High Level of Alcohol in Blood: Alcohol Abuse and Acute Alcohol Intoxication

  • A high level of alcohol in the blood indicates alcohol abuse and results in acute alcohol intoxication.
  • Alcohol abuse refers to harmful drinking patterns that affect health, relationships, and work.
  • Acute alcohol intoxication occurs from drinking excessive amounts of alcohol at once, leading to health complications.
  • ベストアンサー


A very high level of alcohol in the blood indicates alcohol abuse and results in acute alcohol intoxication. Alcohol abuse refers to a pattern of drinking that is harmful to Your health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work. Acute alcohol intoxication comes from the consequence of drinking large amounts of alcohol at a time. drinking-related problems, such as alcohol abuse and acute alcohol poisoning, harm our health. these problems increase health complications and may shorten our lives. if you drink too much alcohol, you will develop cirrhosis (damage to liver cells), and pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), high blood pressure, psychological disorders, and so on. drinking alcohol is particularly dangerous for inexperienced drinkers or those sensitive to alcohol. they may become acutely inexperienced and suffer serious consequences just after taking small amounts of alcohol. many college students, though, think that the worst that can happen to them is that they will vomit or pass out, with a hangover the next day. however, death can occur from too much alcohol. if you are with a person with some symptoms of acute alcohol intoxication, call emergency medical services right away, and stay with the person until medical help arrives.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

血中の高濃度のアルコールは、過度の飲酒を示し、急性アルコール中毒を引き起こします。 過度の飲酒とは、健康、人間関係、仕事の能力に害を及ぼす飲酒の仕方を指します。 急性アルコール中毒は、一度に大量のアルコールを飲む結果生じます。 過度の飲酒や急性アルコール中毒の様な、飲酒に関連する問題は、私たちの健康に害を及ぼします。 これらの問題は、健康に関わる厄介な問題を増加させ、私たちの命を縮めるかもしれません。 過度にアルコールを摂取すると、肝硬変(肝細胞に対する損傷)、膵炎(膵臓の炎症)、高血圧、精神疾患、その他を引き起こします。 飲酒は、経験の少ない飲酒者やアルコールに敏感な人にとって特に危険です。 彼らは、少量のアルコールを摂取しただけでも、急性中毒になったり、深刻な結果を被るかもしれません。 しかし、多くの大学生は、自分に起こりうる最悪のことは、吐いたり、意識をなくしたり、翌日二日酔いになることだと考えています。 しかし、過度のアルコールが原因で死ぬこともあるのです。 急性アルコール中毒の何らかの症状のある人と同席していれば、すぐに救急車を呼び、救急隊員が到着するまでその人のそばにいて下さい。




その他の回答 (1)

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

血中のアルコール濃度が非常に高いということは、アルコール乱用(※1)であることを意味し、急性アルコール中毒をもたらすこととなる。 アルコール乱用とは、健康,対人関係、もしくは業務能力に害をおよぼす習慣的飲酒を指す。 急性アルコール中毒は一度の大量のアルコールを摂取した結果起こる。 アルコール乱用や急性アルコール中毒症といった飲酒に関連する問題は、健康に害を与える。 こうした問題は合併症を増やし、寿命を短くさせる。もし多くのアルコールを摂取したら、肝硬変(肝臓の損傷)や、膵炎(膵臓の炎症)、高血圧、精神疾患などを発症する。 アルコールを摂取することは、飲酒未経験者や、アルコールに弱い人達にとっては特に危険なことである。 そういう人達は、急速に酩酊し(※2)、少量摂取しただけでもその後深刻な影響を受ける可能性がある。 しかしながら多くの大学生は、自分達の身に起こる最悪のことは、翌日の二日酔いをともなう吐いたり意識を失ったりすることだと考えている。 だが、大量のアルコールは死を引き起こすのだ。 もし、急性アルコール中毒のいくつかの症状がある人と一緒だったら、ただちに救急隊に連絡して医療隊が到着するまでその人と一緒にいることだ。 ※1:alcohol abuse アルコール依存との違いについては下記をご参照ください。 http://www.weblio.jp/content/alcohol+abuse ※2:become acutely inexperienced inexperiencedでは意味をなさないので、intoxicatedの間違いだと思い、そのように訳しました。





  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Susan Morton submitted the third opinion selected for publication. Research has shown that there are health benefits to having pets, and that is an important advantage of pet ownership that is often overlookd when discussing the pros and cons of pets. Studies have found that they can lower people's blood pressure and cholesterol levels and ease feelings of loneliness. There are other health benefits as well. Walking a dog provides exercise for both the dog's owner and the dog. Many elderly people who live alone find that a cat or dog makes an excellent companion, and studies have found that elderly people with pets have lower rates of depression. In this way, pets benefit both our physical and mental health.

