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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。)

Scott Weiland: Freeing Himself from Heroin and Bipolar Disorder

  • Scott Weiland talks about his new record, 'Happy in Galoshes,' and his journey to free himself from heroin and bipolar disorder.
  • Howard Stern discusses Scott Weiland's new record with producer Doug Grean, and Scott's struggle with addiction and mental health.
  • Scott Weiland opens up about his past drug use and how he is now focused on staying clean and managing his bipolar disorder.


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  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

スコット・ウェイランドは彼のニュー・アルバム「Happy in Galoshes」のプロモーションのために立ち寄る予定だった。しかし遅れてしまったため、ハワードがアルバムのプロデューサー、ダグ・グリーンと話すことで時間を稼いだ。そして、ハワードが彼風にアレンジした「Hurdy Gurdy Man」をダグに聴かせている間に、スコットは到着した。その時既に、ダグはハワードに対し彼の弾いた曲を非常に気に入ったと伝えていた。スコットは、LAに居た頃のデビッド・ボウイ同様、いかにして今自分が「自らを解放」しているかを語った。スコットはまた、彼がヘロインを絶ってもうすぐ6年になろうとしていること、そして彼の持病である躁うつ病と毎日いかに向き合っているか、明言した。ハワードはスコットに対し、これまで一度でも「精神病からの完全なる脱出」を経験したかを尋ねた。スコットは答えた「コカインを吸っている時か打っている時だけはね。」






  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    ROCK STAR DIVORCE AIN'T EASY Robin asked why Scott's performances have been erratic lately (a reference to the time she went to see him earlier this year and he took forever to take the stage and, later, was incoherent) Scott said his failing marriage wasn't the only thing weighing on him: "My brother died [this year]...it was drug related." Scott added that the situation with his wife was "very complicated," as she left him to figure things out on his own when he needed her most: "I have a [new] girlfriend now...a model/actress/director." Scott told Howard that his wife left him for "Joe the Plumber" (not The "Joe the Plumber," just some guy) when he was in rehab: "I don't want to know anything about it...it'll eventually come out. It definitely drove me crazy - my biggest addiction was my wife...I'll always love her...whenever she needed help, I was there at home to detox her. Whenever I needed help, it was all, 'He can't be around here.'" Scott also noted that their break-up inspired a lot of the songs on "Happy in Galoshes."

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    So that's the gist of it. That's also the reason why the “firing” happened right as Weiland left on tour for this run. So when Slash said he “heard Weiland was fired”, that threat had been made if he went through with this tour. The band put the ball in Scott's court and he said whatever I'm doing it. I don't think Scott was fired when Slash said he was, but the threat had definitely been made, and Scott decided to call the Deleo's bluff. Well, now he's fired and it's up to their lawyers to sort through the mess.

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Axl Rose ‘Intimidating’ Scott Weiland Revealed: ‘He Was Very Nervous’ Late Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland’s former solo band guitarist Doug Grean gave his first interview since Weiland’s December 2015 death on the AlternativeNation.net affiliated podcast Appetite for Distortion, hosted by Brando. AlternativeNation.net reporter and freelance writer Doug McCausland co-hosted the episode. Grean worked with Weiland for 15 years, including recording Happy in Galoshes and The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Their working relationship ended a few years before Weiland’s death. Grean has a new web series called ‘Starman’, loosely based off his experiences working with Weiland, with the character being a drug addicted British rocker in his 60’s who believes aliens are after him.

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    While Scott Weiland was working on his musical chops, bassist Robert DeLeo was in Point Pleasant, New Jersey playing with his older brother Dean, five years his senior. Dean's band played in bars, but Robert was so talented the band let him in and snuck him in to play shows. One day Robert decided to pick up and leave New Jersey and move to California. He lived out of his car initially in the Long Beach area with no music gear, but he eventually got an apartment and a home eight track studio after inheriting some money. DeLeo, whose biggest influences were James Jamerson and Led Zeppelin, met Scott Weiland at one of Soi-Distant's gigs in Orange County, joining the band to perform a song. Weiland was blown away by DeLeo's talent, but it took awhile before he could finally get him to form a band with him. Sometime in late 1987/early 1988, Soi-Distant dissolved and morphed into Swing, the first incarnation of Stone Temple Pilots.

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    During the middle of the last encore song, (Unglued), my friend and I walked outside of the venue and waited by the stage door. Scott came out stumbling, and seemed lost. I shook his hand, but I don't even think he knew I was there. Some other people got their stuff signed, but I forgot a sharpie so I was out of luck with that. Doug walked out after, and my friend and I said “great show”. He seemed like a cool dude. All in all, I would see Scott again if he comes 15 minutes away from my house, but I do fear that he is back on something more than the bottle. Hopefully he stops doing STP songs, and cleans up with his new solo record.”

