• ベストアンサー


こんばんわ。いつもお世話になっております。 I went to London on Saturday.I went to the zoo. I went on a train.I went with my Dad. We saw the lions. Then we saw the penguins. Then we came home. I liked the hippos. I didn't see any snakes. And I didn't see any gorillas. I had a good time. My Dad had a good time. と、英文を作ったのですが、どうもブツブツ切れてしまいしまいます。これをつなげてもっとスムーズな文にしたいのですが。。。手直ししていただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数5


  • ベストアンサー

アメリカに35年半住んでいる者です。 私なりに書かせてくださいね。 確かに短い文章で一つ一つ書かれているため切れてしまうことになってしまいますね. 私はこの文章字体はそんなに悪くないと思います. しかし、2点ほど気をつけることがあります. 一つ一つの文のあと構えに「つなぎの語句」を入れることでスムーズに読めることになります. 日本語でも同じですね. そして、もう少し「謎」なのかを入れると読むようも「なんで?」と感じる必要もなくなるし誤解も減る事になります. 例えば、蛇とゴリラを見なかったんですね. 動物園に行って、特にゴリラを見なかったのは何か理由があるのじゃないか、ト思ってしまいますね. ですから、読んだ人は、だぶんは焼く家に帰らなくてはならなかったんだろう、とか、ここには書いていないけど雨でも降ったのかな、なんて思ってしまいますね. もし、この文章をそのまま使って書くとしたら、 Guess what? I went to London last Saturday. Where in London? I went to the zoo. Instead of using a car, I went on a train. I couldn't go alone so, I went with my Dad. At the zoo, we saw the lions. Then we saw the penguins. Then we came home. I liked the hippos. Theywere fantastic. You know what? Unfortunately I didn't see any snakes. And I didn't see any gorillas. But I had a good time. My dad had a good time also he said. と言うような日記調の英文が出来ますね. 殆んど文章自体は買えていませんね. そのままです. ただ、所々に、「切れてしまい」面白くない所を補う為に、簡単な言い方をたしましたね. これで、日記に語りかけているような雰囲気を作り上げる事ができるわけです. 日記調ではなく、単に文章としてスムーズに書くというのであれば、文章のまとめ方を考えなくてはなりません. 重複しているところ入らない部分を省き、もう少しはっきりした意味を持つ単語を使うなりして、新たな文章を作らなくてはなりませんね。 では、一つ作ってみますね. Last Saturday, I and my dad took a train to London to go to a zoo. There, we saw some lions and penguins. I liked the hippos the most. After that, we came home. I didn't see any snakes nor any gorillas. But both of us had really a good time. ね、そんなに変わっていないけど、入らない所などをなくしたりまとめでしまう事で文章がスムーズになっていますね. あとは、もうすこし、フィーリングのこもった単語を使って飾りをつけてもいいですね. これからも、人の書いたものを前するのではなく、自分で書けるようになるためにヒントとともに書いてみました. これでいかがでしょうか。 分かりにくい点がありましたら、補足質問してください。 また書いて見てください.



お返事が大変遅れました。 ご丁寧に回答ありがとうございました。 大変参考にさせていただきました。

その他の回答 (3)

  • Pippin
  • ベストアンサー率50% (196/389)

これがロンドン動物園(London Zoo)だとしたら地下鉄ですよね。 I went to London Zoo on the Underground with my dad last Saturday. We saw the lions, penguins and lots of other animals, but not snakes and gorillas. I liked the hippos best. We both had a great time. 「父(誰でも他の人)と私」と言う時には自分を後にしますので、最初の部分は"my dad and I went to London Zoo..."としてもいいですね。"I like xxx best."は"I like xxx most (of all)."と書き換えても。これだけではライオンとペンギンしか見てないようになっているので「他の動物も」と書きましたが、これに関しては見てない動物は蛇とゴリラだけみたいな感じなので、これもちょっと変えた方がいいような…(もしそうだったらそのままでいいのですけれど)。 「家に帰った」部分と「蛇やゴリラを見なかった」の部分が前後しているのでどういう状況かよくわかりませんが…。これが時間がなかったからという事であればそれを述べた方がよりわかりやすくなると思います。 主語が同じならばくっつけてしまった方がスッキリすると思います。日本語でも、「土曜日に動物園に行ったの」「電車で行ったんだ。」「お父さんと一緒に行ったんだ。」と分けて言わずに、「土曜日にお父さんと一緒に電車で動物園に行ったんだ。」と言いますよね。ブツブツ切れてしまったら、どの文章を繋げられるか(主語が同じか)考えてまとめればスムーズな文章になりますよ。



