• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳をお願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • eternulo
  • ベストアンサー率59% (26/44)

**** There's a little bit of a difference between a "note" and a "memo." Memos are more about remembering appointments. For example maybe you're working in an office and on Friday everyone is going to dress up as an astronaut (I don't know why). They'd send out a memo to let everyone know. A memo is like a written reminder. “note” と “memo” の間には少し違いがある。Memo はどちらかというと予約を覚えておくようなもの。例えばあなたが職場で働いていて、金曜日にみんなが宇宙飛行士の格好をすることになっているとする(理由はわからないけど)。彼らはみんなにそれを知らせるために、memoを送るだろう。Memoは書かれたリマインダーのようなもの。 It's kind of like in geometry how all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. All memos are notes, but not all notes are memos. それは幾何学で正方形はみんな長方形だけど長方形がみんな正方形ではないようなこと。MemoはみんなNoteだけど、NoteがみんなMemoではない。 When you're writing down things you're learning in a class, that's called "taking notes." So in this case, I think the word "notes" would apply better than “memo." クラスであなたが何かを書きとめているとき、それは”taking notes”という。この場合、”notes”は”memo”よりもうまくはまると思う。 The word "note" can also mean other things, like if you send someone a letter it can be called a note. In elementary school sometimes kids will write things to each other during class, which is called "passing notes.” “note” という言葉は、たとえばあなたがだれかに手紙を送るならそれを”note”と言うことができるように、他のことを意味することもある。小学校では子供たちはクラスでお互いに何かを書いて渡すことがあり、それは”passing notes”という。 Hope this helps! Let me know if I need to clarify anything. これが助けになれば! なにか説明が必要なところがあれば知らせて。



ありがとうございます。 訳して頂いた文章を見て、自分の今の力ではなかなか正確に訳せない文章だろうと感じました。笑 でも精進していきます!助かりました。


  • 歌詞和訳お願いします。

    Delta GoodremのBe Strongという曲なんですが、和訳歌詞が知りたいのに 調べても出てきません。 誰か、和訳をよろしくお願いします。 Are you swimming up stream in oceans of blue Do you feel like your sinking? Are you sick of the rain after all you've been through? Well I know what you're thinking When you can't take it You can make it Sometime soon I know you'll see 'cause when you're in your darkest hour And all of the light just fades away and When you're like a single flower whose colours have turned to shades of gray Well hang on and be strong We're taking each step one day at a time You can't loose your spirit Let live and let live forget and forgive It's all how you see it And just remember keep it together Don't you know you're never alone 'cause when you're in your darkest hour And all of the light just fades away When you're like a single flower whose colours have turned to shades of gray Well hang on (whoa) and be strong No you're not defeated And soon you'll be smiling once again Then you won't have to feel it Let it go with the wind Time passes us by And know that you're allowed to cry 'cause when you're in your darkest hour And all of the light just fades away When you're like a single flower whose colours have turned to shades of gray Well hang on (whoa) and be strong (hang on hang on) Be strong Hold on and be strong

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    They were very interested to know how your trip went? And my mother said that your are very "kawaii so" because it has not been so cold in more than 100 years. Come to think of it ... you're really not very fortunate. In summer you visited Osaka and it hasn't been so warm for 100+ years. And when you visit Belgium in winter ... it hasn't been so cold for more then 100 years. You really go through cold and heat to see me ... I'm so happy to know you ... Of course you can stay in "our" hotel room as much and as long you want. . I come to Tokyo for you. If you ask me about my top 5 things I want to do when I'm in Tokyo,

  • 和訳してくださいませんか

    知り合いと震災の意見を交換し合っています。 回答が来たのですがよく理解出来ません。 どうか和訳にしていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。 you know something very good can come out of this disaster. it is to realize that big business and big government are not there to take care of us, they are there to take care of themselves. so please consider, to talk about how to remove big companies or big government in our lives. small farms, small shops, small governments..... sure we need some big companies for cars, and things like that. but for most things no. you know i am for this, people and freedom. being really free, you don't feel you are working, you feel like you are living.

