter-attacked on the 17th and 18th forcing the British to withdraw with heavy casualties. The British forces were defeated with heavy losses taking over 2,700 casualties and were forced to withdraw. Although Von Lettow-Vorbeck had inflicted the greatest number of casualties on the Allies in the African Theater since the Battle of Tanga, the battle did not go as well as he had hoped. Although the German army suffered only between 500 and 600 casualties, it was over thirty percent of the force engaged. The German supplies were extremely limited and four days of fighting had expended over 850,000 rounds, nearly his entire supply of smokeless cartridges.[citation needed] Without sufficient ammunition for their modern weapons, the German force was reduced to using old Mauser Model 1871s which used black powder cartridges. Low on supplies and fearing another assault, General von Lettow-Vorbeck decided to withdraw from German East Africa and invade Portuguese East Africa where he hoped to regain strength by capturing supplies from the ill-prepared Portuguese Army there.

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    The First Transjordan attack on Amman (known to the British as the First Attack on Amman) and to their enemy as the First Battle of the Jordan took place between 21 March and 2 April 1918, as a consequence of the successful Battle of Tell 'Asur which occurred after the Capture of Jericho in February and the Occupation of the Jordan Valley began, during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. During the First Transjordan attack large incursions into Ottoman territory occurred. Firstly the Passage of the Jordan River, was successfully captured between 21 and 23 March, followed by the first occupation of Es Salt in the hills of Moab between 24 and 25 March. The First Battle of Amman took place between 27 and 31 March when the Anzac Mounted Division and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade (fighting dismounted as infantry) were reinforced by two battalions of 181st Brigade followed by a second two battalions from the 180th Brigade (60th London Division) and artillery. The Fourth Army headquarters located in Amman was strongly garrisoned and during the battle received reinforcements on the Hejaz railway, the strength of which eventually forced the attacking force to retire back to the Jordan Valley between 31 March and 2 April. The Jordan Valley would continue to be occupied by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) through the summer until the middle of September 1918 when the Battle of Megiddo began. During the winter of 1917/1918, the considerable territorial gains by the EEF as a consequence of victories at the Battle of Mughar Ridge in November and the Battle of Jerusalem in December, from the Gaza–Beersheba line to the Jaffa–Jerusalem line, were consolidated. The front line was adjusted in February 1918 when the right flank of the Jaffa–Jerusalem line was secured by the capture of land to the east of Jerusalem and down into the Jordan Valley to Jericho and the Dead Sea. The Capture of Jericho was also a necessary precursor, along with the Action of Tell 'Asur, and advances by Allenby's force across the Jordan River and into the hills of Moab towards Es Salt and Amman.

  • 以下の英語の文を和訳して下さい。

    At daybreak on 29 April 1915, the German force surrounded and attacked the fort at Gurin. Early in the battle, the British commander Captain Pawle was killed in action, leaving Lieutenant Joseph F. J. Fitzpatrick to lead the defense of the fort. The Germans brought up five machine guns, which were able to damage the fort's defenses. Despite superiority in both manpower and weapons, the Germans did not succeed in capturing the fort at Gurin. At around midday, after seven hours of fighting, von Crailsheim and his force withdrew from Gurin. The British lost 13 men or approximately 30% of their force through the battle. The German unit lost 40 African and 5 European soldiers. After the battle, Captain Schipper took wounded German troops southwards while von Crailsheim lead the rest back to Garua. British forces attempted to intercept the returning German units but failed. The engagement was technically a failure for the Germans but von Crailsheim did succeed in inflicting significant casualties on the force at Garin and surprising British military leadership by penetrating the border. The action that took place at Gurin made the Allied commander in western Kamerun, Colonel Cunliffe, uneasy about the freedom of movement that the German force stationed at Garua had. The garrison there had not been seriously engaged by Allied forces since the First Battle of Garua in August 1914. The battle at Garin set into motion another British and French attempt to finally take the German forts at Garua. Ultimately, this conflict resulted in a successful defense of Gurin and the Second Battle of Garua. Jump to search The Battle of Eski Hissarlik took place on 1 May 1915 and was an attempt made by the Ottomans, commanded by Liman von Sanders to push Allied (British and French) troops back to the sea.On 28 April 1915, Allied troops had attempted to capture the village of Krithia on the Gallipoli peninsula. They were unsuccessful and withdrew from the First Battle of Krithia after 10 hours. On 1 May 1915, Ottoman troops made a counter-strike designed to force the Allied troops back to the sea. At around 10:15 PM on 1 May 1915, Ottoman troops (commanded by Liman von Sanders, attacked the Allied troops defenses close to the hill of Achi Baba. The British and French had been prepared for a night attack and inflicted heavy injuries upon the Ottoman forces. The British received far fewer casualties, and remained on the island. If the Allied forces had been pushed back to the sea, the Gallipoli campaign would have been over. Instead, they remained on the peninsula. 5 days later they would again attack the village of Krithia, in the Second Battle of Krithia.

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