• 締切済み


イギリスのスコットランド・グラスゴー出身のエレクトロポップバンド、CHVRCHESについてのバンドレビュー。CHVRCHESはローレン・メイベリー、 イアイン・クック、帽子を被っている ことの多いマーティン・ドハーティの3人組だ。イアインとマーティンはThe University of Strathclyde の先輩後輩という間柄で2004年頃に知り合い、当時一緒にバンドで活動。 この日本語文章をこのように英語に訳してみました。 Electro-pop band from Glasgow, Scotland in the UK, band reviews about CHVRCHES. CHVRCHES's trio of Martin Doherty that often suffers Lauren Mayberry, Iain Cook, and a hat. どこかおかしいところはありますか? 知恵をお貸し下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 補足: イアインとマーティンは、から抜けていました。 追記です。 Acquaintance, Iain Martin and activities in a band together at that time to about 2004 in terms of seniors and juniors of The University of Strathclyde.


  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

回答者1です。打ち間違いがありました。一か所訂正。 Ian and Martinの部分 Ian. Ian and Martinです

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

機械翻訳とおもわれる奇妙な訳で英語としてまったくつうじません。ただしくは、 Band review about Electro-pop band from Glasgow, Scotland in the UK, CHVRCHES. CHVRCHES is trio of Martin Doherty who is often wearing a hat,Lauren Mayberry and  Iain and Martin get into aquaintance about 2004 as senio and junior of The University of Strathclyde and played in the same band.



  • 経済英語なのですが、訳をお願いできますか?

    下の部分の訳を教えてください。お願いします・・・。 Using these data, I have attempted to say something about the history of the large industrial enterprise as a basic, modern American institution. In so doing, this book also provides information about the history of business administration in the United States and about changes in the larger American economy. It tells still more about the history of the individual companies examined. The book attempts to provide this information by focusing on the innovation and apread of the modern "decentralized" form of organization in American industry. The major portion of the work is devoted to the administrative histories of the four companies that first created the new form.

  • 原発に関する記事ですが、分からないところがあります

    Since the Fukushima accident we have seen a stream of experts on radiation telling us not to worry, that the doses are too low, that the accident is nothing like Chernobyl and so forth. They appear on television and we read their articles in the newspapers and online. Fortunately the majority of the public don’t believe them. I myself have appeared on television and radio with these people; one example was Ian Fells of the University of Newcastle who, after telling us all on BBC News that the accident was nothing like Chernobyl (wrong), and the radiation levels of no consequence (wrong), that the main problem was that there was no electricity and that the lifts didn’t work. “ If you have been in a situation when the lifts don’t work, as I have” he burbled on, “you will know what I mean.” You can see this interview on youtube and decide for yourself. What these people have in common is ignorance. You may think a professor at a university must actually know something about their subject. But this is not so. Nearly all of these experts who appear and pontificate have not actually done any research on the issue of radiation and health. Or if they have, they seem to have missed all the key studies and references. I leave out the real baddies, who are closely attached to the nuclear industry, like Richard Wakeford, or Richard D as he calls himself on the anonymous website he has set up to attack me, “chrisbusbyexposed”. Ian Fells of the University of Newcastle whoとありますが、whoに対する動詞はどれですか? telling us all on BBC News とありますが、tellingの目的節がthat以下になって最後のthatはand that になるはずと思うのですが、どうもそのようになってない。and that the lifts didn’t workのand that は the main problem was に対するthatですよね? 最後に、liftと“chrisbusbyexposed”の意味が分かりません。 宜しくお願いします。

  • えいごの曲。えいごの歌誌。修正して見ましたが・・・

    まずは状況を説明させていただきます。 私はボーカルをやっています。 バンドで、ダニー・ハザウェイの歌っている、 Magnificent sanctuary bandのカバーをやります。 そして、インターネットで歌詞を検索して見つける事ができたのですが、 英語の歌詞でよくあることで、曲で歌ってる歌詞とちがいました。 自分で全部聴き取れれば問題ないのですが、 英語はカタコトの単語でコミュニケーションをとる程度の英語力で、 文法は全くわからず、ヒヤリングもイマイチです。 お恥ずかしながら、日米のお客さんが多数で、 有料のライブなので、できるだけちゃんと発音したいと思っています。 それで、ネットで検索したそのままを修正しましたが、 やっぱり聴き取りきれてません。 そこで、文法的におかしくなければ、 修正バージョンで歌ってしまおうと思っています。 ぼくの修正だけでは、おそらく99%不十分だと思いますので、 わかる方がいらっしゃったら、修正して頂けると助かります。 お願いします。 ネットで検索したバージョンそのまま The multitides of people dying 'Cause they won't see and try to understand From the Book I read, not one but all must follow Join the magnificent sanctuary band There are multitudes of people dying Their temptation hangs over the land In fact those people should just remember his command And join the magnificent sanctuary band Singing in the band, talking to the man Bringing in the sheep all over the world just as fast as he can Singing in the band, talking to the man Stop everything you're doing and join the sanctuary band The Son of Man speaks of Revelations And he's reaching, reaching out his hand With his promise of salvation Join the magnificent sanctuary band 自分で修正してみたバージョン The multitides of people crying 'Cause they just won't try to understand From the Book I read, not one but all must follow yeah Come Join the magnificent sanctuary band There are multitudes of people dying Sing likes temptation hangs over the land You know those people should (just) remember his command And join the magnificent sanctuary band Chorus Singing in the band, talking to the man Bringing in the sheep all over the world (just) as fast as he can Singing in the band, talking to the man Stop everything you're doing and join the sanctuary band Son of Man speaks of Revelations And he's reaching out, reaching out his hand His promise of bringer song salvation Come join the magnificent sanctuary band