お返事おくれまして大変申し訳ないです。 回答ありがとうございました。 とても参考になりました。


まず全体的に趣旨を変えず文をつなげると Last Saturday, my father and I took train to London, and visited the zoo. We saw some lions, and penguins. I liked hippos (among all the animals we saw), but I could not get to see any snakes, nor gorillas. Still, both my father and I had a (very) good time. といったかんじだとより自然に聞こえまーす!





>I went to London on Saturday.I went to the zoo. I went on a train.I went with my Dad. We saw the lions. Then we saw the penguins. Then we came home. I liked the hippos. I didn't see any snakes. And I didn't see any gorillas. I had a good time. My Dad had a good time. いくつかの文章をまとめてつなげました。 I went to London by train last Saturday with my dad. We went to zoo and saw the lions and some penguins. I like hippoes but I didn't see them because we came home soon. We didn't see any snakes nor gorillas. But my father and I had very good time!



お返事遅れて大変申し訳ないです。大変参考にさせていただきました。 どうもありがとうございました。


  • cordialの意味

    I hit it off with a woman who I knew was moving out of the country. Our time together lasted only a few weeks. Though the time was short, we shared a really special connection and I’ve been left with memories that will stay with me forever. The last night she was in town, I met her family and we all went out for dessert together. She gave me a really sweet kiss in the car as we said good night. We didn’t spend the night together, but in the morning I was the last person she saw before she left town for good. I gave her a handwritten card that expressed how happy I was that we met and that I wanted to keep in touch and keep getting to know her. She didn’t read the letter that morning, and I felt her energy was cold. We hugged, but didn’t kiss goodbye. Since then, her communication with me has been cordial and mostly superficial. I’m a little blown away by how emotionally and physically intimate we had been for it to suddenly turn so cordial/superficial, literally overnight, without any major incident (besides her move) to provoke the change. cordialはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?辞書にある意味ではないと思うのですが。よろしくお願いします

  • A:Where did you go then?

    A:Where did you go then? B:I went to Okinawa. A:What did you see there? B:I saw beautiful sea. beautiful sea ですか? the beautiful seaですか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    When my dad passed away several years ago, he left a certificate of deposit to me. When it matured, I went to the bank with my mom because she had a CD that matured at the same time. The CD that Dad left me was a payable-on-death CD, with me as the only beneficiary, and my dad was the individual owner of the CD. When it maturedとはどういうことでしょうか?あと、individual ownerはindividualがあるのとないのとではどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    I had my glasses on again, and was walking on. "How did your husband react to his sister's accusations?" I said. "He was remarkably kind." "Kind?" "Oh, yes, in the circumstances. Because she started up a lot of gossip in the neighbourhood. It was only a small town. It was a long time before I could persuade him to send her to a home for the blind where she could be looked after. There was a terrible bond between them. Unconscious incest." "Didn't you know that when you married him? I should have thought it would have been obvious." She looked at me again. "I had not studied psychology at that time," she said. I thought, neither had I. We were silent for the third turn about the lake. Then she said, "Well, I was telling you how I came to study psychology and practise it. My husband had this breakdown after his sister went away. He had delusions. He kept imagining he saw eyes looking at him everywhere. He still sees them from time to time. But eyes, you see. That's significant. Unconsciously he felt he had blinded his sister. Because unconsciously he wanted to do so. He keeps confessing that he did so." Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 過去の回想シーンから現代に戻って、主人公とDr Grayが湖のまわりを一緒に歩きながら話している場面です。 ********************************************* 最後の方に He kept imagining he saw eyes looking at him everywhere. He still sees them from time to time. But eyes, you see. とあるのですが、 But eyes, you see.のButはどういう意味になって、この一文はどう訳すのでしょうか? 教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 前文は "It can all be explained psychologically, as we've tried to show to my husband. We've told him and told him, and given him every sort of treatment--shock, insulin, everything. And after all, the stuff didn't have any effect on his sister immediately, and when she did go blind it was caused by acute glaucoma. She would probably have lost her sight in any case. Well, she went off her head completely and accused her brother of having put the wrong drug in the bottle deliberately. This is the interesting part from the psychological point of view--she said she had seen something that he didn't want her to see, something disreputable. She said he wanted to blind the eye that saw it. She said...." We were walking round the lake for the second time. When we came to the spot where I had seen her face reflected I stopped and looked over the water. "I'm boring you." "No, no." "I wish you would take off those glasses." I took them off for a moment. I rather liked her for her innocence in not recognizing me, though she looked hard and said, "There's a subconscious reason why you wear them." "Dark glasses hide dark thoughts," I said. "Is that a saying?" "Not that I've heard. But it is one now." She looked at me anew. But she didn't recognize me. These fishers of the mind have no eye for outward things. Instead, she was "recognizing" my mind:I already came under some category of hers. となっています。

