Demographic Change and Rising Healthcare Costs

  • Demographic change is influencing shifts in demand and expectations for healthcare. In the United States, 13 percent of the population is 65 or older, while in Germany it's 20 percent. Japan has the highest share at 23 percent.
  • The rise of chronic illnesses has made healthcare costs surpass national income, leading governments to restrict access to new drugs. This poses challenges for both the healthcare industry and governments.
  • In emerging markets like Brazil, India, China, and Russia, decision-making power is shifting from professionals to patients who are becoming consumers.
  • ベストアンサー


先ほど助けていただいたのですが、またわからないところがあり、、、少しお願いします。 1.Demographic change trigger shifts in demand and expectations. In the United States, 13 percent of the population is 65 or older, in Germany 20 percent. Here in Japan, that share is 23 percent. As health costs are outgrowing national income, governments restrict market access for new drugs. For industry, the rise in chronic illnesses increases both difficulty and cost of treatment. 人口構造の変化は需要と期待の変化の誘因となっている。アメリカでは人口の13%、ドイツでは20%が65歳以上なのに対し、ここ日本では23%を閉めている。 従って鍵となるのがコストである。それは政府にとってだけでなく、変革に投資する産業界にとっても同じだ。国民医療費は国民所得を上回っており、政府は新薬の市場アクセスを制限している。業界にとって、慢性疾患の増加は財政困難と治療費を増大させている。 2. Decisions are moving from the professional to the patient, especially in growth markets like Brazil, India, China or Russia where patients are turning into consumers. Today’s emerging countries will be our key markets tomorrow. By 2020, the Emerging 7 together with the rest of the world will stand for half of the global market. 決断は専門家から患者へと移っている。 特に、患者が消費者と変わっているブラジル、インド、中国やロシアなどの成長市場では??? 今日の新興国は明日の重要な市場となる。2020年までに、????? 国際市場の半分を占めるだろう。 3. Required: Get out of the comfort zone To deal with these challenges, we need to get out of our comfort zone. 必要とされるもの?:安全地帯からの脱出 これらの問題を処理するには、安全地帯からの脱出が必要である。 4. Our key success factor is our ability to innovate. Today’s innovation needs to be disruptive, which leads to high risk projects. Market understanding, strategic commitment and ruthless focus on execution are essential. In a tough environment, companies and employees need to be tough. 成功の鍵は我々の革新力だ。今日の革新は混乱しており、ハイリスクプロジェクトを引き起こしている。市場理解、戦略への取り組み、実行に断固集中することが必須だ。タフな状況では、会社も従業員もタフになるべきなのだ。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9721/12092)

以下のとおりお答えします。質問訳文の途中でカッコ内に説明を入れ、その後に⇒をつけて添削訳文を併記します。 1. 人口構造の変化は需要と期待の変化の誘因となっている。アメリカでは人口の13%、ドイツでは20%が65歳以上なのに対し、ここ日本では23%を閉めている。 従って鍵となるのがコストである。それは政府にとってだけでなく、変革に投資する産業界にとっても同じだ。国民医療費は国民所得を上回っており(→医療費が所得を上回るはずはありません。増加率が上回るのです)、政府は新薬の市場アクセスを制限している。業界にとって、慢性疾患の増加は財政困難と治療費を増大させている(→治療が「難しさと費用」の両方にかかります)。 ⇒人口構成の変化が引き金となって、需要や諸期待が変容する。アメリカでは人口の13%が、ドイツでは20%が65歳以上であるが、ここ日本では、23%を占めている。 医療経費が国民所得を上回る速度で増加しつつあるので、政府は新薬市場への参入を制限している。業界にとっては、慢性病の増加が治療の困難と治療費の両方を増加させる。 2. 決断(→決定する要素)は専門家から患者へと移っている。特に、患者が消費者と変わっているブラジル、インド、中国やロシアなどの成長市場では???(→前文へ続く) 今日の新興国は明日の重要な市場となる。2020年までに、?????(→新興の7か国がその他の世界とともに)国際市場の半分を占めるだろう。 ⇒特に患者が消費者に変わってきているブラジル、インディア、中国あるいはロシアのような成長市場では、決定要素が専門家から患者に移りつつある。 今日の新興諸国が、明日は我々にとって重要な市場になるだろう。2020年までに、新興の7か国がその他の世界とともに世界市場の半分を成していることだろう。 3. 必要とされるもの?:安全地帯からの脱出 これらの問題を処理するには、安全地帯からの脱出が必要である。 ⇒要求されること:温床地帯から抜け出せ。 これらの課題に対処するためには、我々は温床地帯から出ることが必要なのだ。 4. 成功の鍵は我々の革新力だ。今日の革新は混乱しており(→破壊的であることが必要で)、ハイリスクプロジェクトを引き起こしている(→危険度の高い計画策定に結びつく)。市場理解、戦略への取り組み、実行に断固集中することが必須だ。タフな状況では、会社も従業員もタフになるべきなのだ。 ⇒鍵となる成功要因は、我々の刷新の能力である。今日の革新作業は、破壊的であることが必要で、それは危険度の高い計画策定に結びつく。市場理解、戦略への取り組みおよび実行に関しては冷徹なまでの集中が不可欠である。苛酷な状況下では、会社も従業員も頑強でなければならないのだ。 以上、ご回答まで。