  • 英語

    (1)~(3)まで教えてください。 According to researchers from the University of Manchester, 90% of the world's language are ((1)) to disappear by 2050. One such tongue is Tofa, spoken by only about 60 people who keep reindeer on the empty land in Siberia. One of the researchers speaks the language, and says that he can speak fluently enough to be able to express anything he wants to say. The researchers have been trying to keep records of endangered languages or videos. They have done fieldwork across the globe to investigate languages ranging from Faroese (50,000 speakers) to Banawa, one of 300 languages spoken in the Amazon basin. At a recent meeting, Yaron Matras, who speaks 13 languages, played a recording of a British Romani speaker made in the 1950s. He said that British Romani is now ((2)) at the level of extinction, and he is ((3)) looking for the alleged four or five families in Wales who still speak it. There is no shortage of languages. At the last count there were about 6,000 , but only 4% of them are spoken by 96% of the people in the world. About 10 languages, including English, Arabic, and Hindi, are spoken by more than 100 million people each. No one needs to worry about them. But the little languages with little chance of survival need help. According to a professor at the University of Manchester, people are aware of threats to ecology and of species dying out, but they don't realize that we are leaving languages to die out. It is true that every languages is the repository of the culture of the people who speak it. When we lose the last speaker, we lose the people's cultural memory.

  • 英語

    外人の友達にCDを貸す時に、『はい。これ昨日話してたバンド』(話題として昨日話していた)って英語で言いたくて、 This is The band which I talked about.って言ってCDを渡したんですが、これは英語で自然な表現でしょうか? もっと自然な表現があれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の和訳

    The changes brought on by the end of the Cold War are so many and so complex that no one can really know for sure what they all will be yet. One change that is already taking place, though, is the role of the United Nations in keeping peace around the world. During the superpower era, most wars in Asia, Africa, and Latin Americaーnot to mention the Middle Eastーwere about different beliefs that people had about how society should be organized or about religion. UN forces were sent in only to observe and maintain agreements that had already been worked out between the fighting parties. 1行目からつまづきました。 so…that~構文?それからno one…yetの構文でしょうか。whatは関係代名詞か疑問詞か… お願い致します。

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です "We think it would be prudent to do some period of assessment, then to make decisions, and then of course to carry out further withdrawals, if the conditions are obtained that allow us to do that," (1)if the conditions are obtained that…のthatについて これはif the conditions (that are obtained) allow us to do thatのような感じだと思うのでthatの位置がconditionsの後ろにくるものだと思うのですがallowの前でもいいのでしょうか?conditionsと離れているので最初見た時「???」と思いました。。。 The plan is to return to the force levels in place before an additional 30,000 troops were ordered in about one year ago (2)ordered inのinについて このinは「in placeの意味だけど前に出てきているからinだけでそのニュアンスを出している」という意味でしょうか? また、あった方がいいとは思いますがなくても問題ないのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • これの答え方をおしえてください(´•ω•`)

    Write about a music event in Tokyo? Write about the place and the name of the band. What kind of music is it and what do you think about it? すみません、和訳はできたのですがどこをどう答えればいいのかよく分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校英語です!訳して頂きたいです...

    脳構造の話です!お願いします。 Still, a minority of anthropologists still insist that fossils tell a different story, with humans evolving from groups of hominids that were spread all over the world. The opposing team says that 2,000-year-old skulls cannot say much about our earliest ancestors. “You can look at the data another way,” says paleoanthropologist Milford Wolpoff of the University of Michigan. "Look at it specific to the environmental pressures. There would be more variability in an African population because Africa has a less stable climate and environment.”

  • 契約書英語

    下記、訳してみました(英→日) 意味はだいだい把握できていると思うのですが、不自然なところがあったら教えて下さい。 Confidentiality Agreement and Security Policy Fairleigh Dickinson University regards security and confidentiality of data and information to be of utmost importance. Further, it is the intent of this policy to ensure that confidential information, in any format, is not divulged outside of Fairleigh Dickinson University without explicit approval to do so by the President of the University. As such, the University requires all users of data and information to follow the procedures outlined below: 秘密保持契約及びセキュリティー方針 Fairleigh Dickinson University は、データと情報のセキュリティーと秘密保持を最重要視する。本大学の校長による明白な承認がなされた場合を除いて、いかなる形式の機密情報も、Fairleigh Dickinson University 外に漏洩させないという旨が、本方針の内容である。そのような例として、下記に概説された手続きに従い、大学がデータと情報を必要とする場合があげられる。

  • マゼンダの色が出なくて全体的に青みがかっているというトラブルについて相談したい
  • お使いの環境はWindowsで、接続はWi-FiとUSBケーブルで行っている
  • 製品名はブラザーのMFC-J955DNで、マゼンダの印刷色が薄く青みがかっている問題が発生している