  • contact

    I am a boy in junior high school. I recently went to a social event for kids my age. While there, a girl spilled the beans that she has had a major crush on me for more than a year. We see each other often at school. I was shocked. She asked to hold my cellphone and then put her number into my contacts. ここでのcontactsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 【英語・準動詞】宿題

    英語の宿題で、わからないとこを教えて下さいっ m(_ _)m 1.(カッコ)に適切な語を入れてください (1)「その子犬は一匹で残されるのが好きではない。」 The puppy doesn't like ( )( )alone. (2)「いいアパートが見つかったことが、私たちはうれしい。」 We are happy at ( ) ( )a good apartment. 2.各組がほぼ同じ内容になるようにお願いします。 (1)●It seemed that she had a cold When I saw her. ■She ( )( )( ) a cold When I saw her. (2)●It seemed that the bus had left before I got there. ■The bus ( )( )( ) ( ) before I got there. 以上です!

  • 正しい英文にしたいです

    質問させていただきます よろしくお願いいたします! (1) I went Shonan during summer vacation last year. →~during last summer vacationでもOK? I swam in Shonan's sea. →湘南の海は、この表現でいいのですか? I was tired, but I had a good time. →こまかいですが、butの前のコンマは必要ですか?不要ですか?コンマをつけるタイミングがわかりません。 (2) 「家にいた」の表現は、調べてみた結果、 I was at my home. が普通なのかなと思ったのですが、 I was in my home.でも可能ですか? houseは不適切でしょうか? (3) I went the library. I went a park. どちらもa や the がないと正しくないでしょうか? (4) 「ワンピースを観た」は I watched "One piece". これで正しいですか? (5) What is Nana studying now? を What's Nana studying now? と言いますか? 多くなってしまいましたが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 仮定法の時制について

    時制の違いで意味が捉えにくいのですが… (1)I wish I knew something about the matter. (2)I wished I knew something about the matter. (3)I wish I had known something about the matter then. (4)I wished I had known somethng about the matter then. 同様に… (1)She looks as if she saw a ghost. (2)She looked as if she saw a ghost. (3)She looks as if she had seen a ghost. (4)She looked as if she had seen a ghost. (1)は、典型的な仮定法ですよね? (2)は単なる時制の一致でしょうか? (3)が全く意味不明で、主節が現在なのに、何故、 従属節にhadを使えるのでしょう? (4)の従属節は、主節の過去形に合わせた仮定法過去完了? それとも時制の一致? お手数ですが、それぞれのニュアンスの違いをご教授頂ければと思っております。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語 書き表し方

    いつもお世話になっています。 Then we must make the best tea each time.の内容を次のように書き表すとすれば( )の中にどのような1語が入れるのがよいか。 We make the best tea to say. “I had a ( ) time with you. Thank you.” というもので私は( )内をgoodを入れました。 模範解答はspecialだったんですが、どうしてでしょうか。宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 文法解説

    2. We didn't visit the British Museum because we didn't have enough time. = If we ( )( ) enough time, we ( )( )( ) the British Museum 3If she had not given me a hint, I could not have answered the question. =She ( ) me a hint; ( ) I could not have answered the question 4 I am sorry I can't ride a bicycle. = I am sorry I can ' t ride a bicycle. 『私は彼が黙っていたのでよけいに腹が立った。 I felt ()( )( ) angry for his silence. 6自分の国を愛さない人はいません。 There is () person ( ) ( ) his or her own country.