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Google's CFO Comments on Glass Graduating


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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。訳   木曜日の四半期業績電話会議に於ける、パトリック•ピチェット経理局長のコメントは、今月初めに、社の実験室からグラスが「卒業」して、別部門に入った時のグーグルの談話とはまったく違った性格を打ち出した。 2。またgraduatingの部分が、分詞構文ですか?それとも、現在分詞ですか?  ご参考までに  http://www.eibunpou.net/08/chapter20/20_1.html 3. struck の部分がうまく訳せません。 これは、下記のように strike a (~) tone 「~の調子を出す」とか「~という雰囲気を醸し出す」と言う意味です。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=strike+a+tone


  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    After a failed attempt by the Korean National Association to send a three-man delegation to Paris, a delegation of Koreans from China and Hawaii did make it there. Included in this delegation, was a representative from the Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai, Kim Kyu-sik. They were aided by the Chinese, who were eager for the opportunity to embarrass Japan at the international forum. Several top Chinese leaders at the time, including Sun Yat-sen, told U.S. diplomats that the peace conference should take up the question of Korean independence. Beyond that, however, the Chinese, locked in a struggle against the Japanese themselves, could do little for Korea. Apart from China, no nation took the Koreans seriously at the Paris conference because of its status as a Japanese colony. The failure of the Korean nationalists to gain support from the Paris Peace Conference ended the possibility of foreign support.Following the Conference's decision to separate the former Arab provinces from the Ottoman Empire and to apply the newly conceived mandate-system to them, the Zionist Organization submitted their draft resolutions for consideration by the Peace Conference on 3 February 1919. Zionist state as claimed at the Paris Peace Conference British memorandum on Palestine ahead of the Peace Conference The statement included five main points: Recognition of the Jewish people's historic title to Palestine and their right to reconstitute their National Home there. The boundaries of Palestine were to be declared as set out in the attached Schedule The sovereign possession of Palestine would be vested in the League of Nations and the Government entrusted to Great Britain as Mandatory of the League. Other provisions to be inserted by the High Contracting Parties relating to the application of any general conditions attached to mandates, which are suitable to the case in Palestine. The mandate shall be subject also to several noted special conditions, including promotion of Jewish immigration and close settlement on the land and safeguarding rights of the present non-Jewish population a Jewish Council representative for the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, and offer to the Council in priority any concession for public works or for the development of natural resources

  • 映画「12人の怒れる男たち」のセリフの和訳

    You've listened to the testimony. You've had the law read to you and interpreted as it applies in this case. It's now your duty to sit down and try and separate the facts from the fancy. 訳:君たちは証言を聞いている。   法律を君たちに読み上げて、この事件に当てはまるように説明した。   座って、事実と想像を分けることが今の君たちの責務である。 訳をしてみたのですが、どうですか?直した方がいい部分はあるでしょうか? 「You've had the law read to you」 の部分の文法がよく分からず、想像で訳をしてみたのですが、この場合「had」は使役ですよね? 「have +(事)+過去分詞」で、 「~を~~してもらう、させる」という意味だと思います。 そこで直訳すると、「君たちは君たちに法律を読んでもらった」 というようになると思うのですが、やはり変になります。 それに、異訳しようとしてもピンときません。

  • 過去分詞?他動詞?

