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   この手紙で(この姿勢で?)VVの(写真を)撮るのは難しい。いつでもすぐ飛びかかって蹴って来る。     しかしDDはすぐ寝付くのでいろんな角度から写真がたくさん撮れる。



回答ありがとうございます。 意味がハッキリ分からなくて困っておりました。 大変助かりました(^0^)


  • A lot of risk is involves in what I

    A lot of risk is involves in what I'm planning on doingの後に続く これ→It's going to take a lot of courageはどういう意味になりますか? 度胸がいりそうだ。でしょうか?

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Just three years ago and it seems like decades. What a sad day. Miss and think of you every day my friend. So many good adventures and so many good songs. Your memory is strong and you are always in all of our hearts.

  • わからない英文があります

    下記のMとJの会話文の最後にJが言ったIt’s gonna take a lot more than a rejection from a soft girl to get this guy downの意味を教えてください。 M: It turns out that when she said she likes Jackson, she meant she likes President Andrew Jackson. And I mean come on, who doesn’t? J: So she doesn’t like me? M: No. When she heard that I thought she meant you, she laughed so hard … J: She laughed? M: Not really a laugh, it was more like a little giggle, little titter, like ‘he he he’, but less. J: I get it. M: Come on Jackson, it’s not like you cared anywayz. J: You’re right, I didn’t. I mean, I was just trying to be nice, ‘cause … ‘cause that’s totally the kinda guy I am. It’s gonna take a lot more than a rejection from a soft girl to get this guy down.

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    閲覧ありがとうございます。 靴下を履いた写真を投稿したところCan you take a pic of your socks?と コメントが来たのですがどういう意味ですか? その人は色んな靴下の 写真を投稿していたのですが、 自分の投稿に載せても 良いか聞いてるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします!

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    イギリスの友達から送られてきたメールの内容が分からずに困っています。よろしくお願いします。 Yes, little miss sleepy (私の名前) always sleep late sooo this is what happens. It's 8:15PM here and I'm out and about I'm doing pretty decent thank you, I some shoulder numbness. So it kind of sucks but I'm ok. I didn't do much today at all.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Stone Temple Pilots bassist Robert Deleo sounded off on former frontman Scott Weiland in a new interview with FasterLouder saying the following: “It wasn't an overnight thing, it was building for many, many years and I just think that we tried to do everything we could,” DeLeo reasons. “We had a lot of great years with Scott, and I feel thankful we complemented each other's lives immensely through the years. But friends don't treat friends like that. I think Dean and Eric and myself just got tired of being treated that way. I got really tired of being treated that way.” He also went on to praise new STP frontman Chester Bennington: “It's been great. It's been a huge breath of fresh air, a lot more sanity, a lot more reasoning, and patience,” DeLeo explained when asked about working with Bennington. “Having a ‘stable' singer, it's new. It's a very new feeling, and I don't quite think Dean and Eric and I are used to it yet, it's kind of surprising. Things are running very smoothly, it's interesting because what I notice is I actually have a lot more energy onstage, because my day doesn't involve wondering what's going to happen that day.”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します

    I also pray for his recovery I know it's a lot to handle just try to take things day by day BLESSINGS

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    Hahah, take your time, no rush ! Hmm.. First step to learning English would be practice I guess. You have to understand the grammar and then it gets easier. After that you just have to learn more words. I get a lot of practice writing Japanese so I can help you improve your English =) Your English is fine! It's a lot better than a lot of people I know. How long have you been studying it for? By the way, how old are you? I can't remember if I asked this. I live in ========... It's sort of quiet and at the moment, there's a flood =_= What's your town like?

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    ROCK STAR DIVORCE AIN'T EASY Robin asked why Scott's performances have been erratic lately (a reference to the time she went to see him earlier this year and he took forever to take the stage and, later, was incoherent) Scott said his failing marriage wasn't the only thing weighing on him: "My brother died [this year]...it was drug related." Scott added that the situation with his wife was "very complicated," as she left him to figure things out on his own when he needed her most: "I have a [new] girlfriend now...a model/actress/director." Scott told Howard that his wife left him for "Joe the Plumber" (not The "Joe the Plumber," just some guy) when he was in rehab: "I don't want to know anything about it...it'll eventually come out. It definitely drove me crazy - my biggest addiction was my wife...I'll always love her...whenever she needed help, I was there at home to detox her. Whenever I needed help, it was all, 'He can't be around here.'" Scott also noted that their break-up inspired a lot of the songs on "Happy in Galoshes."

  • 至急:翻訳お願いします

    This is Mr.Kato, the person who will be guiding us today. I know a little boy whose parents have passed away. She is a good interpreter who I believe can help you. That's the restaurant which just opened six months ago. Yukari got everything that she wanted. Nagasaki is a city which I'd like to visit. That house, the roof of which is red, is mine. He is the man with whom I talked last night. Beth told me the phone number of the hotel which she was staying at. This is the very house that I wish to live in.