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とある曲の歌詞の一部です。 It's out there The state of blinded grace It keeps us waiting at the door


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  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

♪すぐそこ表にあるよ 目くらにされた美の女神の国が 我々はドアの前で待たされ続けているんだ♪






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    When asked about his upcoming solo record, Weiland said “This record is going to be different. There's a dub feel to it, like Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry kind of, in the way that The Clash kind of used it. … But then there's also this thing we touched on that's like, it's like the ’60s groove pop thing that sounds really kind of underground, but it's ultra-melodic.”

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    For those out there struggling, know that it's possible. If I can do it, you can, too.

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    Dean: “I don't know if the fans want to hear this kind of stuff, they probably want to hear more about music, but our band means a lot to us. It never wavered or diminished in any way. Robert and Eric and I are really filled with gratitude. There's a lot that comes along with being in a successful band and it's all luxurious. Really. It really is. With that said, it means so much to us and it's such a big part of our life… I'm gonna say it doesn't define us, but it's a big part of our life. It comes into our homes! It really lives and resides in our homes — in our bedrooms, around our children and when a toxic orbit or environment steps into my house… would you wanna do that?” Dean: “It's like what Robert said, man. It's more about quality of life. You know, I'm gonna say something that's not slighting Chester in any way, but I would've loved for [the Scott Weiland] lineup to have gone on forever [or] until we were taken out by our elbows and heels, but it just… we did not dictate where we're at now. By any means.”

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    There's been a lot of times though in the band situation where there's been some deep wounds. Like that press conference they put together in 1996, after canceling three shows. The same stuff was going on with certain members of the band, that I was doing at that time. That was that time, I'm not making an excuse for it, it was a horrible time in my life. As well there were a lot of great things going on in my life, but that part of it was miserable. But I don't think at all that there needed to be a press conference to out me publicly, that was my own business.

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    Guitarist Dean DeLeo told The Pulse Of Radio that despite the drama, the remaining members did not want to diminish what the original group achieved. "We are very aware of what the four of us created together," he said. "When the four of us were together and we made records and we made music, the end result was pretty good. I was usually pretty satisfied with it. But getting there was miserable. But you know, I'm very proud and very honored to have made these musical contributions with the four of us, and I think it's important that we recognize that, you know."

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    During Scott's solo performance at the Trocadero in Philadelphia this past Saturday night (August 17), a number of fans organized a "Fuck you, Chester" chant. Weiland thanked the fans for the support and added, "It's just a big 'ol planet, a big 'ol universe and in a big circle, it all works out. Anyway… Actually, Chester has his own band that makes a lot of money. I'm not really quite sure why he joined a band who is actually nameless." He continued: "The problem is I shouldn't have said anything at all and I apologize to those fans out there who are, feel like they're caught in the middle of it, cause I sure feel like I'm caught in the middle of it emotionally, and all I want to do is play music, man."

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    Shepherd on the background of "Taree": ‘I remember moving to Kingston – we lived downtown and [you] look out on the beach and the water and stuff, ’cause it’s a bay, it goes like that. And there was this huge, like, fake Hollywood lettering – ‘TAREE’ – and it was all totally overgrown.’ ※ 『Taree』は曲名です。

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    SCOTT WEILAND Says His Former Bandmates In STP Will Have To 'Buy Him Out' Of Company On August 22, Chad Tyson of the 98.7 The Gater radio station in West Palm Beach, Florida conducted an interview with former STONE TEMPLE PILOTS singer Scott Weiland. You can now listen to the chat below. Speaking about his legal battle with his former bandmates over the use of the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name, Weiland said: "We're in litigation. There's a band agreement, a band contract agreement. They didn't follow the rules that were set down as to… for any member, if you were to… There has to be a reason for letting go a member, you have to give them a certain period of time to deal with it whatever different ways you want them to do. But it's just ridiculous, 'cause they can't use the name with me not being in the band without us coming to an agreement. So I just don't really see that… They'll have buy me out of the company, because I have major value in the company and in the brand. So that's where we're at. The lawyers will deal with it."

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    For those fans to sit there and say it's okay, but it's not STP without Scott and I understand that because I get that I truly get that. But I find it so amazing that someone can just dump all over his fans and make them wait, for an hour and a half and make all the people at the venue stay way after midnight. The people that work there, the security people.”

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    Over the last couple of months, we observed the success that this method has produced for several bands and artists alike. It's an unusual method, but it's a new method and it seems this is a way for us to connect with you, our fans, on a much more personal level. We like that. After laying down an ear recipe that is sure to piss off a few neighbors on our new record “The Sun Comes Out Tonight,” we realized it was necessary that we Tour the World and break a few more strings with all of you. This is something we've dreamt about from the very beginning, but to fulfill this dream we are going to need your help. Essentially, the success of this campaign will determine the epicness of the Tour. We want to bring you the very best of Filter. ※ 『The Sun Comes Out Tonight』はアルバム名、『Filter』はバンド名です。

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