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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳をお願いします)



  • ベストアンサー
  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

同じご質問(11月3日)に回答しました。 原文は、どちらからですか? 2008年11月の記事のどれかだと思いますが……。 Nature News が元の記事ではないかと……。 can from ではなく、正しくは、can form です。 ゆえに、can の後ろの動詞は、form [他動詞]です。 google で、 "so that patients can form whole words" を検索してみて下さい。私のブラウザでは、66件ヒットしました。 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★



とても助かりました^^ 何度もありがとうございます


  • 和訳をお願いします

    The team’s next step is to train their computer decoder to recognize consonants so that patients can from whole words, and even sentences. They also hope that with developments in technology, they can implant more electrodes in their next patient to transmit a more detailed signal. また、1つ目の文のso that patients can ~のcanのかかる動詞はなんなんですか?

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Dorina Papageorgiou, a neuroscientist who works on decoding speech from fMRI signals at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, says that the research is “cutting-edge work in the area of brain-computer interface speech output”. But brain signals for speech can also be decoded by electrodes positioned outside the brain, on the skull, or from fMRI, as in Papageorgiou’s work, and she believes that, for many patients, non-invasive methods would be a better bet than a brain electrode. Guenther and his colleagues say that they feel privileged to be involved in the project. “This was the first application where we see an individual improve his abilities based on something we theorized years ago,” he says. Their efforts are appreciated by the patient too. “When we first arrived to install this system he was obviously very excited ― you can tell from his involuntary movements, and he was trying to look at us the whole time,” Guenther says. As the man’s father told the team, “he really has a new lease on life”. The team’s next step is to train their computer decoder to recognize consonants so that patients can from whole words, and even sentences. They also hope that with developments in technology, they can implant more electrodes in their next patient to transmit a more detailed signal. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 英文和訳です

    Dr. Frank Guenther is a cognitive neuroscientist who studies speech production, speech perception, and sensory-motor control. He and his team helped a completely paralyzed but conscious patient communicate with the use of brain sensors. First, the researchers watched the patient’s brain activity by using functional MRI (fMRI) as he tried to say certain vowels. Next, they implanted an electrode into the part of the man’s brain that deals with speech production. The electrode can sense brain activity very quickly and transmit it instantaneously to a machine that can show which vowels the patient is thinking about. After more vowels and consonants are added to the list of understood letters, it is hoped that the patient will be able to communicate whole words to the researchers. Other projects have used electrodes to allow a paralyzed person to move a robotic arm, but this is the first project to have a specifically designed brain-computer interface for speech. A future patient may have additional electrodes implanted so that more information can be transmitted from the speech-production area of the brain to the researchers, leading to deeper communication. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 和訳 困っています><

    People who take this view have been shown to be musch more likely to die in the first few years of retirement than those who take a more positive view. It seems that they find it much harder to find anything worth living for, because they feel so useless. This also helps to explain why women live loger than men (although there are other factors to be considered too). Women who are past retiring age now, grew up in a culture in which the home was considered to be a woman's primary responsibility. Even after they have retired, that responsibility still remains, so they still have something in their lives to be involved with. But men of the same age were usually brought up to believe that their primary responsibility was to work and be the breadwinner for the family. That responsibility vanishes with compulsory retirement and this can be emotionally devastating. Even people who have looked forward to retirement can find that, after the first few months, and they can become very depressed even, sometimes, to the point where they give up trying to live. This is why it is so important for retired people to make sure that they have some other interest in their life, and more than just one if at all possible. Many retired people take up another responsibility where they can still feel needed, such as voluntary work. Gardening is particularly popular, because a garden needs to be looked after-it can't be neglected or it will quickly turn wild. So gardeners know that their efforts are necessary and worthwhile. Some people develop hobbies such as travelling, or learn a new sport, such as golf or bowls. All these are ways for people to develop other sources of self-esteem, to compensant for being without paid employment.

