• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の和訳をお願いします。)

Gender Differences in Meaning of Words: Starting Early

  • Gender differences in the meaning of words can be observed at an early age. In seventh-grade gender dialogues, boys and girls often focus on the topic of 'talk'. Boys point out that girls dominate conversations, allowing them to avoid speaking themselves. On the other hand, girls question why boys don't initiate conversations. Understanding these gender differences can help in bridging the gap between women and men.
  • Gender differences in word meanings start early in life. When seventh-grade boys and girls engage in dialogue, their attention often turns to the subject of 'talk'. Boys note that conversations are often dominated by girls, which relieves them of the need to speak. Girls, meanwhile, wonder why boys don't take the initiative in conversation. Exploring and acknowledging these gender differences can contribute to healing and strengthening relationships between women and men.
  • A study on gender differences in word meanings reveals early development of such distinctions. Seventh-grade boys and girls frequently bring up the topic of 'talk' in their dialogues. Boys observe that girls tend to dominate conversations, allowing boys to remain silent. In contrast, girls question why boys are less likely to start conversations. Fostering better understanding of these gender differences can be instrumental in fostering healthier relationships between women and men.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

    このような言葉の意味の男女差は早くから始まる。7年生の男女生徒間の性別に関するやりとりでは、「おしゃべり」に焦点が置かれることが多い 男生徒 「たいてい喋るのは女の子だから僕らは話さなくてもいい」 女生徒「男の子はなぜ最初に喋らないの?」     このような男女差が(成人の)男と女の関係を癒す会話に使えるか、と言うのがこの議論の題目である。



