問題の管理方法が重要: Onkaloという施設の発掘による損害を考える

  • 人間は探求心を持っており、理解できないものを見た場合、自分自身や環境に対して破壊的な調査を行う必要があります。
  • しかし、将来Onkaloが発掘されることによって引き起こされる破壊は、単に死者の意思を拒否したり、彼らの信念を尊重しないことよりもはるかに極端です。
  • 実際、私たちが問題を適切に管理する方法を考えなければ、将来に人間がいないため、私たちの行動が正しいか間違っているかを判断することはできないかもしれません。
  • ベストアンサー


この英文の訳を教えて下さい。 Humans are by nature inquisitive: if we see something we don't understand, we have a need to find out, even if our investigations are damaging towards ourselves and the environment. But the destruction that could result if Onkalo were excavated in the future is much more extreme than simply rejecting the wishes of the dead or disrespecting their beliefs. In fact, if we don't think of the right ways to manage the problem, there may not be any humans in the future to judge whether what we did was right or wrong.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12101)

人間は生来探究好きである。すなわち、我々は分からないものを見ると、我々の探索が自分自身や環境を損傷するようなことになるとしても、我々は事実を見つけ出す必要を感じてしまうのである。 しかし、もしOnkaloが今後発掘されるとすれば生じるかも知れない破壊は、単に死者の希望を拒絶するとか、彼らの信条を軽視することを超えて、それよりはるかに極端なことである。 実際、我々がその問題を取り扱うべき正しい方法について(今)考えなければ、我々の行ったことが正しかったのか間違っていたのかを判断してくれる人間は、将来にはいないかも知れないのである。

その他の回答 (2)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12101)

前便の訳文第2段落を訂正補足します。 しかし、もしOnkaloが今後発掘されるとすれば生じるかも知れない破壊は、単に死者(暗にOnkalo*を造った人々を指す)の希望を拒絶するとか、彼らの信条(人体に有害なので万年単位で隔離すべし)を軽視することを超えて、それよりはるかに極端なことである。 *【Onkalo】 《フィンランド語で空洞・深い穴の意》フィンランドで、原子力発電所の使用済み燃料を高レベル放射性廃棄物として地層処分する施設を建設するにあたって、精密な現地調査を行うために、オルキルオト島に建設される地下特性調査施設の名称。将来は処分施設の一部として利用される。 [補説]最終処分施設は2020年に運用開始予定。2120年までに出る廃棄物を、地下約500メートルの施設に埋設し、約10万年間閉じ込める。 (http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/jn2/249428/m0u/より引用)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

人間とは探求心旺盛なものである。理解できないとわかると、その正体を知りたくなる。ひいては人間や環境を傷つけることになったとしても、知らずにはおけない。 しかし、人間が将来、オンカロ(地下放射性廃棄物貯蔵場所があるところ)を掘り起こすことになれば、その破壊的行為は、単に、とうに亡くなった人たちの願いを拒絶するとか、過去の人たちの信念を踏みにじるというのを遥かに超えて、極めて危険なものである。 実際、その問題の正しい対処法を考えなければ、われわれの世代がしたことが正しいか間違っていたかを判断する人類が、将来誰もいなくなるかもしれない。 最後の文は、人類が滅亡すれば判断する人がいなくなるーーという意味をも示唆しているーーそこまではっきりは言っていませんがーー文だと思います。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。


