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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください)

英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

  • The FDJ was founded on 7 March 1946 and systematically built up under the leadership of the later SED general secretary, Erich Honecker, as a youth organization allegedly ‘above party affiliation’.
  • Honecker, a roofer born at Wiebelskirchen in the Saarland, had survived to be liberated by the Red Army on 27 April 1945.
  • In May he joined the ‘Ulbricht Group’ and as youth secretary of the CC of the KPD built up the ‘Antifa’ youth committees, which led to the founding of the FDJ in 1946. According to official statistics, approximately 70 per cent of young people between 14 and 25 in the GDR were members of the FDJ. The proportion of school pupils and students was particularly high. The officials of the FDJ were often at the same time members of the SED.


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  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

FDJ:Freie Deutsche Jugendの略 「自由ドイツ青年団」 SED:Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands の略 「ドイツ社会主義統一党」 Erich Honecker:エーリッヒ:ホーネッカー ザール州ノイキルヒェン生まれ Red Army:「ドイツ赤軍」 Ulbricht Group:ヴァルターウルブリヒトの政治グループ CC:? KPD:Kommunistische Partei Deutschlandsの略 「ドイツ共産党」 Antifa:Anti-fascism 左翼団体のひとつ GDR:German Democratic Republicの略 「旧東ドイツ」 ___________________ 自由ドイツ青年団は1946年3月7日に設立され、組織的にはのちのドイツ社会主義統一党書記長のリーダーシップの下、表向き「党派をこえた」青少年団体として作られた。 ザールランド州ノイキルヒェンンで屋根職人の子として生まれたホーネッカーは、1945年4月27日にドイツ赤軍によって解放され、一命を取り留めた。 5月、彼は「ウルブリヒト政治グループ」に加わり、ドイツ共産党CCの青年書記として、1946年ドイツ社会主義統一党の設立に結びつく「反ファシズム」青年委員会を作り上げた。 公式の統計によると、旧東ドイツの14~25歳の若者のおよそ70%が自由ドイツ青年団のメンバーであった。 低学年の子供および学生の割合は特に高かった。 自由ドイツ青年団の職員は同時にドイツ社会主義統一党のメンバーであることもしばしばであった。 _____________________ 「CC」だけ何の略かを見つけられませんでしたので、そのまま訳しました。



とってもわかりやすかったです ありがとうございました!!


その他の回答 (1)

  • ベストアンサー率43% (48/111)

FDJは1946年3月7日に設立された 申し立てによると、上記の党提携青年団として 後のSED書記長(エリック・ホーネッカー)のリーダーシップの下で系統的に構築された ホーネッカー(ザールラント州ノインキルヒェン生まれ)は 1945年4月27日に赤軍によって解放されるまで生き残りました 5月に、彼は「ウルブリヒト・グループ」に参加しKPDのCCの青年秘書として 「反ファシストの運動」青年委員会を構築。それは1946年のFDJの設立に結びつきました。 公式統計によれば GDRの中でも14~25歳のおよそ70パーセントの若い人々はFDJのメンバーでした。 学校生徒および学生の割合は特に高かった。 FDJの職員は多くの場合同時にSEDのメンバーでした。 かなり微妙ですが…