  • 助けてください和訳していただければ・・・

    全然わからないんです。困ってます。 In Singapore, for most teenagers, hanging out at shopping complexes with friends, chatting online, keeping up with the latest fashion trends are very popular among the youngsters. As for those in their mid-twenties, like my friends, they don't keep up with trends, what they keep up is how to cut back on their budget to finance their housing loan and preparations for their wedding this year. Another friend of mine is trying hard to save up in the next three years so that they can be financially stable when they decide to have a child of their own. Hmm, WAP phone is the latest in the market but it's expensive now, not many people are using those. WAP phones gives additional function in that the user will be able to access websites online and check their email boxes. However, those in business prefer carrying a palm top, one that allows them free access to their schedules, appointments and replying of email messages instantly. The rest, like my family members and friends, uses the normal hand-phones. Users are able to forward messages to their friends via the "SMS Messaging system", but these phones aren't able to access Internet websites, thus in terms of cost, they come more cheaply.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英語を和訳して下さい So in that case I can't go to Shibuya earlier to meet you so maybe we can set up it again next time. よろしくお願いします

  • 英語が得意な方。この一文の和訳をお願いします。

    英語が得意な方。この一文の和訳をお願いします。 ''I'd like to hear more about that,'' and ''tell me about that,'' can invite patients to discover and illustrate their thoughts or feelings. 補足として、illustrateは「説明、説明する」等と訳してください。 また、thatは「それ」、theirは「彼らの」、patientsは「患者」と訳してください。 意訳はNGです。それぞれの単語に対応する日本語が全て含まれて且つ、 直訳っぽくならない自然な和訳をお願いします。 何かと注文が多くて申し訳ございませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳お願いします im on 10:00A.m. in the morning to 2:00A.m. the next day in the morning ill stay on facebook so that would be 2:00p.m. to 6:00a.m. in japan. im on spring vacation so i can stay up as long as i wont.

  • 英文の和訳2

    If I don't like living here,I will soon leave andeither go back to my own country of find another country where I can be more comfortable. It is true that some foreigners come to Japan to live but find that,after a short while, they don't like it and so decide to leave. But it seems to me that these people are few and the causes for their unhappiness in Japan are usually to be found in their own characters and not Japan itself. 和訳をお願いします>< この英文の前にも文章がありますが、hereは「ここ」などと訳してもらって構いませんので。

  • 和訳困っています><

    -Ageing- As we've seen, many people live healthy, happy and productive lives for many years after the standard retirement age. But sooner or later, barring accidents, we all become old. It used to be thought that ageing was a steady decline in functioning, with people going inevitably downhill from the age of 50 or so. But now we know that is not so. But now we know that is not so. The research evidence which suggested this pattern of ageing was seriously flawed in the way that it was done, and modern experiences show that ageing occurs quite differently. The general pattern seems to be that we have only a very gradual decline in our older years, and that decline can be slowed down by exercise and activity, but that eventually we reach a period of more rapid physical decline, which rarely lasts for more than about five years. Usually, the person dies at some point during the five-year period. In some old people, that decline is brought about by an accident-a fall or some similar event- which damages them physically but, more importantly, shakes their confidence and makes them feel unable to cope with life as they once did. How inevitable the decline is, once it has begun, is something nobady knows. We do know, though, that even old bodies can respond surprisingly well to exercises were found to be putting on muscle mass as a result - in other words, their muscles were responding to the exercise and becoming stronger. This finding has been repeated a number of times now, and it shows that the saying " it's never too late " may be even truer than we realize. The real danger in ageing, more than any other, seems to be the person's own beliefs about it. Someone who expects to decline and become incapable as they grow older is not likely to face their body or mind with extra challenges. Without exercise, our bodies have no incentive to grow stronger or to maintain their normal levels of strength; so they become weaker. This, to the person who expects to be weak as a result of age, is 'proof 'that they were right, and their belief in inevitable decline is confirmed. But really, it began as a self-fulfilling prophecy.