  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい

    この英文の意味を教えて下さい。 But the destruction that could result if Onkalo were excavated in the future is muc h more extreme than simply rejecting the wishes of the dead or disrespecting their beliefs.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    大事なメールが届いたのですが、英語のため理解できませんでした。 よろしければどなたか日本語訳をお願い致します。 We found that your app only provides a very limited set of features. It does not provide e-Book functionality such as bookmark and other appropriate features. While we value simplicity, we consider simplicity to be uncomplicated - not limited in features and functionality. We understand that there are no hard and fast rules to define useful or entertaining, but Apple and Apple customers expect apps to provide a really great user experience. Apps should provide valuable utility or entertainment, draw people in with by offering compelling capabilities or content, or enable people to do something they couldn't do before or in a way they couldn't do it before. We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate additional content and features to be in compliance with the Guidelines. For information on the basics of creating great apps, watch the video The Ingredients of Great Apps.If you feel we didn't understand the features of your app, or that we missed key functionality, and your app was incorrectly rejected, you may appeal to the App Review Board.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (16) For the lucky children, there was school (but it was rare for a girl to be that lucky). Education was a privilege for a select few. The majority of children never learned to read or write. Education began for children at about five years old. Those who did go to school walked, carrying a lunch of bread cakes and drinks. Or, if they were wealthy enough, tutors came to their home. During the Middle Kingdom, temples and palaces built Houses of Instruction where a chosen group of boys trained for their future jobs. In school, children sat cross-legged on the floor and recited passages over and over and over again. When they knew the sayings by heart they would write them over and over and over again. Papyrus was too expensive to waste on school children, so students practiced their penmanship with reed brushes and ink cakes (just like watercolors) on polished limestone or pieces of pottery. If tax collecting was in the limestone or pieces of pottery. If tax collecting was in the student's future, he would learn arithmetic, too. Teachers expected their students to work hard and were quick to whip those who didn't. One scribe wrote, "Don't waste your day in idleness, or you will be flogged. A boy's ear is on his back. He listens when he is beaten." (17) At 12 or 14 it was time to marry and begin a family. For in the words of a New Kingdom scribe, "Take to yourselves a wife while you are young, so that she may give you a son. You should begat him for yourself when you are still young, and should live to see him become a man." And above all, "Make a holiday! And do not tire of playing!"

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    You may think that we make no drastic change to speech sounds we get through the ear. In truth, the brain controls the amount of information within reasonable limits. Two researchers recorded spontaneous conversation without the participants' knowledge. The tape recording was then cut up into recordings of individual words. These individual word recordings were played to people who were asked to identify what they heard. Surprisingly, played in isolation, only about half of the words were identifiable. Yet, when we are listening to continuous speech, we do not have the impression that we are guessing and filling in gaps. The speech sounds clear. If the tape recordings are cut up into larger and larger parts, then the comprehensibility of the speech increases. The normal Clarity of speech is an illusion. The brain imposes an interpretation upon the speech that it hears and constructs hypotheses about the general context and meaning, which enables the interpretation of much of the input. So, when two people claim that they heard a speaker say something slightly different, it may be that both are accurate. Each of them may have heard, in terms of a higher-level interpretation by the brain, a different sentence. The perception of speech may sometimes be a rather automatic process. We may not be aware that we are monitoring conversations in which we are not taking part. At a party you may be able to identify your own name in a conversation across the room despite apparent unawareness of the content of the rest of the conversation. In order to recognize that your name was spoken, the brain must have been monitoring the progress and speech pattern of the conversation which was taking place elsewhere, even though you did not notice yourself doing this. It appears that we can have the capacity to monitor more than one chain of speech at once, though it may not be possible for us to monitor both to the same degree, or for us to have full conscious awareness of the content of both. We are also able to attend selectively to one conversation, even if there are loud competing conversations in the background, by Extracting the relevant information from the complex signal of mixed speech. This is referred to as the cocktail party phenomenon.