    Nakata Says Good-Bye to Soccer Pitch Hidetoshi Nakata, the two-time Asian Footballer of the Year, whose lying disconsolate on the pitch in his third World Cup struck soccer fans, announced his retirement from professional football through his website on Monday. Jul 4, 2006 対訳 「中田選手:フィールドに別れ」 2度もアジア年間最優秀選手に選ばれ、3度目の出場となったW杯の試合で物悲しげにフィールドに倒れこんでいる姿をファンの目に焼き付けた中田英寿選手が、月曜、自身のオフィシャルサイトを通じてプロサッカー界からの引退を表明した。       2006年7月4日 訳出のポイント ●strikeは、名詞では野球の「ストライク」や「ストライキ」などの意味がありますが、動詞では何かを「襲う」または「襲われる」という意味もあります。今回のstruckはstrikeの過去分詞形で、struck by~だけで、「~に感銘や印象を受けた」という意味になります。 ●whose lyingからsoccer fans までは、直訳すると「3度目のW杯でやるせなくフィールドに横たわった姿がサッカーファンの印象に残っている」となります。そこに少し補足し、さらに、"ファンの印象に残っている" という受身ではなく "(自らの姿を) ファンの目に焼き付けた" と能動的にすることで、中田選手を主役にしたまま、文章をスッキリとさせました。 これはある有名な英語の短文集の中の一文とその解説ですが、解説に?な部分がありました。 それは、訳出のポイントのところで、この文の中の"struck"を過去分詞とみなしているところです。 後ろにsoccer fansが来ている以上、文型的にも他動詞ではないか?というのが私の考えなのですがいかがでしょうか? もしそうでない、過去分詞で正しいというのであれば、その根拠を教えていただければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳の確認をお願いします

     わからない部分が幾つかあるので教えてください。あと、訳でおかしいところがあったら指摘してください。 The National Weather Service offers the following advice for protecting yourself from lightning: 米国気象庁は稲妻からあなた自身を保護するために次の助言を提示します。 Listen for thunder. 雷の音をよく聞きなさい。 If you can hear it, you are likely within striking distance of lightning. あなたが聞き取れるぐらいの音ならば、稲妻はごく近くにあるかもしれません。 If you hear thunder, take shelter right away. もし雷の音が聞こえたらすぐに非難してください。 Houses and large buildings are the best form of shelter. 家や大きな建物のなかは非難するのに最善な場所です。 Lightning can get inside buildings. It can enter through wires, pipes, or even the ground. それはワイヤー、パイプ、あるいは地面を通じて入り込むことができます。 Avoid touching anything linked to electricity. 電気をとおす物に触れることを避けてください。 Also avoid touching anything made of metal. また、金属製の物にも触れないようにしてください。 Phone use is the leading cause of indoor lightning injuries in the U.S. If anyone is struck by lightning, get medical help right away. もし誰かが稲妻の被害にあったらすぐに医療的な処置を行ってください。(「病院にいきましょう」でしょうか?) It could save the person's life. それは人の命を救うことができます。 Heart problems, burns, and nerve damage often result when a person is struck by lightning. 人が稲妻に打たれると心臓の病気、やけど、そして神経へのダメージをうけることがあります。(「受ける可能性があります」と訳してもいいでしょうか?)

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Also among the casualties was the medical officer, Captain Brian Pockley, who died of his wounds in the afternoon after being evacuated to Berrima. The reinforcements landed earlier from the destroyers reached Bowen by 10:00 however, and the situation was stabilised. The advance was subsequently resumed, but the Australians had not gone more than 500 yards (460 m) when they encountered a strongly held German trench dug across the road. Working together, Hill and Bowen attempted to outflank the Germans, during which Bowen was shot and badly wounded by a sniper, leaving Hill in command. Berrima subsequently landed reinforcements, including a half-battalion commanded by Lieutenant Commander Charles Elwell, as well as a machine-gun section and medical detachment. Among the reinforcements was the battalion commander, Beresford, and the intelligence officer. Elwell advanced inland rapidly and was soon also engaged, losing one killed and two wounded in a brief skirmish. During the advance the Australians had also uncovered and defused a large pipe mine the Germans had buried under a narrow track and set to detonate using a command wire. These mines had been laid beneath the road with wires leading to an electric battery and a firing key at the bottom of a lookout tree. By 13:00 however, Hill's position was reached and the Australians—now under Elwell's overall command—launched another flanking attack on the main trench blocking the road. Despite suffering casualties they pressed their attack, forcing the defenders to surrender after charging the trench with fixed bayonets. A German officer and 20 Melanesians were captured. Four Australians were killed, including Elwell who died leading the charge with his sword drawn, and another five were wounded. Now under the command of Hill, and accompanied by two German prisoners acting as interpreters, the Australians proceeded down the road under a flag of truce and persuaded the garrisons of two more trenches to surrender, but not before another skirmish in which the Germans counter-attacked, wounding three more Australians, one fatally. During the firefight, the Australians killed one of the unarmed German interpreters and several of the Melanesians. The advance continued and another group of defenders was encountered and disarmed by nightfall. By 19:00 the Australians reached the radio station which was found abandoned; the mast had been dismantled, although the instruments and machinery remained intact. The surviving defenders had abandoned the defences and withdrawn.

