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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。)

Rock Star Divorce Ain't Easy

  • Scott opens up about his failing marriage and the weight of his brother's death.
  • He reveals that his wife left him for someone else while he was in rehab.
  • Scott discloses that their break-up inspired many songs on his album 'Happy in Galoshes.'


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  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

ロックスターの離婚は楽じゃない。 ロビンはスコットに、何故最近の彼のパフォーマンスが安定していないのか訊いた(ロビンがその年、スコットに会いに行った際、スコットがなかなかステージに上がろうとせず、最後の方では支離滅裂になっていたということに触れて)。スコットは彼の結婚生活の破たん以外にも彼にのしかかっているものがあると言った。「俺の弟が[今年]死んだんだ。ドラッグでね。」スコットは、彼の妻との問題もまた、とても複雑だと語った。何故なら彼女は、彼が彼女を最も必要としている時に、彼を一人にしたからだ。「今、俺には[新しい]ガールフレンドがいるんだ…。モデル兼女優兼監督のね。」 スコットはハワードに、自分の妻が「 ”ジョーとかいう配管工” (実際の配管工ではなく、そこいら辺にいる男という意味で)」と、自分が更生施設に入っている隙に、駆け落ちしたと言った。「俺はその件について詳しいことは何も知らないんだ…。いずれわかるだろうけどよ。この件で俺は確実に狂っちまったよ。妻こそが俺が最も依存していたドラッグだったからな…。俺は常に彼女を愛してる…。彼女が助けを必要とした時、俺は必ず家にいて彼女の禁断治療を手伝ったんだ。俺が助けを必要としたときは、「彼はここにいてはいけない」とあっさり言われたもんさ。」スコットはまた、彼と妻との破局が、「Happy in Galoshes」に収録されている曲の多くをインスパイアしたと語った。






  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    “My life changed when I met him, but it was a slow kind of thing, it wasn’t like an overnight rich thing. He didn’t have a lot of friends in his life, it was very sad. That’s another alcoholic addict thing, he was very isolating, he liked to isolate. So he knew my brother, they were in rehab together, and that’s where I first met him. Then he was in rehab with my brother again two years later. It’s not that crazy statistically if you realize how many rehabs he had been to. So the second time he ended up in rehab with my brother, we were like family. That’s when he asked me to come work at the studio.” “He was just a nicer guy, he was more himself I think, more the real guy. I think he just slowly changed over time. Everyone changes over time, but he lost some of his warmth I think.”

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Scott Weiland was supposed to stop by to promote his new record, "Happy in Galoshes," but got delayed on the way in so Howard spent some time talking to the album's producer, Doug Grean. Then, while Howard was playing his version of "Hurdy Gurdy Man" for Doug, Scott showed up...but not before Doug told Howard that he really liked the song. Scott talked about how he was "freeing himself" now, like David Bowie did during his LA period. Scott also claimed he'd been heroin-free for almost 6 years and dealing everyday with his bi-polar disorder. Howard wondered if Scott had ever had a "full psychotic break," and Scott replied: "Only when I was smoking or shooting cocaine."

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    By 1990, Robert told Scott that Corey Hikock had to go and they needed a new guitarist. While Scott was hesitant to fire his close friend from the band, deep down he knew they needed a different guitarist. Corey cried when told the news, but he understood why they had to do it. The guys convinced Robert's brother Dean to join them, and in their first ever jam session with him they wrote the 8-minute epic “Where The River Goes,” which later ended up on the band's debut album Core. By 1990, the band's name was Mighty Joe Young. They began recording demos in mid 1990, with the initial demos leaning more on the band's funk influences from their previous incarnation as Swing.

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    Yesterday we took the Starman show back to the scene of the crime (or crimes) - we were at the famous NRG studios and it was awesome. This is the place where I mixed my first platinum rekid. It was a soundtrack in 1999 - anyways we could have gone to 100 different studios but I wanted to go someplace connected to the story. This was the first place I witnessed full rock and roll drama. Scott Weiland and his band screaming at each other - he was high - they were mad - and he literally ran off into the north Hollywood night because they blocked his car in. Found him hours later asleep outside lavish studio. True. Story. So I rented that room. Why not.

