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The Failure of the Anti-Nuclear Movement


  • ベストアンサー
  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

ーーー拙訳ーーー アデナウアーのリーダーとしての確固たる意志に合わせ、北大西洋条約機構内で作製された協定の履行に向かう NATO 各国の絶対に変わらない決意のみならず、連邦国防軍の核武装を支持していた連邦議会の多数派が原因で、反核運動は失敗した。 原爆殺戮に反対するキャンペーンでの DGB と SPD の活動は減少した。 連邦政府は、その後、1953年10月に、最新式戦闘爆撃機、スターファイター F104 G の獲得を決定した。それは数発の核爆弾を装備し、ソビエトのロシア領空深くまで飛行することができた。 --- keys --- due to = 「……が原因で」 Budestag = ドイツ語で「連邦議会」。 Bundeswehr = ドイツ語で「連邦国防軍」 B as well as A = 「A と同様に B」同等の内容を並べる。[複合接続詞]。B の方が主体。 made … = 過去分詞句。the agreements を修飾。 and to… = to ,,, は、はるか前方の due to の to と並ぶものではないと思います。もしそうなら、『to Adenauer's … 』の方が短いので、『due to Adenauer's … and to the absolute … 』となると思います。そうではなくて、『within … and to …』のように、直前の within 句 と並列関係だと思います。 death = 「殺人」の意味があります。 which = [関係代名詞]主格、非制限用法。 atom bombs = 複数なので、「数発の」で補助しました。 deep = 副詞。 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★



とってもわかりやすかったです ありがとうございました!!


  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 This observation was not lost on the CDU either. Even in Adenauer’s own party there was opposition to his one-sided policy. Adenauer carried the day by raising the spectre of the Communist danger and by the assurance that he was not in favour of carrying out ‘any experiments’, and gained the support of the citizens of the Federal Republic. In the second Bundestag elections on 6 September 1953 the CDU/CSU achieved an increased number of votes and in 1957, as already mentioned, even gained an absolute majority. Adenauer placed notable emphasis on the establishment of ties with representatives of the state of Israel, tied above all to the recognition and readiness to make reparations

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The Federal Chancellor created a new West German state in a growing Western economic community. Thus he also became the Chancellor of a divided Germany, an outcome that is not often referred to by German historians. The way Adenauer’s ‘policy of strength’ developed contributed to an escalation in the formation of blocs. In this area he was ahead of his ‘opponent’ Ulbricht in fact and in timing. As early as March 1949 ― even before the founding of the Federal Republic ― and on several occasions in the summer and autumn of 1950, be expressed his readiness to contribute militarily within the framework of a European Army.

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします The DGB was made up of industrial unions structured according to the sectors of the economy and saw itself as a united organization independent of political parties, in total contrast to the aligned unions of the Weimar and Wilhelminian periods.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The declared ‘search for security’ (as Eckart Conze calls it) of the Germans in the Federal Republic was to be carried out by means of the creation of a new army and its being equipped with nuclear weapons, giving rise to the contradictory situation that this policy simultaneously led to a threat to military security for Germans in East and West and an increase in their political insecurity, particularly since the potential for conflict and confrontation between the GDR and the Federal Republic was heightened. With his one-sided and undisguised Western policy and his style of governing, Adenauer shaped an era that was characterized by an American, transatlantic and francophile attitude and, at the same time, conservative and authoritarian models. The main concerns of the Federal Chancellor, who was strongly oriented towards the Rhineland, were the determined concentration on achieving sovereignly for the West German state and the forcing through of Western integration in the teeth of strong opposition from the SPD. Adenauer was consciously prepared to accept the resulting division of Germany by giving the impression in public that unity could only be achieved through Western integration and a ‘policy of strength’ towards the USSR.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The results of the single-list elections to the Volkskammer in the years from 1950 to 1986(i.e. in the periods of Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker), show a cluster of ‘Yes’ votes developing clearly in parallel and a turnout in the election giving percentages that look rather suspicious. The numbers were all well over 90 per cent, ranging towards the 100 per cent mark. With a turnout, for example, in1986 of 99.74 per cent with 99.4 per cent ‘Yes’ votes, the suspicion of fraud was obvious. The constitution of the GDR was reminiscent of the Weimar one in form. Germany was referred to as an ‘indivisible democratic republic’ based on Lander.

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    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 As late as 1988 then this had become apparent. The developments show, in addition the tendency of the system geared totally towards one party. It guaranteed the basic rights of the citizen(e.g. freedom of speech, press freedom, the freedom of assembly and of religion as well as the right to strike). It guaranteed private property and insisted that the economy had to ’serve the wellbeing of the whole people and the provision of needs’. The state was to carry out public economic planning by means of legislative bodies.

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    One thing that belonged to the pressing issues of Adenauer’s first cabinet was the accommodation and integration of the refugees and the people forced to leave the former German territories in the East as well as providing aid to the victims of the war.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 Schumacher saw German unity as a precondition for the unification of Europe, and in the long run be was correct: the unification of Germany in 1990 became the basis for the ‘enlargement’ of the European Union towards the East that took place later in 2004-7. As long as Germany remained split, Europe was divided. The Minister of the Interior, Gustav Heinemann, resigned on account of the policy of German rearmament that actually meant the militarization of the Federal Republic. Heinemann considered peace in Europe to be threatened by this and saw a deepening in the division of Germany.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The CDU won the elections in the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia in July 1958. The alternative movement lost momentum and was confined to history. In the meantime, top secret negotiations had already taken place between the Federal Republic, Italy and France on the construction of a common atom bomb. The project was then immediately stooped by de Gaulle after coming to power in France in April 1958.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 On the occasion of Adenauer’s visit to Moscow in 1955 the leadership in the Kremlin allowed the release of the prisoners of war still in the Soviet Union in exchange for Bonn’s taking up diplomatic relations that had not been sought up to this point. In answer to the question of what Adenauer’s greatest achievement was in opinion polls more than ten years later, 75 per cent of the citizens of the Federal Republic stated ‘bringing home the last prisoners of war’, which has entered into mythology. The official foundation of the GDR in the Soviet Occupation Zone, by means of publication of a constitution on 7 October 1949, followed the formation of the Federal Republic with only a slight time delay. The German People’s Council, which had emerged from the People’s Congress movement on 30 May 1949, was transformed on the same day into a provisional Volkskammer(People’s Chamber), becoming the parliament of the East German partial state.