• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • litsa1234
  • ベストアンサー率28% (230/795)

>With verbs referring to a change of state, the progressive indicates movement towards the change,rather than completion of the change itself 「ある状態から次の状態への変化を表現する動詞(註:到達動詞、達成動詞のこと)について言えば、進行相(継続相)というのは次の状態へ移行するまでの途中の動作を指しているのであって、次の状態に移行してしまったままで継続しているということではない。」 例文:The girl was drowning (but someone rescued her).「その女の子は溺れかかっているところだった。(でも誰かが彼女を救助した)」 以上、参考になれば幸いです。





  • 英文解釈について

    以下の最後の部分( but rather, put it further off)がどのように結びついているか含めて理解できません。 文法的な解説とあわせて解説して頂けると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。 The resolution…won't change anything on the ground. It won't advance the establishment of a Palestinian state, but rather, put it further off.

  • 学校の英文でこのような文があったのですが

    学校の英文でこのような文があったのですが   The time at which the change of state occurred was identical on both of these curves. 訳は 状態変化が生じた時がこれらのカーブ両方上で同一でした。になるのかなと思われますが。 この文のなかでWhichはどのような役割をしているのですか? 文法的にtimeにかかっているのですか? 英語が初心者です。よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文のレベルを教えてください。

    30代の社会人です。英語から離れて10年が経ちますが、理系の大学院に進学しようと思い立ちました。 先日、過去問を入手したのですが、もしよろしければ この英文がどの程度のレベルである鑑定して頂けませんか? 英検なら何級レベルであるとか、大学ならこの辺りだろうか、そういったことです。 下らない質問であるとは思いますが、レベルを設定して頂くと、今後の行動の基準になりますので。 文字数の関係上、前半部だけ書きます。 Many People think that the threat of global warming arose Only towards the end of the twentieth century. But idea of human interference With climate has an import historical dimension. Climate change has been discussed from the classical age onwards,evolving from the expected benefits of climate engineering to today’s fear of global disaster People have always been aware of climatic variation -in the freezing of rivers or Success Of harvests,for instance. ―Whether these Changes were interpreted an natural or man-made dependent mainly on the Philosophy of the time.

  • 英文の解釈

    Due to the positive-sum nature of network integration, national state capitalist networks contribute to global company network consolidation insofar as they are inwardly invested by the global network core. 上記英文の訳は「ネットワーク統合の合算で正となる性質に起因して,国民国家の資本家のネットワークは,それらネットワークがグローバル・ネットワーク・コアによって内部で投資される限り,グローバルな会社ネットワークの統合に寄与する。」といったところでしょうが,冒頭の合算で正となる,ということの意味内容が判然としません。何方か,英語に堪能な方,お教え下さい。

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    3. Results and discussions Our new annual carbon-14 data for the EMMP not only confirm the relationship between the cycle length and solar activity level but also provide some important insights on the state of solar activity during this period. Fig. 1 shows the signal of solar cycles detected in the carbon-14 data and Fig. 2-a shows the frequency analysis of the data, exhibiting the change in solar cycles and their amplitude. The power spectrum remarkably indicates a 9-year cyclicity (± 1 for the 68% confidence level against the high-frequency noise (< 3 years) through 880–960 AD, together with an 18-year period of solar polarity reversals. The overall significances of the two signals are 3 sigma and 2.7 sigma, respectively. The length of the 11-year solar cycle is ~ 2 years shorter than that observed for the last 150 years, and ~ 5 years shorter than those during the Maunder Minimum.

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします。 The experience with the KPD and the DKP illustrated, on the one hand, how sensitive and vulnerable the reaction of the new West German republic was to criticism of the system and, on the other, how threatened this new state felt itself to be.

