• ベストアンサー


地球温暖化についての文なんですが、 when a substance is damaging to the environment, the usual response is to control either discharge or spread of the substance. の2行目のis to は、可能、義務、予定、運命、意図、目的のどれで訳せばいいのでしょうか?あと、全体的な訳もお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • greeen
  • ベストアンサー率56% (154/272)

「ある物質が環境に対して有害である時、普通の対応はその物質の放出か拡散を制御することである。」 to controle は単なる名詞的用法でいいと思います。be to不定詞の特定の意味ではありません。と書きましたが、この文の前の部分があると分かり易いのですが・・・。 お役に立てば幸いです。


その他の回答 (1)


>when a substance is damaging to the environment, the usual response is to control either discharge or spread of the substance. substanceは物質 discharge[放出する、排出する] spread[広がる、広げる] when a substance is damaging to the environment, ある物質が環境を損なっている時、 the usual response is to control either discharge or spread of the substance. 普通の反応はその物質を排出する事、広がる事をどちらも制御する事である



is to はbe to構文ではないのでしょうか?



  • 【訳お願いします】オーストラリアのエコツアー

    どのツアーを選んでいいか判断できないので、どなたか、役をお願いできませんか。よろしくお願いいたします。 The 3 levels of ECO Certification are: Nature Tourism: Tourism in a natural area that leaves minimal impact on the environment. Ecotourism: Tourism in a natural area that offers interesting ways to learn about the environment with an operator that uses resources wisely, contributes to the conservation of the environment and helps local communities. Advanced Ecotourism: Australia's leading and most innovative ecotourism products, providing an opportunity to learn about the environment with an operator who is committed to achieving best practice when using resources wisely, contributing to the conservation of the environment and helping local communities.

  • 訳と説明をお願いします

    ◆ゲームについての話 (1)Online gaming shows us that one of the first things we will do with any new technology is learn how to play games with it. Online gamingがshowsするのはthat以下の内容だということはわかるのですが、that以下の内容がイマイチわかりません。 ◇以下は結婚式の話です (2)Is it at Disneyland with you dressed as Mickey Mouse? ミッキーの格好してるってことでしょうか?コスプレ…? (3)In the United States, it has become fashionable for bride and groom to write personal vows to each other, either in place of, or in addition to, the usual religious vows. either in place ofの意味と、どこに係るのかがわかりません。in addition toはthe usual religious vowsに加えて、ということでしょうか。 (4)Personal vows give people the chance to express their feelings of love-in their own words- to the person they will be spending their lives with. -はたぶんダッシュだと思います。 それぞれの訳と、疑問点にお答えいただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いします。

  • be to do の用法について

    The ideal way to age would be to grow slowly invisible.(理想的な老い方があるとすれば、それはゆっくりと見えなくなることだろう) この be to do は「義務・予定・運命・可能・意図」のうちの「運命」でしょうか?

  • be toV

    be to V というのは「Vするためである。」とそのまま訳すのか 完了、意図、義務、予定、運命と言う意味で訳すのか どっちがよいですか?

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    I`m not sure of when I will finish school because there are alot of circumstances involved. First, I have just moved to a different state so I don`t want to go to school immediatly because my tuition would be very high (takai!!!). And then, I am also hoping to get a sponsor for my tuition when I begin my new school out here in California. There are hospitals which would sponsor my schooling but in return I have to work for that hospital for at least one year after graduating. It`s okay but I am very picky and can`t decide who I would rather work for. Another circumstance is that some of my completed courses will not transfer and so I will not receive credit for those classes. It is frustrating because either I will have to do those classes again or I will have to complete some similar classes to even get credit for my work. いつも御世話になっています(^_^)看護学校に通う子からのメールです。 (1)when I begin my new school out here in California. この部分のoutはどのように訳したらいいのでしょうか? (2)たびたびcreditとういう単語がでてくるのですがこれは信用と訳したほうがいいのでしょうか?? (3) It is frustrating because either I will have to do those classes again or I will have to complete some similar classes to even get credit for my work. の部分はどこで区切って訳したらいいのか全くわかりません。誰かお時間とれるかたお願いしますm(__)m

  • SPAMの有効な利用方法は?

    Is the program for realizing a quantum communications system, a quantum computer, and these two using SPAM in people needed? When the usage rate of CPU is 100%, it operates most quickly. Refer to the following questions for required environment. http://okwave.jp/qa/q6382863.html The picture expresses ADSL communication mode, quantum communication mode, and usual mode from the left. The usual mode is in the state which is carrying out a certain communication freely. In other words, PC is in the state which considers something by itself.

  • be to不定詞の覚え方

    うちの学校の先生は be to不定詞 義務・予定・運命・可能・意図を 「ビートたけし、業界人」って覚えさせられたのですが、 他に覚え方はありますか?

  • 訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    和訳お願いしますm(._.)m (1)People on Samso saw the island's future in the use of biomass. (2)Biomass is not harmful to our health or to the environment and can produce energy repeatedly. (3)Today the people have begun to say, “This renewable energy project is our project.” (4)Samso's main energy sources-wind and solar-are also renewable. (5)They have been successful in setting a model for countries that are poor in natural resources, and for the people in the world who worry about the day when fossil fuels run out. (6)No wonder this small island of about 4,000 people is visited by as many as 1,000 people every year.

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    この英文の訳を教えて下さい。 Humans are by nature inquisitive: if we see something we don't understand, we have a need to find out, even if our investigations are damaging towards ourselves and the environment. But the destruction that could result if Onkalo were excavated in the future is much more extreme than simply rejecting the wishes of the dead or disrespecting their beliefs. In fact, if we don't think of the right ways to manage the problem, there may not be any humans in the future to judge whether what we did was right or wrong.

  • 英訳のチェックお願いします。

    文法ミスや、おかしな言い方のところがありましたら指摘してください! Full moon is somehow associated with animals' madness,as well as humans'.The reason is not clear,but it is important for you to treat animals more carefully than usual when the moon is full.

  • EPSONの印刷機では、濃いめの普通紙に白字やカラー(黄色)の印刷が可能ですか?
  • EPSONの印刷機は濃いめの普通紙に対応しており、白字やカラー(黄色)の印刷も可能です。
  • EPSONの印刷機は、濃いめの普通紙への白字やカラー(黄色)の印刷に対応しています。