• ベストアンサー


彼氏から届いたメールです We returned to put on your life If you are kind, we recently had. お願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

さあ君の生活を立て直すため、僕らは昔に帰ったんだよ。 君に器量があれば、もうとっくにそうしてたさ。



器量・・昔・・・生活? ふざけんな・・・。 あ、すいません。独り言です。 ありがとうございました。本当にわけが分からなくて、スッキリしました。



  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    先日、海外の通販サイトである商品を購入しました。 英語が得意でないのに、どうしても欲しい商品だったためです。 その際送られてきました、配送完了メールの一部がわかりませんでしたので、どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 「Please note that your order was dispatched by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery so the item will have to be signed for. Royal Mail will only attempt to deliver the parcel once. If you are not available when the postman attempts delivery a while you were out notice will be left. You will have to go to your local delivery office to collect the parcel within seven days. If you fail to collect your parcel within seven days Royal Mail will return it to us. If your order is returned to us you will be required to pay a second postage before we resend it to you.」 やはり英語は難しいので、今後は控えようと思います…。

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    海外のショップに問い合わせをして、その返信メールです。 翻訳をお願いします。 We ship to Japan often. We also ship orders to shops in Japan. On our website is a list of overseas shops that sell our threads and some tatting supplies. All of our orders we ship US Priority Mail. If your order was small enough we could ship it in a flat rate box which would be cheaper. To order you need to go to what threads you want, put in how many balls you want and click on “Add to Cart”. When you are done ordering you will need to finalize your order and enter all of your shipping and billing information. If you have more questions please ask.

  • 翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか。

    海外のネットショップで買い物をしたのですが、クレジットカードが認証されていないようです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 翻訳をお願いいたします。 Sorry, I do not understand? We need you to confirm the small amount put through on your card on 2 July before we are able to proceed with your order. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me

  • 英語翻訳できる方、どうかよろしくお願い致します。

    海外通販で服を注文したのですが、届いた商品が注文した商品のサイズ違いが届きました。 その旨をカスタマーサービスにメールしたところ以下のメールが返ってきたのですが、その内容がうまく翻訳できず困っています。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 Dear Customer, Thank you for your email and ordering with us. Sorry if that happened, there were too busy over chinese new years season, please tell us if item need to be returned for exchange. but due to now is chinese new years holiday, we are not able to exchange with supplier as now they are on holuday too, and we only remain part of customer service support for the moment, If you are ok to keep the items and without return, in case you might ok . Please tell us if we can offer you 8 store credit to resolve this case asap?

  • 翻訳お願い致します。

    翻訳お願い致します。 I hope you are well. We are just updating our system and want to make sure we have all the correct information on your account. Could you please fill in the form in attach and confirm your type of business, if retailer, distributor, catering or other. We are currently working on a Distributor catalogue that you could offer to your customer that will have all the information about our products but the prices won't be indicated. I am looking forward receiving the updated form, and please let me know if you would like to place another order. Kind regards,

  • 英語→日本語の翻訳をお願いします!

    マイケルジョーダンにファンレターと似顔絵を送り、今日、ラッキーなことに直筆サインと行政アシスタントの方から手紙をいただきました。 最後の文章の翻訳がいまいち分からず、解読できません。 【全文】 How are you? On behalf of Michael,we are acknowledging the gift of your original drawing. It is obvious that you are a very talented artist. Michael has personally signed the photo you sent with your artwork,and it is being returned to you with this letter. Thank you for your continued interest. We wish you and your wife well and offer our congratulation on the upcoming birth of your child. 【翻訳をお願いしたい文章】 We wish you and your wife well and offer our congratulation on the upcoming birth of your child. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    日本語にわかりやすく訳してほしいです。 翻訳サイト使っても意味がイマイチわかりません。 We are writing for your order information. We received the package you returned. Please contact us for replacement order with the transaction ID once you pay your balance. We will order another order for you once confirmed. If there is anything else we can do for you, please feel free to contact us!

  • 海外通販の翻訳をお願いします

    英語は苦手なのですが、海外通販をしました。 イギリスの化粧品のショップでネイル用品アイシャドウなどを購入したのですが 注文し、発送の連絡後の約2週間後に下記のメールが届きました。 ネイルポリッシュが原因でロイヤルメールで送れないようなのです。 詳しい内容は英語力不足で理解できません。 下記のメールの翻訳をお願いします。 そして、注文してから日数もたっているし、ネイルポリッシュが一番欲しかったものなので 他の商品もすべてキャンセルし、払い戻しをしてほしいのですが可能でしょうか? 支払いはペイパルで済ませてます。 どうぞ、宜しくお願い致します。 Thank you for your recent order place on ○○○. As you are aware, the Royal Mail has recently place restrictions on hazardous packages (including nail polishes) shipping out of the UK. Having spent the last few days trying to get clarity on the whereabouts of your order, we can now confirm that the Royal Mail has returned your parcel to us. We apologise for the inconvenience this has cause you. Please be reassured we have been working hard to resolve the situation and we are pleased to announce that we have found a solution. We have found an alternative delivery provider for all ○○○ international deliveries who will deliver your order using your local postal service within your country. With this new solution ALL our overseas customers can order as much nail varnish as they like without concern and without us having to increase deliver charges. We would now like to know if you would like your order resent to you (at no further cost to yourself) or if you would prefer a refund for your order. Please let us know what the best option would be for you and we will organise this straight away. Once again please accept our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Kind regards,

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    先日AAAFXという海外のFX口座に入金をおこなったのですが 以下のメール文が返ってきました。 誰か翻訳お願いします。 Could you kindly inform us if you have recently made a deposit to AAAFx and the exact amount of it? 「If you have so, please be kind to forward us a transaction receipt that corresponds to that specific deposit. We thank you in advance and we look forward to receive your response (directly to the backoffice@aaafx.com). Yours Sincerely, Yiannis」

  • 翻訳よろしくお願いできますか?

     ネットショッピングで詐欺にあったと思っていたら返金するような話になってきました。 ずっと翻訳サイトを利用してきましたが、うまく翻訳できないので、誰かわかる方よろしく お願いします。 Hi, Thanks for your email. we are sorry that we can only refund 9000 円 to you, there are 500円 be taken for transfer fee. we got nothing form you. so if you are agree, we will refund to you right now. Hope for your understand. Your sincerely. Sarah