  • of ? from?

    http://okweb.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=938678 ↑にて、以前質問させていただいた者です。 その節はありがとうございました。 その後、そのアメリカの友人から連絡があり、 彼の父が亡くなったとの連絡がありました。 それに対する返事として文章を考えたのですが、 以下は、その最初の部分です。 I have to apologize for not having understood your father's condition earlier until reading your email "of" this morning. 「今朝のメールを見るまで、お父様の容体をもっと早く理解していなかったことを謝らないといけません。」 というつもりで書いたのですが、これを送る前に 知り合いのアメリカ人に添削してもらったところ 上の文中の"of" を "from" に訂正されました。 その時はあまり気にしなかったのですが、 後から考えるとなぜ"from"になるのか良く分かりません。 "from"にするとどんな感じの意味になるのでしょうか。 また、"of" では間違いでしょうか。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The British fire was concentrated on the battlecruiser Seydlitz, at the head of the line and Blücher at the rear. With five British ships against four German, Beatty intended that his two rear ships, New Zealand and Indomitable, should engage Blücher, while his leading three engaged their opposite numbers. Captain H. B. Pelly of the newly commissioned battlecruiser Tiger assumed that two ships should concentrate on the leading German ship and engaged Seydlitz, leaving Moltke free to fire at Lion. Tiger's fire was ineffective, as she mistook the shell splashes from Lion for her own, when the fall of shot was 3,000 yd (1.7 mi; 2.7 km) beyond Seydlitz. At 09:43, Seydlitz was hit by a 13.5 in (340 mm) shell from Lion, which penetrated her after turret barbette and caused an ammunition fire in the working chamber. This fire spread rapidly through other compartments, igniting ready propellant charges all the way to the magazines and knocked out both rear turrets with the loss of 165 men. Only the prompt action of the executive officer in flooding the magazines saved Seydlitz from a magazine explosion that would have destroyed the ship. The British ships were relatively unscathed until 10:18, when Derfflinger hit Lion with several 30.5 cm (12.0 in) shells, damaging her engines and causing flooding; Lion lost speed and began to fall behind. At 10:41, Lion narrowly escaped a disaster similar to that on Seydlitz, when a German shell hit the forward turret and ignited a small ammunition fire but it was extinguished before causing a magazine explosion. A few minutes later, taking on water and listing to port, Lion had to stop her port engine and reduce speed to 15 knots (28 km/h; 17 mph) and was soon out of action, having been hit 14 times. At 10:30, Blücher was hit by a shell from Princess Royal, which caused an ammunition fire and boiler room damage. Blücher had to reduce speed to 17 knots (31 km/h; 20 mph) and fell further and further behind the rest of the German force. Beatty ordered Indomitable—his slowest ship—to intercept Blücher. Hipper, with his ships running short on ammunition, chose to steam for home, leaving the disabled Blücher behind, to save his remaining ships. The annihilation of the German squadron appeared likely to the British until 10:54, when Beatty—believing he saw a submarine periscope on Lion′s starboard bow—ordered a 90° turn to port, to avoid a submarine ambush (The "periscope" may have been a surfacing, run-out torpedo which had been launched 15 minutes earlier by the German destroyer V5).