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    Sex Pistols Guitarist Reveals Why ‘No One Gave A Fuck’ About Scott Weiland During Final Days In his new book “Lonely Boy,” Sex Pistols guitarist Steve Jones touched on late Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland, saying how no one cared for him shortly before his death in December 2015.Steve noted “I went to a few 12-step meetings where Scott Weiland was there. But I could tell from the start just by sensing his vibe that he simply didn’t get it and never would. “The day before his death, no one gave a fuck about him, and just wrote him off. The next day, all the radio stations were milking him for all he was worth.”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Jones continued, “I went to a few 12-step meetings where Scott Weiland was there. But I could tell from the start just by sensing his vibe that he simply didn’t get it and never would. The day before his death, no one gave a fuck about him, and just wrote him off. The next day, all the radio stations were milking him for all he was worth.” Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington also discussed Stone Temple Pilots and Scott Weiland in a recent Q104.3 interview. “Man, let me just tell you, I have the highest respect for Stone Temple Pilots. I love Scott Weiland, I’m sad that he’s gone. He was a huge supporter. I just heard a really interesting story the other day, about how he had heard Hybrid Theory with one of the programmers in California, and basically said, ‘That’s it. That’s what you guys are going to be playing from now on.’ That just means a lot to me, because he actually introduced me to a lot of the people I play music with.”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    RICHARD PATRICK MAKES A PLEA FOR SCOTT WEILAND, WANTS HIM TO GET HELP Filter frontman Richard Patrick made a plea for former Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland on his Facebook page: We need to really start thinking about Scott. He must be in a world of pain. I'm hearing bad things.. I got this from a fan. Fan “I saw Scott Weiland last night….worst show I have ever scene, he was beyong fucked up on stage……” If this doesn't scare anybody.. It should. I hope our community tries to reach out to him.. ※ 『Filter』『Stone Temple Pilots』はバンド名で、『Richard Patrick』『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “We didn't ever really see Scott; he rode in his own bus and the band kept themselves apart right up until they were about to get on stage,” Anthony explained. “The DeLeo's and Eric are just incredible guys; they would hang out and the dynamic was great. Between them and Scott is a whole different story and that doesn't come as news to anyone. Whatever potential drama was occurring, I stayed out of it and I never really knew what exactly was going on. What I do know is whenever they got on stage it was the real deal and Scott is one hell of a frontman.”

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    “He is the only person I’ve ever seen change their body type. He was chunky, or he was like a linebacker or a quarterback or football player, and he starved himself to the point where he was like a fashion model all of a sudden, he was all just skin and bones. He kept it his for whole life, I was like, how did you change your body? He did it, and I don’t know how he did it.” “I don’t think he was taking any diet aids, he wasn’t into that speed stuff, he was into the other stuff.”

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Smashing Pumpkins Make Stunning Scott Weiland Claim Smashing Pumpkins touring keyboardist Katie Cole had high praise for the late Scott Weiland and Stone Temple Pilots in a new Instagram Q&A, along with praise for Chris Cornell and Soundgarden. A fan asked, “Aside from The Smashing Pumpkins, what’s your favorite rock band of the 90’s?” Cole responded, “I grew up on a wide variety of music, soul, rock, blues etc. But talking 90’s rock definitely STP (whom I played with last year), especially the Purple record. Soundgarden Superunknown was my go to, had some good moments with ‘Skunk Anasie’ and Aussie band ‘Baby Animals.’ Suze Demarchi is a goddess.” Billy Corgan called Scott Weiland the ‘voice of a generation’ in a touching December 2015 tribute after Weiland’s death. “Having just woken to the news of this passing, I feel compelled to put pen to paper and pay my respects to Scott. And in that I will not pretend to know more than I know, or add some sad homily to how he loved his life. At least in that, may I now say he is undoubtably in the arms of grace and eternal love. May I also offer my humble condolences to his family, friends, and band mates; who have, and are, suffering this great loss. For when anyone as vaunted leaves far too soon, we mourn all that might have been. As any fan, I find myself reflecting on what I do have in my own treasure chest: in scarce moments where Scott and I spoke as contemporaries or competitors, and got to know each as people other past the footlights and shadows we were so busy casting to the world. It may seem trite in reflection, but I’d try to make him giggle when I saw that the manic whirl of the dumb parties we were at (in Hollywood, no less!) might be causing undue stress. It was, I’d guess you’d say, my way of apology for having been so critical of STP when they appeared on the scene like some crazy, man-fueled rocket. And not only was the knight up front freshly handsome to a fault, but he could sing too! As any supreme actor gives a real and different voice to each character played. It was STP’s 3rd album that had got me hooked, a wizardly mix of glam and post-punk, and I confessed to Scott, as well as the band many times, how wrong I’d been in assessing their native brilliance. And like Bowie can and does, it was Scott’s phrasing that pushed his music into a unique, and hard to pin down, aesthetic sonicsphere. Lastly, I’d like to share a thought which though clumsy, I hope would please Scott In Hominum. And that is if you asked me who I truly believed were the great voices of our generation, I’d say it were he, Layne, and Kurt. So it goes beyond tragedy to say it is we who lost them, and not the other way round…”

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