とってもわかりやすかったです!! ありがとうございました



  • 英文の和訳で困っています

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください よろしくお願いします!! The FDJ was founded on 7 March 1946 and systematically built up under the leadership of the later SED general secretary, Erich Honecker, as a youth organization allegedly ‘above party affiliation’. Arrested by the Gestapo in 1937. Honecker, a roofer born at Wiebelskirchen in the Saarland, had survived to be liberated by the Red Army on 27 April 1945. In May he joined the ‘Ulbricht Group’ and as youth secretary of the CC of the KPD built up the ‘Antifa’ youth committees, which led to the founding of the FDJ in 1946. According to official statistics, approximately 70 per cent of young people between 14 and 25 in the GDR were members of the FDJ. The proportion of school pupils and students was particularly high. The officials of the FDJ were often at the same time members of the SED.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください よろしくお願いします!! The FDJ was embedded in industrial plants, places of education and residential quarters, the aim being political and ideological coordination along with the structuring of vocational training and leisure activities. The object was to reach as many young people as possible and get them involved in the FDJ. Linked to this were also the ‘Young Pioneers’, or the ‘Ernst Thalmann’ Pioneer Organization, named after the leading Communist of the Weimar Period who was persecuted during the Nazi Period, arrested and murdered in Buchenwald concentration camp. Its alignment with the KPD and later with the SED was established in the 1950s. After that, it was to promote Marxism-Leninism, carry out the SED decisions and participate in pre-military training. The FDJ was to number more than two million members.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! In addition there were shortages in the food supply and an increase in state terror as a result of arbitrary arrests. The SED regime under Ulbricht was behaving in a more Communist way than the Soviets. The increase of production norms by 10 per cent scheduled for May, relating to industrial plants and agriculture was not, however, reviewed, whereupon building workers on the Stalin Allee in East Berlin went on strike starting on 16 June.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいですよろしくお願いします!! After many had only joined with scepticism and hesitation, action against resistant farmers was announced. At the end of the 1950s there was a campaign against anyone who refused. The continuing stream of refugees towards the ‘free’ West illustrated that the SED and their programme were not particularly popular amongst the population. Within the Party voices were at once raised against Ulbricht and his practice of going along with Soviet domination. A purge was already underway at the end of the 1940s against former SPD members and those Old Communists who had come out against the merger of the KPD and the SPD. Their opposition was particularly directed against the restructuring of the SED as a Stalinist cadre Party.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Anyone who did not comply was put under pressure, arrested and physically mistreated. The stream of propaganda continued to be pumped out right up until the spring of 1960; the socialization of the means of production was pushed through in parallel to this and the expropriation largely ‘completed’. Feeling alarmed and insecure, many farmers left the GDR with their families  And made for the Federal Republic, which had a negative effect on the supply of foodin East Germany. Ulbricht’s state transformed the LPGS into new agricultural units whenever these demonstrated readiness to be involved in cooperation above the level of the unit. The mergers led to ‘cooperatives’ , which were devoted to the cultivation of specific crops and the rearing of specific animals. The dogmatic and intolerant SED general secretary, Walter Ulbricht, who attempted to emulate Stalin in his little German Soviet state, was going to be replaced, judging by the rumours.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    下記の文の穴埋めと指定部分の和訳をお願いします。 Two beakers were ( 1 ) with water. In each beaker a glass cylinder was immersed, across the bottom of which a membrane was tied. The membrane allowed water to pass through it freely, but it would not allow molecules of dissolved protein to pass which ( 2 ) molecules to pass through it is known as permeable membrane. However, since the membranes used in this experiment allowed only molecules of the solvent to pass through, they are ( 3 ) as semi-permeable membranes. Two protein solutions were then made up, one at a concentration of 5g dm^-3,and the other at 10 g dm^-3. Some of the 5 g dm^-3 solution was ( 4 ) into one of the glass cylinders, and some of the 10 g dm^-3 solution into the other cylinder. The levels of the water in the beakers and the protein solutions in the glass cylinders were ( 5 ) until they were all equal. The experiment was then left for a period of twenty-four hours. After twenty-four hours, it was ( 6 ) that the levels of the water and protein solutions were considerably different from when the experiment was ( 7 ). The level of liquid in the cylinders was seen to be higher than the level of the water in the beakers. Moreover, when the height of the liquid in each cylinder was ( 8 ), /ここから和訳/ it was found that the height of the column of liquid in the cylinder containing the more concentrated solution was twice the height of the other solution. ( )内は以下の語群から、適切な形に変えて選ぶ begin/pour/know/observe/fill/allow/adjust/measure よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Churchill’s proposal was not regarded as unrealistic in the rest of the West but as unwelcome. After 17 June the proposal from Churchill of 11 May 1953 to work at the highest level with the Kremlin towards an arrangement on a neutral all-German solution was robbed of any basis. The victors of the Second World War remained Allies, true to their principles, against Germany even through the period of 17 June 1953, particularly since they were dealing primary with the security and consolidation of their areas of interest in relation to the German partial states

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! The building was sited away from other public buildings, in the eastern angle of the city. It is not certain whether, as often claimed, this was because the site in question was open land and thus available for development: recent excavations have indicated that the blocks in the eastern quarter were much more fully built up in their early stages than was later the case. Marginalizing the amphitheatre had the advantage of keeping potentially rowdy crowds away from the city-centre; at the same time, spectators from communities further up the Sarno valley, such as Nuceria, could be channeled in and out through the nearest city-gates. The oval auditorium, which was not supported on a network of concrete vaults like later amphitheatres, exploited the slope of the defensive ramparts on the south and east.

  • 和訳を教えてください ドイツ軍についての文章です

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください よろしくお願いします!! The secretaries of the FDJ also belonged to the Politburo. The FDJ also formed a grouping in the ‘Parliament’. Agricultural policy was already from the 1950s totally under the control of the Socialist restructuring of the GDR. The SED regime forced through collectivization after the model of the USSR. Straight after the end of the war land reform had been introduced, involving the expropriation of agricultural property of over 100 hectares. Large agricultural properties were broken up.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! The position of the new baths, like the old, was strategically chosen to benefit as large a slice of the urban population as possible. They served the northern and western quarters, leaving the Stabian baths to cater to dwellers in the centre and east. It is interesting that both sets of baths were fitted in irregular insulae, which straddled the transition between the old quarter of the city and the more regular developments to the north and east. If, as Eschebach argues, there was formerly some kind of physical boundary or pomerium round the old quarter, these blocks may have been relatively sparsely built up, thus providing the only feasibile sites which were both centrally positioned and large enough to accommodate the baths. The buildings of the colonists made an important mark on Pompeii’s public landscape; they set the stamp on its transformation from the Hellenized Samnite city of the second century BC to the Roman city of the early Imperial period.

  • 処方日から4日経過した場合でも、休日を含んで薬を取りに行くことができます。
  • 具体的には、2023年11月2日に処方された場合、11月3日の休日や4日の土曜日、5日の日曜日でも薬を受け取ることができます。
  • したがって、処方された月曜日に薬を取りに行くことが希望されている場合でも、過去に処方された場合でも休日を含めて取りに行くことができます。