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The Low Priority of the GDR Constitution and the Dominance of the SED


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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

「労働者・農民党」が、その国(旧東独)にとっての1949年のGDR(ドイツ民主共和国:旧東ドイツ)憲法の実際の妥当性に与えた重要度が低かったことは、1968年に、GDRにおける体制をより正確に記述し、きっぱりとSED(東ドイツ社会主義統一党)の優位をも宣言する、新しい『社会主義憲法』が実施されたという事実によって、はっきりと理解することができます。 この一党独裁体制の分類と下位組織は、言及する価値があります。 「自由ドイツ青年団」(Freie Deutsche Jugend, FDJ)は、唯一の合法的な青少年組織で、いわゆる大組織の枠組みの範囲内で、高位の地位を享受しました。 FDJ(自由ドイツ青年団)は、SED(東ドイツ社会主義統一党)の新世代および同党の『幹部の控え候補』の人材の供給先としての役割を果たすことでした。 SEDは、その(FDJの)指導的役割を認めていました。 *自由ドイツ青年団 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%87%AA%E7%94%B1%E3%83%89%E3%82%A4%E3%83%84%E9%9D%92%E5%B9%B4%E5%9B%A3



とてもわかりやすかったです ありがとうございました!!


  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 In contrast to the Federal Republic, in the GDR authority was not exercised by the state and its organizations, but by a party: the SED and its committees. The SED Politburo was the centre of power. In addition to this came the apparatus of the Central Committee(CC), which had more than 2,000 members and was superior to the administration of the state. Whoever offends against life, is stupid or evil, whoever defends humanity, is always right. So, springing from Lenin’s mind and welded into place by Stalin, that’s the Party, the Party!

  • 英文の和訳で困っています

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください よろしくお願いします!! The FDJ was founded on 7 March 1946 and systematically built up under the leadership of the later SED general secretary, Erich Honecker, as a youth organization allegedly ‘above party affiliation’. Arrested by the Gestapo in 1937. Honecker, a roofer born at Wiebelskirchen in the Saarland, had survived to be liberated by the Red Army on 27 April 1945. In May he joined the ‘Ulbricht Group’ and as youth secretary of the CC of the KPD built up the ‘Antifa’ youth committees, which led to the founding of the FDJ in 1946. According to official statistics, approximately 70 per cent of young people between 14 and 25 in the GDR were members of the FDJ. The proportion of school pupils and students was particularly high. The officials of the FDJ were often at the same time members of the SED.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいですよろしくお願いします!! The FDJ was founded on 7 March 1946 and systematically built up under the leadership of the later SED general secretary, Erich Honecker, as a youth organization allegedly ‘above party affiliation’. Honecker, a roofer born at Wiebelskirchen in the Saarland, had survived to be liberated by the Red Army on 27 April 1945. In May he joined the ‘Ulbricht Group’ and as youth secretary of the CC of the KPD built up the ‘Antifa’ youth committees, which led to the founding of the FDJ in 1946. According to official statistics, approximately 70 per cent of young people between 14 and 25 in the GDR were members of the FDJ. The proportion of school pupils and students was particularly high. The officials of the FDJ were often at the same time members of the SED.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The GDR constitution also offered a handy pretext for a justice system that, increasingly, acted politically, proceeding by targeting opponents of this new German partial state and carrying out harsh measures against them. It soon became clear that this constitution was a contradiction with the elements in itself that were based on a state system recognizing legal rights and in contradiction to real democratic conditions. In 1952, without reference to the populations concerned and the representatives of the Lander of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, these historic Lander were replaced by fourteen ‘Bezirke’(counties). No change to the constitution was considered necessary for this.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The principle in the song composed in 1950 by Louis Furnberg was the rule: “The Party , the Party is always right and may it stay like that, comrades! Because whoever fights for what is right, is always in the right against lies and exploitation. The SED thus wielded a wide-ranging control over the activity of the state. The CC of the SED, a deviant form of internal party democracy, a pseudo-parliament within the Party, convened a intervals of a few months, acted as a mouthpiece for the political edicts of the Politburo, only in a few cases did it make use of the control function theoretically ascribed to it in relation to the all-powerful and complacent Party leadership.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The results of the single-list elections to the Volkskammer in the years from 1950 to 1986(i.e. in the periods of Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker), show a cluster of ‘Yes’ votes developing clearly in parallel and a turnout in the election giving percentages that look rather suspicious. The numbers were all well over 90 per cent, ranging towards the 100 per cent mark. With a turnout, for example, in1986 of 99.74 per cent with 99.4 per cent ‘Yes’ votes, the suspicion of fraud was obvious. The constitution of the GDR was reminiscent of the Weimar one in form. Germany was referred to as an ‘indivisible democratic republic’ based on Lander.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The declared ‘search for security’ (as Eckart Conze calls it) of the Germans in the Federal Republic was to be carried out by means of the creation of a new army and its being equipped with nuclear weapons, giving rise to the contradictory situation that this policy simultaneously led to a threat to military security for Germans in East and West and an increase in their political insecurity, particularly since the potential for conflict and confrontation between the GDR and the Federal Republic was heightened. With his one-sided and undisguised Western policy and his style of governing, Adenauer shaped an era that was characterized by an American, transatlantic and francophile attitude and, at the same time, conservative and authoritarian models. The main concerns of the Federal Chancellor, who was strongly oriented towards the Rhineland, were the determined concentration on achieving sovereignly for the West German state and the forcing through of Western integration in the teeth of strong opposition from the SPD. Adenauer was consciously prepared to accept the resulting division of Germany by giving the impression in public that unity could only be achieved through Western integration and a ‘policy of strength’ towards the USSR.

  • 和訳を教えてください ドイツ軍についての文章です

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください よろしくお願いします!! The secretaries of the FDJ also belonged to the Politburo. The FDJ also formed a grouping in the ‘Parliament’. Agricultural policy was already from the 1950s totally under the control of the Socialist restructuring of the GDR. The SED regime forced through collectivization after the model of the USSR. Straight after the end of the war land reform had been introduced, involving the expropriation of agricultural property of over 100 hectares. Large agricultural properties were broken up.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 At the start of October 1945 the British occupation authorities prevented him from travelling to the SPD conference in Wennigsen near Hanover. The US and French occupation authorities similarly reacted. The first elections to the GDR Volkskammer took place on 15 October 1950 on the basis of a single list of the National Front, and delivered the 99.7 per cent ‘Yes’ votes usual within dictatorships. This system, which offered the electors no alternative, was the one practiced up to the end of the SED regime in 1989/90.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 In the middle of his fourth period of office, Adenauer resigned on 15 October 1963 after criticism from within the ranks of his own party had increased in strength. His successor was Ludwig Erhard, the successful Economics Minister, who was as equally mythologized as the ‘father of the “Economic Miracle” ’. On 10 October 1949 the five Lander parliaments of the Soviet Occupation Zone formed a provisional Landerkammer consisting of 34 representatives. The Volkskammer and the Landerkammer elected SED chairman Wilhelm Pieck to be the first President of the GDR. On 10 July 1945 he had been elected chairman at the meeting constituting the refounding of the Central Committee (CC) of the SPD.