  • 和訳してください

    アメリカのHFからこんなメールが送られてきました。   Hi Little Sister. Hope that school is going good. I am thinking highly on going back to school to finish my Holistic Health Degree. It will be a challenge with working and taking care of Joey but I need to further my education and get a better job so I can come to Japan and visit you and your family. Love you and miss you. サイトを使って和訳してみたものの、意味がよくわかりません・・・ どなたかわかりやすく和訳してもらえないでしょうか?>< お願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします

    You mention that a certain kind of childishness that you see as part of your personality isn’t helping yourself or anyone else. Why do attribute so little value to relaxation and the ability to contemplate various matters? Isn’t that helpful. Isn’t it helping you with creativity? よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 変な箇所があればご指摘いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 In the period before you meet he may have suffered some ill health. and conditions in his life have been uncertain and subject to frequent change and indecision on his part. He will have put emotional barriers up between himself and others in this period. Or else will feel he was imprisoned without walls, that circumstance have imprison him, he has a life that he seeks escape from. He is sensitive to atmospheres, unspoken hostilities His outer confidence will hide a feeling of weakness and helplessness. and falling in love with you may be a form of escape from the things in his life he is unhappy with. Love will provide him with a kind of liberty, freedom, while he is tied to the limitations and responsibilities of his former existence.

  • 和訳してくださいっっ

    Outer Searching Gives You a New perspectiv About Disabilities 1,Contact with Other Families Youer Outer Search leads you to other families who have chidlen with specal need. You will meet and hear about children and families with problems similar to youra and problems that seem greater or less than yours. You will see how other families have struggled with succeeded with the difficult emotions ofr Surving and the challenges of Searching . Families define and deal with the idea of disability in their own way, according to their personal and religious value systems, cultural beliefs, and personalities of individual family members. 2New Awareness Your Other Search gives you a new awareness of how peo-ple with disabilites are viewed and treated in Amerikan society. Before your experience with your child, you may not have givin much thought about people's attitudes toward disadilities. You will encounter people in your neighbor-hood, in the grocery store checkout line, and at the park who will say things that will absolutely amaze you with their sensitivity or total lack of it . You will find yourself zeroing in on newcasts and articles about the experiences of people with disabilities and learning how American so-ciety meets and fails to meet the special needs of people with disabilties.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 何かありましたらご指摘いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Your life may be beset by romantic entanglement and intrigues, that are not of your own making, but exist and endure due to difficult circumstance. It is best to wait untill the circumstance are right before you commit yourself exclusively to one person. You will find the happiness you look for with your soul mate in the end. You are modest, very attentive, attractive. You love unconditionally, and accept whatever burdens or difficulties come with that love. You are a helpmate and take care of the one you love, you are compassionate. You possess an almost infinite ability to respond to, or sacrifice your own interests to the needs and demands of the one you love.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    today I have heard about the tragic news about Japan. Hopefully you and your family/friends are doing fine? I am very sorry for my late reply, but I was attempt to have less contact with you, because I thought it would be better for both of us to keep going with our normal life. The farewell of the last time that I saw you was very hard, I did not want to let you cry and have heartbreak.  Do not see me wrong, because I had a great time with you. We both started to have a strong feelings for eachother, but we both also now that this could not work out. That was very hard for both of us and I want you to live a great life without missing our  time too much. Well, hopefully my thing did work out and you are doing fine, you will always have that special place in my heart. Maybe the future will bring us back together... If I have any chance to go to Japan again I will definitly contact you and be with you, only if your situation allows that, maybe in that time you will have a lovely family. Please give other men a chance if they want to be a part of your life. I will be very happy for you..

  • 和訳してください!

    昔の友人?恋人のような男性から2年ぶりに連絡が来ましたがあまりにも自分が英語を忘れすぎて彼のメッセージが正確に理解できません。。。なんとなくはわかるのですが正確に知りたいので分かる方、和訳お願いいたします。 自分の名前はAとしています。 I am glad that u are fine...i am good too ... i wanna say a couple of things to you! Back there, when we were at LA, i thing that didn't treated you the way that you deserve, and i wanna say really sorry aboute that A...you deserve to know that i have a lot of good memories about you and the good times that we had in LA I know that all this things happened a long time ago, but i want to say sorry to you anyway... U always were so nice to me, and back there i was to young and too immature to know that... So, this is your Brazilian friend saying sorry to you about something that happened almost 2 years ago, but still care about that...i know that we live really far way, but anyway, i wanna be ok with you Miss you A

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分です。 抽象的な部分や変なところは意訳して いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There is a celestial influence from planets and stars in your seventh house. When there is a planet in the seventh house, it brings a definite kind of fate to bare, the choice of love is much more destined and less free. A planet also means that you yourself possess, a particular look or character that will deeply attract only a certain kind of man, and not others. It is as if the picture of love is cut out for you. If you had no planet in the seventh house, it would be more difficult to find love and yet more freedom to fall in love too, more opportunity but perhaps less depth. This planet placement gives you, endurance, practicality, a feeling of the predestined, so that once you are involved with someone, even if its not the soul mate, you are able to “make do” with relationship, or to put up with a lot that others wouldn’t for the sake of love.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Tsar had provided large amounts of artillery and shells for Brusilov's army, however this had repercussions for the Russians as Brusilov reverted to the tactic of extensive barrages followed by waves of advancing soldiers, a tactic that had proved unsuccessful since 1915 with German commanders observing the new similarities between Kowel and the Western Front.