  • 上手な日本語訳にしてください★

    上手な日本語訳にしてください★ In Britain or in the United Stated, usually the one who scores an ace us congratulated by his or her partners and friends. In Japan, however, you are considered stingy and ignorant of etiquette if you don’t distribute mementos commemorating the event among your friends.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    In much of the world, authority is not challenged, either out of respect or out of fear, and, sometimes because a hierarchy of rank has been fixed for so long that people have been trained for generations never to challenge it. In such countries children are not expected to question their teachers in school, and brilliant young scholars or inventive industrial geniuses are hampered in technical research because they hesitate to disagree with their "superiors." Clever researchers may be considered too young to have any right to present findings that contradict the knowledge and wisdom of their elders. The American is trained from childhood to question, analyze, search. "Go and look it up for yourself;’’ a child will be told. In many schools tasks are designed to stimulate the use of a wide range of materials. An assignment to "Write a paper on the world's supply of sugar," for example, will send even a young child in search of completely unfamiliar ideas. Even in the primary grades children are taught to use libraries and to search for new ideas. By the time they are 14, 15, or 16, many young scholars are making original and valuable contributions in all fields of science. Industry is so aware of this untouched resource that each year, through national competitions, it offers awards to teenagers in order to seek out (and later employ) young people with brilliant, inquiring minds.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Are you going to kill me? Don't be silly. It's waste of the ammo even if I shoot you. Beat it!

  • 日本語訳を! 4-(1)

    お願いします。  Humans are fascinated by firsts. Who was the first to step on the moon, the first to cross the sea―the first to write? Until recently, scientists thought the earliest writers were the Sumerians in Mesopotamia (which today is Iraq). But 300 pieces of pots no bigger than postage stamps are suggesting that writing began just as early in Egypt.  Scientists have been digging for decades in Abydos, an ancient royal cemetery west of the Nile, 300 miles south of Cairo. The ancient Egyptians buried their first kings in Abydos because they believed the mouth to the canyon there was the entrance to the next world. In a tomb that could be King Scorpion's, scientists are finding hundreds of pieces of pottery with some of the earliest writings in the world.  What words inspired some ancient Egyptian to invent writing? Were the words poetic? Were they wise? Did they reveal the true meaning of life? Did they point the way to the nearest watering hole? Nothing quite so meaningful―the inscriptions on the clay jars and vases are records of oil and linen deliveries. There was no money 5,300 years ago. Taxes were paid in goods. Sometimes they were paid with oil and linen. These very early written words were tax records. There is a saying that nothing in life is certain―except death and taxes. Maybe it's fitting that some of the earliest writings are tax records found in a cemetery.  We take writing for granted. In those first school years we carefully learn to draw the letters. We recite the sound each letter makes. But suppose no one had writtin before us, no teacher to show us what a letter looks like, no sound to go with it. How would you begin to write? The Egyptians began with pictures.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    As seen by members of other nations, this emphasis on questioning and searching is bad for young people's "manners." Foreigners often feel a great lack of respect in our youth. It is true that many do become rude. Foreign visitors are often startled and frequently annoyed to find junior staff members daring to challenge older executives or argue points with them; they do not always like it when these young men or women make detailed but often revolutionary suggestions. One's own blueprints, reports, or analyses may be scrutinized in detail perhaps even challenged by a young person. This is not to be considered an insult or loss of face; nor is it an indication of "no confidence." Our whole approach to research is different. We try not to emphasize the personal. Your ideas are being looked at, not you yourself. To us the two are quite separate. This is the way our minds work. We are seeking facts; we are not challenging you as a person.

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    この英文の意味を教えて下さい。 Again, there are clues and stories that seem to be throwing some light. For instance, many kinds of birds are known to use star maps. In the early weeks of life the baby birds sit in their nets and study the night sky- and are somewhat confused if those early weeks are too cloudy. But they do not, as human amateur astronomers might do , spend their time learning the individual constellations - how to recognize Orion or trace the fanciful outline of Taurus, or whatever. Instead, they focus on the part that does not move as the night progress, which in the Northern Hemisphere means the North Star. They can see, if they look at it long enough, that as the night progresses, all the stars in the sky, including the mighty Orion and the notional Taurus, seem to revolve around the Pole Star, which sits in the middle like the central part of a giant cartwheel Once they recognize the central part, the most fundamental problem is solved. The creature that can do this knows where north is and everything else can be figured out. I don't know what the equivalent would be in the Southern Hemisphere, but undoubtedly there is one. Navigation simply does not seem to need the details of astronomy.