  • 至急・和訳お願いいたします!

    ps: in case you're wondering about the cold weather ... we could leave shoes (or other things) in the car and change before going to the restaurant if you want. 以上です。ありがとうございます。

  • 和訳お願いします

    ( )の中は私なりの訳です。 If you want Bill to like you, (もし、あなたがビルに好かれることを望むのなら) you should definitely show that you are interested in getting to know his children. (あなたは、~に興味を持っていることを、はっきりと示すべきだ) 一部が訳せません>< 【get to~】で【~するようになる】だと思うんですけど、彼の子どもについて知るようになる、というのはなんだかおかしいし… どなたか教えて下さい!

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    Hmmm you like this hotel? I think you know how to appreciate nice things. ・You know that it's only 1 more week before I get on the plane ... I really can't wait to be with you again. ・And it's going to be really nice to see you in your own country and in Tokyo! . ・And of course I choose only the best things for you.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    http://www.irunfar.com/2013/05/anton-krupicka-pre-2013-transvulcania-ultramarathon-interview.html の最初の方で、Krupicka が言っている、 More stressful I guess. I don’t know. Last year when I was here it was more like a vacation. I was just like, ‘It’s awesome. I’m on an island. I get to participate in the conference and all that.’ This year, I’m here to compete and race. There’s always a little more edge to that. You’re just kind of worried how you’re feeling all the time. の最後の2行、 There’s always a little more edge to that. You’re just kind of worried how you’re feeling all the time. なんですが、これはどういうことを言っているのでしょうか。 簡単な文なのですが、なにが言いたいのかよくわかりませんでした。 ちなみに、このインタビューを受けている、Anton Krupicka は、 トレイルランナー(山を舞台にした山岳マラソン)の選手です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    It's just like you've always wanted to be Hitting the dancefloors all around the world Where people can see you dancing You are still on top, still a thrill Don't stop you've got moves to kill You've got the music to play Now, and shame us Out of control you're in to be famous You've got the gift to make the stars all around us Begin to shine, and dance to excite us Electric emotions Running through my circuits よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    When the moon's in the sky we like it It's not gonna give us bad advice So go and dance with your thunder and lightning Where the paradise birds are fighting Let's shake things up a bit tonight Are you coming out tonight? Are you coming out tonight? Cos we're going out tonight And we won't be cattle on your farm tonight Ask yourself why Come on, ask your man why Cos you're ugly and you lie And you kriss kross kriss kross It's a lie So bye bye bye bye bye bye Are you coming out tonight? Well come out with us tonight Cos there's wrong and there is right And we know which one we are tonight Ah don't start crying now Don't go crying now Cos the moon is gonna dance for us tonight Don't go dying now You're not dying now And the sky is just not close to us tonight And as for you, friend High in your high home Watching us all falling down like rain I hope you're happy Feel really holy Cos your godliness has taken every single thing I loved on earth tonight Oh I won't let you leave me You're all I've got, believe me Stay Don't close your eyes Nobody really dies They all just end up in the sky So far away お願いいたします

  • 歌詞の和訳をお願いします

    Friendsの「Listen to your heartbeat」という曲中にある歌詞について質問します。 I do believe in the two of us That you and me – we are the only ones この意味がわかるようでわかりません。 この2行の和訳をお願いします。 できましたら、 なぜ、そのように訳されたのか、その理由を教えていただけるありがたいです。 参考までに 曲名:Listen to your heartbeat I wanna know what you feel inside Is something wrong? Why did you leave last night? Is it all just a game? – Oh... tell me why we can't be lovers I do believe in the two of us That you and me – we are the only ones And we were meant to be true, so tell me why we can't be lovers How could I be such a fool I thought I already knew it all, but I know I was totally wrong Listen to your heartbeat – it will take you higher Follow your emotions – I know you'll get stronger Listen to your heartbeat – the feeling will guide you Hold on to devotion – I know it's inside you How will I know if you're fooling me? Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to be Like it's all just a game, and I just want us to be lovers We had it all in our hands Just like those all happy ends I still don't know why, but we lost it somehow Listen to your heartbeat – it will take you higher Follow your emotions – I know you'll get stronger Listen to your heartbeat – the feeling will guide you Hold on to devotion – I know it's inside you One more chance to make a try Nothing left to do for you and I Listen to your heartbeat – it will take you higher Follow your emotions – I know you'll get stronger Listen to your heartbeat – the feeling will guide you Hold on to devotion – I know it's inside you Listen to your heartbeat