  • Heraclitusについての英文

    Heraclitus c.? 600–? 540BC ---War and strife between opposites is the eternal condition of the universe --- Seeking to understand the basic structure of the universe, Heraclitus thought the three principal elements of nature were Fire, Earth and Water. However, Fire is the primary element, controlling and modifying the other two. 〈中略〉 Heraclitus believed the dynamism between opposites was the driving force and eternal condition of the universe. ‘Men do not understand that being at variance it also agrees with itself, there is a harmony, as with the bow and the lyre’. ‘Men do not understand that~as with the bow and the lyre’. の意味がよくわかりません。どういうことを言っているのでしょうか? itはthe dynamismですか? Heraclitus continues to tell us that ‘God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, fullness and hunger’. Strife and opposition are both necessary and good, for the concept of universal tension ensures that whilst opposites may enjoy periods of alternating dominance, none shall ever completely extinguish or vanquish the other: ‘The sun may not overstep his measure; for the Erinyes, the handmaids of Justice, shall find him out’. 最後の‘The sun may not overstep his ~shall find him out’. のところの意味がわかりません。(the Erinyesは、調べると復讐の女神だったのですが、ここではthe handmaids of Justiceとあるので別な意味になっているみたいな感じでよくわかりませんでした。) この英文の続きは以下のようになっています。 This universal tension ensures that change is continual, that everything is in a state of flux. Permanence does not exist in the universe, only the permanent condition of change as a result of the transformations of Fire. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 以下を訳してくださいませんか

    政治の近代化(Political modernization)がテーマです。 そのキーとなる条件として3つあり、1つはルールの強化、 2つめは法の支配がうんたら、3つめは責任性がどうのこうの、 という文章があったんです。 2つめの英語がわからないです。以下です。宜しくお願いします。 Second,the rule of law so that the state itself is constrained in it actions by a preexisting body of law that is sovereign. 良くわかりません。 in actionsのitはitsじゃないかと思うのですが。。。

  • 以下の英文について教えてください。

    The Emperor was impatient to see Fujitsubo's child and so too (though he was forced to conceal his interest in the matter) was Genji himself. Accordingly he went to her palace when there were not many people about and sent in a note, offering as the Emperor was in such a state of impatience to see the child and etiquette forbad him to do so for several weeks, to look at the child himself and report upon its appearance to the Emperor. She replied that she would rather he saw it on a day when it was less peevish; but in reality her refusal had nothing to do with the state of the child's temper; she could not bear the idea of his seeing it at all. Already it bore an astonishing resemblance to him; of that she was convinced. Always there lurked in her heart the torturing demon of fear. Soon others would see the child and instantly know with absolute certainty the secret of her swift transgression. What charity towards such a crime as this would a world have that gossips if a single hair is awry? Such thoughts continually tormented her and she again became weary of her life. 源氏物語の『The Festival Of Red Leaves』(紅葉賀)からの抜粋です。 藤壺が源氏との不義の子供を出産した直後の場面です。 現代語訳を参照して大意は掴んでいるのですが、上記の英文の中でわからない個所があります。 (最後の方です) What charity towards such a crime as this would a world have that gossips if a single hair is awry? この英文で What charity towards such a crime as this would a world haveを訳すと このような罪に対して世間はどんな慈愛を持つだろうか?になるでしょうか? その後の that gossips if a single hair is awryの部分がわかりません。 if a single hair is awryもし一本の髪の毛が捻じれているならば、と訳してみたのですが that gossipsの個所がわかりません。(thatが?です) 解説していただける方、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Matters of dispute by the participants, writers and historians since the war, have included the wisdom of pursuing an offensive strategy in the wake of the Nivelle Offensive, rather than waiting for the arrival of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in France. The choice of Flanders over areas further south or the Italian front, the climate and weather in Flanders, the choice of General Hubert Gough and the Fifth Army to conduct the offensive, debates over the nature of the opening attack and between advocates of shallow and deeper objectives, have also been controversial. The passage of time between the Battle of Messines (7–14 June) and the Battle of Pilckem Ridge (31 July, the opening move of the Third Battle of Ypres), the extent to which the internal troubles of the French armies motivated British persistence with the offensive, the effect of the weather, the decision to continue the offensive in October and the human cost of the campaign on the soldiers of the German and British armies, have also been argued over ever since.Belgian independence had been recognised in the Treaty of London (1839) which created a sovereign and neutral state. The German invasion of Belgium on 4 August 1914, in violation of Article VII of the treaty, was the reason given by the British government for declaring war on Germany. British military operations in Belgium began with the arrival of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) at Mons on 22 August. Operations in Flanders commenced after reciprocal attempts by the French and German armies to turn their opponents' northern flank through Picardy, Artois and Flanders, known as the Race to the Sea, reached Ypres. On 10 October, Lieutenant-General Erich von Falkenhayn, the Chief of the German General Staff, ordered an attack towards Dunkirk and Calais, followed by a turn south to gain a decisive victory. On 16 October, the Belgians and some French reinforcements began the defence of western Belgium and the French Channel ports at the Battle of the Yser.