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Dominion governments were not originally given separate invitations to the conference, but rather were expected to send representatives as part of the British delegation. Convinced that Canada had become a nation on the battlefields of Europe, its Prime Minister, Sir Robert Borden, demanded that it have a separate seat at the conference. This was initially opposed not only by Britain but also by the United States, which saw a dominion delegation as an extra British vote. Borden responded by pointing out that since Canada had lost nearly 60,000 men, a far larger proportion of its men compared to the 50,000 American losses, at least had the right to the representation of a "minor" power. The British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, eventually relented, and convinced the reluctant Americans to accept the presence of delegations from Canada, India, Australia, Newfoundland, New Zealand and South Africa. They also received their own seats in the League of Nations. Canada, although it too had sacrificed nearly 60,000 men in the war, asked for neither reparations nor mandates.The Australian delegation, led by the Australian Prime Minister, Billy Hughes, fought hard for its demands: reparations, the annexation of German New Guinea and rejection of the Japanese Racial Equality Proposal. Hughes said that he had no objection to the equality proposal provided it was stated in unambiguous terms that it did not confer any right to enter Australia. Hughes was concerned by the rise of Japan. Within months of the declaration of the War in 1914, Japan, Australia and New Zealand had seized all German possessions in the Far East and Pacific. Though Japan occupied German possessions with the blessings of the British, Hughes was alarmed by this policy.The French Prime Minister, Georges Clemenceau, controlled his delegation and his chief goal was to weaken Germany militarily, strategically and economically. Having personally witnessed two German attacks on French soil in the last forty years, he was adamant that Germany should not be permitted to attack France again. In particular, Clemenceau sought an American and British guarantee of French security in the event of another German attack. Clemenceau also expressed skepticism and frustration with Wilson's Fourteen Points: "Mr. Wilson bores me with his fourteen points", complained Clemenceau. "Why, God Almighty has only ten!" Wilson won a few points by signing a mutual defense treaty with France, but back in Washington he did not present it to the Senate for ratification and it never took effect.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします・・・。

    The heads of other leading technology companies have also paid tribute, including Microsoft boss Bill Gates, who said Mr Jobs's "profound impact" on the world of technology would "be felt for many generations to come". "For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honour. I will miss Steve immensely." Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg thanks Mr Jobs for "showing that what you build can change the world" while Sony Corp president and CEO Howard Stringer said: "The digital age has lost its leading light." South Korea's Samsung, which is involved in an ongoing legal battle with Apple over patents, praised Mr Jobs for his "numerous revolutionary changes to the information technology industry". "His innovative spirit and remarkable accomplishments will forever be remembered by people around the world," said chief executive officer Choi Gee-Sung. Mr Jobs built a reputation as a forthright and demanding leader who could take niche technologies - such as the mouse and graphical user interface, using onscreen icons rather than text - and make them popular with the general public. He introduced the colourful iMac computer, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad to the world. His death came just a day after Apple unveiled its latest iPhone 4S model. With a market value estimated at $351bn, Apple became the world's most valuable technology company. "I hope civil servants at both institutions get the message from the voters this Sunday that they are not happy with your inefficiency," said Mr Hashimoto at a news conference on Sunday. His rival Kunio Hiramatsu was more conservative and was supported by all the major political parties including the Japanese Communist Party, which rarely backs the same candidate as the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party. Jedda-based journalist Maha Akeel said the initial court ruling had gone against the general trend, with police stopping few Saudi women drivers.

  • 構文が取れないので教えて下さい

    New York Times からです。 (Bostonの事件の記事) It was just a little after that routine interaction, the police said, that a pair of men approached Officer Collier’s squad car from behind and shot him to death, in what some law enforcement officials said appeared to have been a failed attempt to steal his gun. この、最後の部分、in what 以下なのですが、 これは何がどうなっているのでしょうか。