  • 英文和訳 

    To be sure, reaching the goal of 100 percent renewable and truly clean electricity within 10 years will require us to overcome many obstacles. At present, for example, we do not have a unified national grid that is sufficiently advanced to link the areas where the sun shines and the wind blows to the cities in the East and West that need the electricity. Our national electric grid is critical infrastructure, as vital to the health and security of our economy as our highways and telecommunication networks. Today, our grids are antiquated, fragile, and vulnerable to cascading failure. Power outages and defects in the current grid system cost US businesses more than $120 billion dollars a year. It has to be upgraded anyway. アル・ゴアの“Moving First Is in Our Own National Interest”の一部です。どなたか和訳お願いします

  • 以下の英文の和訳を教えてください(>_<)

    Our operating results have been in the past and will continue to be subject to a number of factors, many of which are largely outside our control. Any one or more of the factors set forth below could adversely impact our business, financial condition and/or results of operations. ※financial condition=財政状況

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    よろしくお願いします。 The term “business corporation” (excluding financial service institutions) means economic entities whose objective is to make a profit from such activities as the production and sale of goods or services . Business corporations invest funds in real assets (such as facilities and inventories) to carry out production and marketing activities on a continuing basis . Funds raised by business corporations are divided into internal funds (those generated in the ordinary course of the production and sale of goods or services) and external funds (those raised from external sources ) , according to the method employed to raise them . Technically , internal reserves and depreciation charges are included in internal funds. As the company is not required to repay the principal of , or pay interest or dividends on , such funds , they are considered the most stable means of corporate financing . In actuality , however , business corporations cannot meet their funding requirements with internal funds alone , and many of them have to rely on external funds . External funds are divided into the proceeds resulting from loans and the issuance of equity and debt securities , according to the method employed to raise them . Loans are obtained primarily from banking institutions . This method of raising funds with debt securities is termed “indirect financing” In addition to those issued at the time of their incorporation, business corporations issue additional equity shares(an increase of capital) to finance the expansion of their production capacity or for other purposes . As business corporations are not required to repay the principal thus raised, or pay interest thereon , the proceeds from the issuance of equity shares constitute the most stable form of funds among external funds . As is the case with equity shares , corporate debt securities are also an instrument for raising funds from the capital markets, and issuers have to redeem them on or by a predetermined date of redemption and pay a definite rate of interest on them . Corporate debt securities are largely divided into straight (SB), bonds with subscription rights, and structured bonds(see Chapter V). As the securities underlying equity shares or corporate debt are held directly by the providers of funds, this method of raising funds is called “direct financing”. A survey of changes that have occurred in the amount of funds raised from external sources as a percentage of the outstanding balance of financial debts shows that bank borrowings have tended to decrease since 1990. In the 2000s, funds raised through the issue of securities have outpaced those obtained through bank borrowings, suggesting that the weight of corporate financing structure has shifted from indirect to direct financing. This may be explained by the fact (1) that following the liberalization and internationalization of the financial markets, businesses have actively sought to raise funds be selling new shares and bonds on the market and (2) that particularly since 1980, in addition to reductions of inter-company credits that businesses had made under the pressure of recession, banks have curtailed their lending and businesses have repaid their debt banks in an effort to improve their financial positions. And these facts have combined to produce a synergistic effect. Most recently, the proportion of financing by loans has risen because of the decline in the functioning of the capital market caused by the financial crisis. However, with the establishment of emerging markets and the liberalization and abolition of regulations on the issue of debt securities, small-to-medium-sized firms can now obtain financing through the capital market. Consequently, if the capital market rebounds, the proportion of financing through the issue of securities will likely recover.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Adult diapers are set to outsell baby diapers in Japan by 2020 in just the latest example of the challenges facing a nation where more than 20 percent of the population are 65 and older. The Nikkei newspaper reports that paper companiesーDaio and Nippon paperー are expanding their "incontinence products" manufacturing facilities in preparation for an expected surge in demand. says the adult diaper market is growing by up to 10 percent year-on -year and rakes in $1.4 billion per year.Adult diapers can go for as much as two and half times the price of baby diapers. Japan has one of the fastest-aging populations in the industrialized world,and there are concerns about how elderly citizens reling on care will be cared for in the years ahead. In a startling reported by the Telegraph newspaper,nearly a quarter of all shoplifting arrests in Tokyo last year involved pensioners over the age of 65. More than 3320 pensioners were detained by police,eclipsing for the first time the number of teenagers detained in the same year (3195). About 70 percent of the thefts involved food,signaling the growing poverty amongst pensioners living alone in Tokyo.