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Smashing Pumpkins Make Stunning Scott Weiland Claim Smashing Pumpkins touring keyboardist Katie Cole had high praise for the late Scott Weiland and Stone Temple Pilots in a new Instagram Q&A, along with praise for Chris Cornell and Soundgarden. A fan asked, “Aside from The Smashing Pumpkins, what’s your favorite rock band of the 90’s?” Cole responded, “I grew up on a wide variety of music, soul, rock, blues etc. But talking 90’s rock definitely STP (whom I played with last year), especially the Purple record. Soundgarden Superunknown was my go to, had some good moments with ‘Skunk Anasie’ and Aussie band ‘Baby Animals.’ Suze Demarchi is a goddess.” Billy Corgan called Scott Weiland the ‘voice of a generation’ in a touching December 2015 tribute after Weiland’s death. “Having just woken to the news of this passing, I feel compelled to put pen to paper and pay my respects to Scott. And in that I will not pretend to know more than I know, or add some sad homily to how he loved his life. At least in that, may I now say he is undoubtably in the arms of grace and eternal love. May I also offer my humble condolences to his family, friends, and band mates; who have, and are, suffering this great loss. For when anyone as vaunted leaves far too soon, we mourn all that might have been. As any fan, I find myself reflecting on what I do have in my own treasure chest: in scarce moments where Scott and I spoke as contemporaries or competitors, and got to know each as people other past the footlights and shadows we were so busy casting to the world. It may seem trite in reflection, but I’d try to make him giggle when I saw that the manic whirl of the dumb parties we were at (in Hollywood, no less!) might be causing undue stress. It was, I’d guess you’d say, my way of apology for having been so critical of STP when they appeared on the scene like some crazy, man-fueled rocket. And not only was the knight up front freshly handsome to a fault, but he could sing too! As any supreme actor gives a real and different voice to each character played. It was STP’s 3rd album that had got me hooked, a wizardly mix of glam and post-punk, and I confessed to Scott, as well as the band many times, how wrong I’d been in assessing their native brilliance. And like Bowie can and does, it was Scott’s phrasing that pushed his music into a unique, and hard to pin down, aesthetic sonicsphere. Lastly, I’d like to share a thought which though clumsy, I hope would please Scott In Hominum. And that is if you asked me who I truly believed were the great voices of our generation, I’d say it were he, Layne, and Kurt. So it goes beyond tragedy to say it is we who lost them, and not the other way round…”

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    After Scott's stepbrother Craig was hit by a car and died in California, his biological father became detached from him, and the summer visits became less frequent. Weiland and his family later moved to Huntington Beach, California when he was 14 years old and he began attending Edison High School. During his time at Edison he initially played a lot of sports but he was a hard partier and never quite felt like he fit in, his partying eventually led his parents to put him in a psych ward for three months and have him carted off from school.

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    Sex Pistols Guitarist Reveals Why ‘No One Gave A Fuck’ About Scott Weiland During Final Days In his new book “Lonely Boy,” Sex Pistols guitarist Steve Jones touched on late Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland, saying how no one cared for him shortly before his death in December 2015.Steve noted “I went to a few 12-step meetings where Scott Weiland was there. But I could tell from the start just by sensing his vibe that he simply didn’t get it and never would. “The day before his death, no one gave a fuck about him, and just wrote him off. The next day, all the radio stations were milking him for all he was worth.”

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    Jones continued, “I went to a few 12-step meetings where Scott Weiland was there. But I could tell from the start just by sensing his vibe that he simply didn’t get it and never would. The day before his death, no one gave a fuck about him, and just wrote him off. The next day, all the radio stations were milking him for all he was worth.” Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington also discussed Stone Temple Pilots and Scott Weiland in a recent Q104.3 interview. “Man, let me just tell you, I have the highest respect for Stone Temple Pilots. I love Scott Weiland, I’m sad that he’s gone. He was a huge supporter. I just heard a really interesting story the other day, about how he had heard Hybrid Theory with one of the programmers in California, and basically said, ‘That’s it. That’s what you guys are going to be playing from now on.’ That just means a lot to me, because he actually introduced me to a lot of the people I play music with.”

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    Dean and I wanted to do something, we wanted to be part of the 12.12.12 concert but we ran it by Scott [Weiland] and he didn't want to do it. I think he was already booked to actually go back and do Starland at the time [his shows were rescheduled to other venues in December of 2012]. He was doing the solo stuff and [because of that] we didn't have the chance to go back. That's pretty fucking frustrating man. So to come back here now and re-open this, it means a lot. It's a really big deal for Dean and I.” Stone Temple Pilots fired Weiland in February and Chester Bennington replaced him in May.

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