• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

英語に慣れてくると、頭の部分からイメージが入ってくるようになります。 日本語にすると難しいけど、 What a waste/ it would be /to let it go /floating down the river.みたいに区切ったらわかりやすいでしょうか。 なんと無駄な/それは/それを川に流すのは(それを川に流すのは何ともったいない。) what a wasteで、感嘆文である事が事がわかります。 it would beのところで、it is ではなくてwillでもなくwouldなのは、仮定法という説明だとわかりにくいけど、 日本語で言うなら「~だろう」とか、断定するのを避けたり将来を推測する時に使います。willだと可能性の高い推測ですけど、wouldは話し手の個人的推測だったり、断定したくない時に使います。 元の文 It would be a waste to let it go floating down the river. を感嘆文にしてます。 この元の文は文法用語で言えば、形式主語です。最初のitはto以下を指します。 itを川に流すのは何と無駄な。もったいない。と言っています。本人の気持ちがwouldに表れています。 何が好き?と聞かれて、I would say, ice cream. 「アイスクリームかな」などと言ったりします。 letは使役動詞でmakeより許可してさせる意味を含みます。let it goは「それを行かせる」という直訳になりますが英語ではいろんなニュアンスで使われます。"go floating down the river"で川に流れて行くという意味です。それをそのまま川に流してしまうのは何ともったいない。という感じでしょうか。



すごく分かりやすかったです。 ありがとうございました!


  • 以下の英文の日本語訳を教えてください。

    とある英作文のテキストに以下の英文がありました。その日本語訳を教えてください。 I'd prefer to live alone, away from home, if this meant doing the housework all by himself. If I went to college from home and spent two hours on the train, it'd be a waste of time. On a crowded train, it would be impossible even to read a book. ちなみにこの英文は以下の例題に対する解答例です。 もし、あなたが自宅から電車で片道2時間の距離にある大学に通うことになったとしたら、あなたは自宅から通学しますか、それともアパートなどを借りて一人暮らしをしますか?いくつかの理由を挙げ、50語程度の英語で答えなさい。 以上、何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    . It was fought by the Fifth Army (the Reserve Army had been renamed on 30 October) under the command of Lieutenant-General Hubert Gough, against the German 1st Army (General Fritz von Below). The intent of the British attack was to fulfil complementary objectives. Political discontent in London would be muted by a big victory, as would doubts of British commitment by its allies; British loyalty to the Chantilly strategy of 1915 would be seen to be upheld and the capture of Beaumont Hamel and Serre would go some way to redeem the failure of 1 July and obtain ground on which the British would have a tactical advantage.

  • 日本語訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。

    日本語訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Sometimes the dark gets in and you can`t see Which way is up or down and you can`t let go We`ve got to helpe one another htrough these hard times When things get ruff It`s not enough to stand by and watch it go down You`ve got to be tuff

  • 日本語にやくしてください!

    訳してください! We would be happy to work with you. In order for us to put aside anything, I need you to be VERY specific on what it is that you want us to put aside. Size Style color Please let us know ahead of time when you confirm a solid date for your visit.

  • 英文書き換えについて

    It was such a warm day that they decided to go to the river. という文を It was too warm a day that they decided go to the river. に書き換えられますか? この場合、意味はどうなるのでしょうか?

  • 以下、日本語に合う英文になっているか、添削してください。

    Of course I didn’t want to cause any problems to you, but I think I can not die so easy unless I am strong enough to face my death. もちろん、メッセージを遺さない、あなたに負担をかけたくないという思いもどこかにありました。 でも実際、死と対面したとき、よほどの強さがない限り、そんなにいさぎよい死に方はできないと思っています。 It would be ideal of human being, but I am too scared to even imagine to die. 生ある者の理想論だと。 それを貫けるなら格好いいけれど、想像でも私はできませんでした。 After all I still love you. 私はやはりあなたが好きです。 I tried giving up from you, but I could not do. 忘れようと思ったけれど無理みたい。 I would be amazed if you think what a weird letter I sent. こんな変な手紙送って!と思ってくれれば逆に嬉しいわ。 I want to impose many burdens to you while I am alive. 生きているうちにもっと負担をあなたにかけたい。 I want to be more selfish. もっとわがままになりたい。 I want to rely on you more. あなたにもっと頼りたい。 You would be disgusted with me, but I want you to be. あなたを呆れさせても、そうしたい。 It’s because I would be nothing if I die. 死んでしまったら終わりだと思っているから。 Wish I could live longer. 生きてこそ。   At the end, Thank you for being patient with my poor letter. こんな手紙を読んでくれてありがとう。 However, it would remain you to think that I am stupid helpless girl better than a good girl. でもどうしようもない「お馬鹿さん」の方があなたの心に残ると思ったので。 I want to close this dramatize letter here. そんな演出でメッセージを締めくくります。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。お願いします。

    (1)に入る言葉は、(1)By the way(2)By contrast(3)By all means(4)By coincidenceのどれですか? People who are concerned about climate change tend to worry about what would happen if the Antarctic ice sheet or the glaciers of Greenland were to melt. And, as most experts agree, these ice sheets are so huge that if they melt, it would mean major environmental damage caused by sea level rise and other effects. (1), the rest of the world`s glaciers contain less water and their disappearance would be a regional rather than a global disaster. If the Earth is losing its glaciers, the place where it matters most is in the Himalayas. The Himalayas are a grand mountain chain 2500km long. They contain the world`s highest mountains including all fourteen that are more than 8000m high. Because giant glaciers surround all the major Himalayan mountains, their melting would greatly influence the Earth`s climate. It is not likely that all this ice is going to disappear in the next few decades. But there is every chance that these glaciers will go on becoming smaller at a far faster rate than they have in recent centuries. Scientists supported by the British government have looked at what this might mean for the Himalayas area. It turns out that the Indus, the major river of Pakistan and of which the Himalayas are the source, could carry anything from 14 to 90 percent more water in the next few decades. This would mean terrible increases in flooding and erosion. But once a great enough percentage of the glaciers has melted, the amount of water in the river would fall by 30 to 90 percent over the end of the century. As this water is the basis of all life and agriculture in Pakistan, the effects hardly need explanation. If the planet continues to warm, there could be big shifts in the environment. Small glaciers would simply disappear and larger ones would retreat. There are signs that this is already happening.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    (1)Why go on a trip up Mt.Snowdon - it is raining heavily, we won`t be able to hike up the mountain, so what about putting it off? (2)Mutual understanding is something that is particularly important for people of different cultures, enabling them to respect one another`s. (3)As a result, they behaved in a manner which we considered unpleasant or even impolite.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・At first glance, this story is about the lesson of a children having acted innocently and honestly, and being praised for it by his father. ・The child having cut down a tree can be seen to symbolize the act of civilizing the wilderness into the New World. ・While George destroyed what his father treasured, it was more important to his father that he confessed it honestly.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    If it is a matter of right answers,as it may be in mathematics or science,give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can't find the way to get the right answer. Let's end all this nonsence of grades,exam,marks. Let us throw them all out,and let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn,how to measure their own understanding,how to know what they know or do not know.