  • 英文和訳

    In order to foster international cooperation, it is also essential that the United States rejoin the global community and lead efforts to secure an international treaty at Copenhagen in December of next year that includes a cap on CO2 emissions and a global partnership that recognizes the necessity of addressing the threats of extreme poverty and disease as part of the world's agenda for solving the climate crisis. Of course the greatest obstacle to meeting the challenge of 100 percent renewable electricity in 10 years may be the deep dysfunction of our politics and our self-governing system as it exists today. In recent years, our politics has tended toward incremental proposals made up of small policies designed to avoid offending special interests, alternating with occasional baby steps in the right direction. Our democracy has become sclerotic at a time when these crises require boldness. アル・ゴアの演説の一部です。 どなたか和訳お願いしますm(__)m

  • 以下を和訳したいのですが全くわかりません・・・

    Consumer demand for our products and our brand equity could diminish significantly if we or our licensees fail to preserve the quality of our products, are perceived to act in an unethical or socially irresponsible manner or fail to deliver a consistently positive consumer experience in each of our markets. この場合、2行目の"are"の主語は何になるのでしょうか? どなたかお願いしますm(__)m ※ Consumer demand=消費者需要

  • 英文和訳、お願いします。

    ◆Swimming develops every part of the body. Proper breathing plays a big role in increasing lung capacity. Stroking and kicking develop the muscles in arms, legs and back. Timing and mental alertness are important, for the good swimmer must take advantage of every opportunity offered. ◆One of our most important duties is to give our guests the best possible service and to satisfy them. Because we serve them well, they come to our restaurants, and spend their money. Our guests keep us in business. In the last analysis, our guests really pay our wages. ◆Since we make daily use of the newspaper, and we base much of our opinion upon what it tells us, we should make efforts to understand it. Unless we know what newspapers are, and how they are made, we shall not know how to tell a good newspaper from a bad one, or whether we should believe any particular piece of information.

  • 和訳お願いします

    The financal makers provide a marketplace through which funds are chan-neled from sectors with idle cash (lenders) to cash-short sectors(borrowers), and the types of financing arranged on these markets are divided in terms of intermediaries into indirect and direct financing. Indirect financing means a form of transaction in which a financial institution acquires a primary secure-ty (IOUs and notes,ect.) from a borrower with a fund raised by issuing an in-direct security(certificates of deposit and insurance policies,etc.). In direct financing, a borrower raises funds by issuing a primary security (equity and debt securities, etc) to lenders though a market intermediary. The market place on which direct financing is arranged is the securities market, which is divided into an issue market(where securities are issued and distributed) and a trading market (where securities are bought and sold). Generally, the term ”security” refers to instruments that give their legal holders the rights to money or other property. They are designed to facilitate the assignment of such rights and have the characteristic of combining rights and certificates. More specifically, they are issued in various form, such as stocks and bonds issued by business corporations; notes, checks, and bills of lading ;government securities issued by national governments; and municipal bonds issued by local public bodies. Of these, securities traded in the securities markets are balled “securities under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act(FIEA),” as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 2,of that law. Paragraph 1 defines securities whose interests are represented by securities or certificates that are physically issued as listed in the Securities and Exchange Law, new types of securities, such as mortgage securities and securities representing financial options contracts, have been included in the new definition. Item 21 of the paragraph provided that securities and certificates so designated by government ordinance, including bonds issued by educational institutions, shall be deemed to be securities under the law. Paragraph 2 of Article 2 sets forth the definition of deemed securities. First, interests represented by securities that are listed in the preceding paragraph are deemed to be securities by themselves in cases where no physical certificates are issued. For example, interests represented by bonds or stocks held under a book-entry transfer system are deemed equivalent of those securities listed in Paragraph 1. The latter part of the paragraph then goes on to define deemed securities as interests other than those represented by securities or certificates. The scope of the definition has been substantially widened compared with that of the former law, and specifically, there are comprehensive provisions in Item 5 of the paragraph for FIFA to be applicable to various types of collective investment vestment ordinance, including claims on loans o educational institutions, are provided for as deemed securities. In addition to securities, FIEA applies to derivative transactions in domestic financial instrument and over-the-counter markets and foreign markets.

  • この英文を和訳してください。

    アメリカの友人からメールが届きました。 すみませんが、和訳をお願いします。 ah my friend. a time that is bitter / sweet. bitter for your country / sweet for you to be passing from one time in your life to another. I pray that your time of celebration goes well and that you are able to enjoy yourself. I chear you on for your desire to help in relief work by volunteering. I will pray for your safety and that you might be a big help and comfort to many of the people. Please keep me up to date on your activities.

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記2分の和訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 ・Russia and Turkey are again the year's hotter markets, representing 42 percent of total anticipated growth for 2015, according to CBRE. ・In western Europe caution will rule. According to CBRE, most construction there this year involves refurbishment and extensions, and these represent only 8 percent of total new gross leasable area. "It's mostly around refreshing the center and trying to reposition the tenant mix."